The Online Laboratory Simulation with Concept Mapping and Problem Based Learning (Ols-CMPBL): Is It Effective in Improving Students’ Digital Literacy Skills? (original) (raw)
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Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST)
This study aimed to investigate the impact of online simulation in physics learning toward students’ digital literacy skills. There are 106 randomly students Grade XII Science from West Borneo and Riau Province, Indonesia as participants in this study. The level of digital literacy skill of all participants in the classes before and after the learning process was determined to assess the effectiveness of two models with online simulation learning. We used comparative –descriptive, pre-test and post-test experimental design, and Anova Mixed Design to analysis data. The result of this study was: (1) Students’ digital literacy skill of students in two groups initially are at very low level and increased after learning; (2) there was a significant difference in the level of digital literacy skill of the students online simulation with GDL class; (3) in this study, the online simulation with GDL model is more effective than online simulation with PBL model in enhancing students’ digital...
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Web-Based Simulation on Physics Learning to Enhance Digital Literacy Skill of High School Students
JIPF (Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika)
The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Web-Based Simulation (WBS) on Physics learning to enhance digital literacy skills of Grade XI students in high school. The level of digital literacy skills of the students in the experiment and control group before and after they study using WBS learning and none was determined respectively. The comparison of their levels before and after the study was done to determine the effectiveness of the WBS learning. The participants of this study were 49 students of science class, with 14-16 age. The research design in this study were descriptive-comparison and pretest-posttest experimental design. Data analysis using Anova mixed design with significant 5%. The result of this study are level of students' digital literacy skill before learning process is generally very low; but after the treatment these skill was comparatively increased. In addition, there was a significant difference in the level of digital literacy skill of the classe...
International Journal of Educational Research Review, 2019
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The Relationship Between Digital Literacy and Learning Outcomes in Biology Learning for Students
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2022
The study aims to determine the relationship between digital literacy and the learning results on the biology of class vii for the 12th country school class vii. This type of research is a quantitative study with a correlational method. The population in this study is class vii in the 12 countries' middle schools. The samples used in this study number 88 students. Research instruments using tankettes. The data analysis technique used is by using a product-moment correlation. Studies show the class vii c, d, e, and f's digital literacy of class vii c, d, e, and f get an average of 60.77 present in the moderate category. In contrast, the results of the student biology study of students get an average of 68.02 gifts in the intermediate class. Product correlation analysis between x variables and y variables show that r recount (0.290) > t-table (1.987) so that there is a link between digital literacy and the study of the biological student vii class 12 countries
This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Internet-Based PjBL (Project Based Learning) learning model in improving 21st Century Digital Literacy. The approach used is quantitative with experimental methods and the research design used is control group pretest-posttest design. By using random sampling technique, samples were obtained for the experimental and control classes. The experimental class was given treatment with the PjBL (Project Based Learning) learning model and conventional learning with the lecture method in the control class. The digital literacy ability data was obtained using a written test in the form of a questionnaire supported by the provision of multiple choice and true-false questions to students. The result of the research is that the use of the PjBL (project-based learning) learning model is effectively used in improving digital literacy skills in class 10 students of Package C (High School Equivalent) PKBM Berlian. With the acquisition of a significance value of 0.000 <0.05, it shows the results that there is a significant effect of the independent variable (X) on all dependent variables (Y). This can be seen in the effect that occurs in the experimental class that is given the treatment of the PjBL learning model (project-based learning) which is superior to the control class that uses the conventional learning model.
Digital Literacy Ability of Students of Biology Education Study Program FSTT Undikma
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA
This study aims to understand the condition of digital literacy skills of S1 students of the biology education study program, Faculty of Science, Engineering and Applied (FSTT) Mandalika University of Education (Undikma). Cross-sectional study with a survey method that aims to analyze variable data collected at a certain point in time throughout the sample population or a predetermined subset. The population of this study is all active Biology Education study program students as many as 212 students. The research sample amounted to 86 students as respondents obtained by accidental sampling techniques. This research instrument is in the form of a google form-based student digital literacy mastery questionnaire, which is given online. The results of the study on each indicator are the Access indicator of 58.1% of students' goals to access the internet to complete assignments, 91.9% using mobile phone media, 40% using subjects as search points, and 67% using complete search keyword...