The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education and Family Environment: On Entrepreneurship Motivation of College Students (original) (raw)
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Oikos: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Ilmu Ekonomi, 2018
The emergence of a new business organization is caused by the human resources factor and the decision to entrepreneurship is determined by the environmental factors that influence a person to become an entrepreneur. Interest of entrepreneurs to entrepreneurship is still low so still need further research in order to increase the interest of learners especially in Vocational School (SMK) to become entrepreneur. It is necessary to increase the number of entrepreneurs as one determinant of the development of an area and the State. Entrepreneur is someone who has the advantage in running a business. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the family environment with interest in entrepreneurship vocational school students in Subang Regency. The method used in this study is a survey where the techniques of collecting and analyzing data in the form of opinions from the subjects studied through questionnaires, interviews, and observation. In this study gives an id...
Many of Bunda's Tourism Diploma graduates are still unemployed because some are less interested in becoming self-employed. It because students are not motivated to become entrepreneurs, and the family environment is not yet supported. This study aimed to measure: the relationship between entrepreneurial learning outcomes, entrepreneurial motivation, and family environment with interest in entrepreneurship. This type of research is descriptive correlational. This research population is all students of the Hospitality study program of the Bunda Padang Tourism Academy, batch 2017 and 2018, totaling 61 students. The sample in this study were 61 students using the total sampling technique. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire using a Likert scale and data analysis methods, including simple correlation and multiple correlations. Research is expected to increase students' entrepreneurial knowledge through attitudes, knowledge, and skills to overcome entrepreneurial t...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Management, Economics and Business (ICMEB 2019), 2020
This study aims to analyze the effect of entrepreneurship education, family environment and self-efficacy on the interests of student entrepreneurship. The population in this study were 365 students of Management at the University of Mercu Buana Jakarta. The sample used was 191 respondents, calculated based on Slovin formula. The sampling method uses convenience sampling. The method of collecting data uses a survey method, with the research instrument being a questionnaire. Data analysis method uses Partial Least Square. This study proves that entrepreneurship education does not significantly influence the interest of student entrepreneurship. The family environment does not significantly influence the interest in student entrepreneurship. Self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on the interest of student entrepreneurship.
ADI Journal on Recent Innovation (AJRI), 2020
This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship education and family environment partially and simultaneously on the interest in entrepreneur in student of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ngurah Rai in Denpasar. The number of samples is determined by the Probability Sampling technique using the Simple Random Sampling method of 75 students in the sixth semester of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ngurah Rai in Denpasar. Analyzed by classical assumption, multiple linear regression analys, determination analys, simultaneous significant test (F-test) and partial significant test (T-test). The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence partially or simultaneously between entrepreneur education and the family environment towards the interest in entrepreneurship in students of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ngurah Rai in Denpasar.
Eklektik : Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Kewirausahaan
This study aims to determine how the influence of entrepreneurship knowledge, e-commerce, family environment, and achievement motivation on the entrepreneurial interest of economic education students at Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat. This research was conducted on students of economics education at Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat with 100 students who have completed the Entrepreneurship Course with a random sampling technique. This type of research uses descriptive quantitative research. This research was conducted in February 2022. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence between entrepreneurial knowledge and interest in entrepreneurship. There is a positive and significant effect of eCommerce on entrepreneurial interest. In addition, there is a positive and significant influence between family environment and interest in entrepreneurship. There is a positive and sig...
The New Educational Review, 2017
The interest in education for entrepreneurship in primary and secondary schools constantly rises and it arouses a need to examine its impact on certain entrepreneurial characteristics. Not much research focusing on this topic has been conducted as yet. Research usually shows its positive impact on the intention to do business. In this study, we examined the mutual relation of five variables: pupils' entrepreneurial spirit, pupils' attitude to entrepreneurship, the school education focus on entrepreneurship, teachers' influence and the influence of their relatives-entrepreneurs. To collect data, we used ASTEE questionnaire. The researched sample consisted of 268 pupils from primary and secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Only medium or small correlation values were found between the researched variables, which means that the formation of pupils' entrepreneurial spirit and attitude to entrepreneurship is not principally influenced by the learning content about entrepreneurship and by teachers. The findings can support the opinion that education for entrepreneurship and preparation for entrepreneurship is more effective in a thought-out entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 2018
The family environment, especially the parents of the students play an important role as a guide for the future of his son, in this case students in school. Indirect parents can also affect the work that children choose in the future, including to become an entrepreneur. Parents or families are also the basic layers for the preparation of children for the future to become effective workers. The family environment of Public Vocational High School (SMK) students in Makassar City shows a very big role in teaching and motivate their children to choose educational institutions that lead them to know entrepreneurship. This study aims to analyze and explain the influence of family environment on entrepreneurship attitude of students of SMK in Makassar City. The approach used in this research is an explanatory survey. The total population of 9,162 students of SMK in Makassar, with 369 samples studied, the sampling is done through proportional random sampling technique. Data collection techn...
Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Interest Among Students in Higher Education
College graduates who wish to become entrepreneurial are still very low. Entrepreneurial knowledge can be obtained through experience or gained academically. This research object is a student who has taken entrepreneurship lectures at the Faculty of Economics. The sampling technique used is Cluster Random Sampling where to guarantee the samples taken on each class of the representative. Data analysis techniques use descriptive analysis using regression analysis. The results of a descriptive data analysis indicate the level of entrepreneurial intent at a moderate level, the family background that has its own business can affect the intention of entrepreneurial. Some of these samples have a tendency to just want to continue their family business. Acquired entrepreneurial education gained in medium category. The results of a regression analysis showing the family background give a direct influence on the intention to entrepreneurship. While entrepreneurship education provides a moderat...
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 2019
Indonesia's development requires educated, skilled, innovative, independent souls, physically and mentally healthy. Entrepreneurship education is very important to be taught to students so that after finishing college they can create jobs instead of looking for work. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of learning Entrepreneurship courses on student entrepreneurial motivation. Entrepreneurship is a mental and mental attitude that is always active in trying to advance its devotional work in an effort to increase income in its business activities. While motivation is something that encourages someone to act or behave in a certain way to meet their needs. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a sample of 40 respondents and data collection techniques using questionnaires. The results of this study are simple linear regression analysis calculated as follows: Y = Y ̌= 21.31 + 0.502 X, the correlation coefficient (r) between the variables X and Y is obtained by the correlation coefficient of 0.70. This value indicates that the two variables have a positive and strong influence. the magnitude of the effect of learning Entrepreneurship courses on student entrepreneurial motivation is 49%, while the remaining 51% is influenced by other factors not included in this research variable. Furthermore, it is known that there is a positive and significant influence on student entrepreneurial motivation, because the value of tcount is greater than the value of ttable (6.039> 2.024) then Ha is accepted.
Proceedings of the 4th Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2019), 2020
This study aims to analyze 1) The influence of family environment on students' entrepreneurship knowledge of Islamic Education Management program, 2) The influence of entrepreneurship knowledge on students' entrepreneurship motivation of Islamic Education Management program, 3) The influence of family environment on students' entrepreneurship interest of Islamic Education Management program, 4) Effect of entrepreneurship motivation on students' entrepreneurship interest of Islamic Education Management program, 5) The effect of entrepreneurship knowledge on students' entrepreneurship interest of Islamic Education Management program. The population of this study were students of Islamic Education Management program who have taken entrepreneurship courses. To collect the data, field surveys by distributing questionnaires were conducted. The data obtained were analyzed by using SPSS 16. The results showed that 1) The family environment had a significant effect on students' entrepreneurship knowledge of Islamic Education Management program, 2) Entrepreneurship knowledge had a significant effect on students' entrepreneurship motivation of Islamic Education Management program, 3) The family environment had a significant effect on students' entrepreneurship interest of Islamic Education Management program, 4) Entrepreneurship motivation had a significance influence on students' entrepreneurship interest of Islamic Education Management program, 5) Entrepreneurship knowledge had a significant influence on students' entrepreneurship interest of Islamic Education Management program.