Relación entre rasgos de personalidad y valores personales en pacientes dependientes de la cocaína (original) (raw)
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Adicciones Revista De Socidrogalcohol, 2010
Objective: To analyze the relationship between participation in a drug-Objective: To analyze the relationship between participation in a drug-Objective: addiction treatment program and Schwartz's values of Openness to change (Self-direction, Stimulation and Hedonism) and Conservation (Tradition, Conformity and Security) in cocaine users. Method: The Method: The Method: present quasi-experimental study was carried out on a sample of 411 adult cocaine users, grouped according to whether they had begun treatment more than three months earlier or less than three months earlier or they were not receiving any treatment. Using Schwartz's Personal Values Questionnaire (PVQ), we measured the priority given by each of these groups to the values of Conservation and Openness to change. Results: Participants who had initiated the treatment more than Results: Participants who had initiated the treatment more than Results: three months earlier tended to score lower in the values of Openness to change than those who were not in treatment, though there were no significant differences in these values between those who were not in treatment and those who had been in treatment for less than three months. On the other hand, it was observed that participants in treatment, regardless of the time spent in treatment, scored higher in values of Conservation than the cocaine users who were not in treatment. Discussion: These results reveal the relationship between attendance on Discussion: These results reveal the relationship between attendance on Discussion: a cocaine-dependence treatment program and personal values, together with their potential importance in treatment and rehabilitation programs for cocaine users.
[Relation between personality traits and personal values in cocaine-dependent patients]
Adicciones, 2011
OBJECTIVE To describe the relationship between personal values and personality traits in cocaine-using patients and analyze their specificity in the explanation of different types of constructs. METHOD A study was carried out to explore the association between these variables in a group of 230 patients receiving treatment for cocaine dependence. The Portrait Values Questionnaire was used for measuring personal values, while the Big-Five Factors Questionnaire was used to measure personality traits. In addition, we explored the relationship of values and traits with the variables "degree of satisfaction with life" (life satisfaction) and "belonging to a religious association" (religiosity). RESULTS A significant association was found between personal values and personality traits. At the same time, their conceptual and empirical differences were revealed, as it was demonstrated that personal values better explain "belonging to a religious association", wh...
Trastornos Adictivos, 2007
RESUMEN. Objetivo. Los trastornos de personalidad en personas con dependencia de la cocaína son frecuentes e interfieren en el tratamiento de estas personas. En España todavía son escasos los estudios que se ocupan de evaluar esta relación. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar la presencia de trastornos de personalidad en personas con dependencia de la cocaína que están en tratamiento en Centros de Drogodependencias, y conocer si hay diferencias entre los sujetos que tienen trastornos de personalidad y los que no los tienen, en función de características sociodemográficas, psicopatológicas y de consumo de drogas. Material y métodos. Utilizamos el MCMI-II para analizar la probabilidad de presencia de trastornos de personalidad. El estudio se realizó en 102 pacientes con dependencia de la cocaína. Resultados. Un importante porcentaje de los sujetos presenta, al menos, un trastorno de personali-dad (66,6%). Estos se diferencian del grupo de sujetos que no tienen trastorno de personalidad en las características psicopatológicas analizadas (depresión, ansiedad, etc.). Conclusiones. La importante prevalencia de los trastornos de personalidad en personas con dependencia de la cocaína indica la necesidad de su evaluación al inicio del tratamiento. PALABRAS CLAVE: cocaína, dependencia, MCMI-II, trastornos de personalidad. Cocaine dependence and personality disorders. Analysis in a clinical sample ABSTRACT. Objective. The personality disorders in people with cocaine dependence are frequent and they interfere in the treatment of these persons. Few studies analyze this relationship in Spain. The present study aims to evaluate the presence of personality disorders in persons with cocaine dependence that are in treatment in Centers of Drug Dependence in Galicia (Spain) and to know if there are differences among both groups, with and without personality disorders, in relation to sociodemographic characteristics, psychopathology and drug consumption. Material and methods. We use the MCMI-II to analyze the probability of presence of personality
Relation between personality traits and personal values in cocaine’s dependent patients
Objective: To describe the relationship between personal values and personality traits in cocaine consuming patients and to analyse their specificity in the explanation of different type of constructs. Method: A study was conducted to explore the association between these variables in a group of 230 subjects who were receiving treatment for cocaine dependence. The Portrait Values Questionnaire was used in order to measure personal values, while the Big-Five Factors Questionnaire was used to measure personality traits. In addition, we explored the relationship between values and traits and the variables “degree of satisfaction with life” (life satisfaction) and “belonging to a religious association” (religiosity). Results: A significant association was found between personal values and personality traits. Simultaneously, their conceptual and empirical differences were shown since it was demonstrated that personal values can offer a better understanding of “belonging to a religious association”, whereas personality traits can give a better explanation of “the degree of life satisfaction”. Therefore, it can be established that while personal values can better explain behaviours that depend on higher cognitive control, personality traits could influence tendencies and behaviours that are subject to a low cognitive control. Conclusions: Considering the relationship between both constructs and since cocaine consumption is associated with both high and low cognitive control, it will be appropriate to take into account the explanatory contribution of both personal values and personality traits in a complementary way.
Comorbilidad de la adicción a la cocaína con los trastornos de la personalidad
Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, 2007
En este texto se lleva a cabo una revisión de los estudios realizados hasta la fecha en relación con la comorbilidad de los trastornos de personalidad con la adicción a la cocaína. Los resultados obtenidos en las diferentes investigaciones no son concluyentes. La tasa de prevalencia de los trastornos de personalidad en los pacientes cocainómanos es muy heterogénea, con una media en torno al 66% de los casos, aunque con una amplia variabilidad de unos estudios a otros. Sin embargo, se observa una cierta tendencia a presentar una mayor prevalencia en los trastornos de personalidad del grupo B (antisocial y límite, principalmente). Por último se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para la investigación y para la práctica clínica.
Resumen: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar y comparar la presencia de trastornos de la personalidad en fumadores y personas con dependencia de la cocaína al inicio del tratamiento, utilizando para ello el Inventario Clínico Multiaxial de Millon-II (MCMI-II; Millon, 1997). La muestra estuvo formada por 304 sujetos, 102 en tratamiento por dependencia de la cocaína y 202 en tratamiento para dejar de fumar. Los resultados muestran diferencias signifi cativas entre los dos grupos en todas las escalas de personalidad, excepto en la dependiente y la histriónica. Se encontró que los dependientes de la cocaína puntúan más en hipomanía, abuso de alcohol, abuso de drogas, pensamiento psicótico y trastorno delirante, así como en la escala de sinceridad y alteración. Concluimos que el perfi l de personalidad de las personas dependientes de la cocaína que acuden a tratamiento es signifi cativamente distinto al de los fumadores.
Perfiles de drogodependientes en relación con variables y trastornos de personalidad
Adicciones, 2016
In recent decades, research has identified a set of impulsive/ disinhibited personality variables closely associated with drug addiction. As well as this, disorders linked with these variables, such as ADHD and personality disorders, are being closely studied in the field of drug addiction. Although much knowledge has been accumulated about the relation of these variables and disorders taken separately, less is known about how these constructs allow identify-specific profiles within the drug dependent population to be identified. This work, on the basis of data collected on a sample of drug addicts in treatment, analyzes how impulsiveness, sensation seeking, self-control, ADHD and personality disorders contribute to identifying specific profiles of addicts. Cluster analysis allowed two profiles to be outlined according to these personality and psychopathology characteristics. Self-control, impulsiveness, impulsive and antisocial personality disorders, as well as scores in ADHD, emerge as the variables that contribute more to profile differentiation. One of these profiles (56.1% of participants) with a high disinhibition pattern, is associated with severe indicators of consumption and criminal career patterns. These results allow us to emphasize the role of personality and impulsiveness-related disorders in the identification of distinctive profiles within the addict population, and suggest the need to generate treatment strategies adapted to personal/psychopathology configurations of drug addicts.
Trastornos De Personalidad en Consumidores De Drogas: Datos Preliminares
Ciencias Psicológicas
Se estudia la Comorbilidad entre consumo de drogas legales e ilegales y el tipo de Trastorno de Personalidad en una muestra de 320 adultos: a través de Entrevista Clínica Psiquiátrica (estandarizada y normatizada) a pacientes que concurrieron a un servicio especializado en adicciones. Hay un predominio del sexo masculino, solteros, con edad de inicio en el consumo de drogas de 20 años y de consulta –promedio- de 35 años. El 50% de las consultas fue por alcohol, en ambos sexos. Las drogas ilegales más frecuentes fueron marihuana y cocaína. Se encontraron diferencias de género, entre ellas, el consumo de sedantes propio de las mujeres y el de marihuana en los hombres, así como un perfil de personalidad diferente. En los Trastornos de Personalidad predominaron los del grupo B. El consumo de drogas ilegales se asocia a los Trastornos Disocial y Límite. En los hombres se agrega el Narcisista y en las mujeres el Histriónico y Dependiente.