Boekhandel Tan Khoen Swie, press movement, and Javanese public sphere in the colonial age 1915-1950 (original) (raw)
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The research attenots to analysis the historical genealogy and press movement and Javanese public sphere in the colonial age, 1915-1950. By focusing the site of Boekhandel Tan Khoen Swie (TKS) in Kediri-East Java during the colonial period, this research is specifically to explore the roles of TKS and Tan Khoen Swie's ideas (as a person) in the press movement in East Java over 35 years. The research used qualitative research with historical-discourse perspectives. It combines the archeology/genealogy methods proposed by Michel Foucault, historical and archives study. Through a historical archive investigation, both of material and ego documents, the study mapped on how the production of the public sphere in colonial age happened. The result of this study shows that the works and ideas published by through Boekhandel Tan Khoen Swie (TKS) are full meaning of spiritual and culture values. TKS has encouraged the transformation of Javanese values to the wider community. We argue that the idea and efforts of the public sphere in Javanese community during the colonial era, especially through it controversial publications. As an individual, Tan Khoen Swie established himself as the cosmopolitan elite in the fight against the colonialism. In other words, the study is success to showed the importance roles of Tan Khoen Swie inspiring the emergence of press movement in East Java and it also supports for creating the alternative public sphere for Javanese. Abstrak Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk memetakan studi genealogi sejarah dan pergerakan pers dalam membentuk ruang publik orang Jawa di masa kolonial 1915-1950. Dengan mengambil situs pada usaha penerbitan Boekhandel Tan Khoen Swie di Kediri Jawa Timur pada periode tersebut, secara spesifik penelitian ini mengeksplorasi peran Boekhandel Tan Khoen Swie dan gagasan Tan Khoen Swie (sebagai individu) dalam pergerakan pers di Jawa Timur masa kolonial kurun waktu 35 tahun. Melalui penelusuran arsip sejarah baik dokumen tertulis maupun secara lisan, penelitian ini berupaya menguraikan nilai-nilai lokal yang membentuk ruang publik pada masa kolonial yang luput dari kajian komunikasi, sosiologi maupun sejarah pada masa itu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan historical-discourse yaitu menggabungkan metode genealogi/arkeologi Foucault, pendekatan historis dan studi arsip. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karya dan gagasan yang diterbitkan melalui usaha penerbitan Tan Khoen Swie sarat akan nilai-nilai spiritual. Usaha penerbitan Tan Khoen Swie telah mendorong transformasi nilai-nilai kesusastraan Jawa kepada masyarakat luas. Penelitian ini juga memperlihatkan bahwa gagasan dan usaha penerbitan TKS berperan membentuk ruang dikursus pada orang Jawa khususnya melalui karya kontroversial. Sebagai individu, Tan Khoen Swie membuktikan dirinya sebagai salah satu elite kosmopolit dalam melakukan perlawanan terhadap penjajah kolonial. Dengan kata lain, hasil penelitian ini berhasil menunjukkan pentingnya peran Tan Khoen Swie menginspirasi kemunculan pers di Jawa Timur dan sekaligus memunculkan ruang publik alternatif bagi orang Jawa.
Boekhandel Tan Khoen Swie Kediri: The Agent of Javanese Culture
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 2019
This paper reveals the way Boekhandel Tan Khoen Swie Kediri, as an agent of Javanese culture, run his publishing house during amidst both the colonial government and Indonesian government, spreading Javanese culture to the society in Java and throughout Indonesia. The history of this publishing house is interesting in which it is interrelated with three different policies from three different types of government ideology. This research which means searching, criticizing, interpreting, and arranging the sources in the form of historical writing. This research also applied Gidden’s theory of structuration to clarify the position of Tan Khoen as a publishing agent. The discussion on the structure of the literary society, which consisted of the representatives from the government, authors, publishers, and readers becomes an integral part of the study. This study concludes both the government and private publishers had an intention to educate people although Tan Khoen Swie did not tied i...
The vernacular press and the emergence of modern Indonesian consciousness (1855-1913)
The Journal of Asian Studies, 1996
This thesis is based on three main assumptions: that the press in Indonesia was an agent for intellectual development; that the growth of the vernacular press was pioneered by Dutch scholars, Eurasian editors and peranakan Chinese and Indonesian journalists; and that the development of the vernacular press before 1914 ran parallel to the growth of social, economic and political conscious ness of the colonial society in the Dutch East Indies. The first I also wish to record my debt to the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for supporting me financially during my studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies and I want also to thank the Ford Foundation for granting me a fellowship which enabled me to visit Cornell University and to carry out my research in Indonesia in 1973. Lastly I should like to thank my wife, Aysha, for her constant encouragement, patience and understanding during my long years of studies. 3 A Note on Orthography Both the old Dutch spelling system and the new Indonesian-Malaysian common spelling system inaugurated in 1972 are employed in this study. The spelling of names of persons, journals and organizations follow the old Dutch system. Names of towns and cities have been spelt according to the post-1972 Indonesian orthography. 4 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BB Binnenlandsch Bestuur, Interior Administration, European Civil Service BKI Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde, Contributions to Linguistics, Geography and Ethnography, journal published by the Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde Exh Exhibitum, incoming correspondence of the Colonial Office fl florin, Dutch guilder
The Vernacular Press and the Emergence of Modern Indonesian Consciousness
This thesis is based on three main assumptions: that the press in Indonesia was an agent for intellectual development; that the growth of the vernacular press was pioneered by Dutch scholars, Eurasian editors and peranakan Chinese and Indonesian journalists; and that the development of the vernacular press before 1914 ran parallel to the growth of social, economic and political conscious ness of the colonial society in the Dutch East Indies. The first I also wish to record my debt to the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for supporting me financially during my studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies and I want also to thank the Ford Foundation for granting me a fellowship which enabled me to visit Cornell University and to carry out my research in Indonesia in 1973. Lastly I should like to thank my wife, Aysha, for her constant encouragement, patience and understanding during my long years of studies. 3 A Note on Orthography Both the old Dutch spelling system and the new Indonesian-Malaysian common spelling system inaugurated in 1972 are employed in this study. The spelling of names of persons, journals and organizations follow the old Dutch system. Names of towns and cities have been spelt according to the post-1972 Indonesian orthography. 4 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BB Binnenlandsch Bestuur, Interior Administration, European Civil Service BKI Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde, Contributions to Linguistics, Geography and Ethnography, journal published by the Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde Exh Exhibitum, incoming correspondence of the Colonial Office fl florin, Dutch guilder
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education, 2021
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Jajasan “Pembaruan”: Propaganda discourse through its printed products
The purpose of this paper is to describe Jajasan “Pembaruan” as a publisher that produced printed materials in the form of magazines and books in Indonesia (1950-1966). This study might be categorized in the history of communication as a political frame. This article examines particularly on how Jajasan “Pembaruan” as a political agent carried out propaganda with printed material productions in the form of book and magazine publications. As an agent of trans-nationalism, through the content in the publication, Jajasan “Pembaruan” as well as being a medium in shaping the concept of identity politically and culturally through discourse politics. This research shows that the publications by Jajasan “Pembaruan” were agents of political propaganda pioneered by several young people (political activists and leftist thinkers), the Indonesian Communist Party. Thus, the productions by Jajasan “Pembaruan” were at the same time a strong foundation in providing theory, politics, and practices re...
Enlightenment and the Revolutionary Press in Colonial Indonesia
In the historiography of Indonesian nationalism and the press, much has been made of the vernacular press and its role in the emergence of national consciousness. However, this work has not typically distinguished between the vernacular press and the self-identified " revolutionary press, " which emerged during the early communist movement of 1920–1926. This article recovers the tradition of the revolutionary press and situates it in the history of Indonesian national struggles by examining the production and development of the revolutionary newspaper Sinar Hindia. An investigation of the paper's content, production, and distribution practices reveals how Sinar Hindia not only embodied the anticolonial national struggle but also became a voice for a project of enlightenment in the colony. By uncovering this " revolutionary " paper's own discourses of enlightenment and revolutionary struggle, this study sheds light on the role of the press in the production of enlightenment ideas and practices in colonial Indonesia.
Mediating Asia| Enlightenment and the Revolutionary Press in Colonial Indonesia
International Journal of Communication, 2017
In the historiography of Indonesian nationalism and the press, much has been made of the vernacular press and its role in the emergence of national consciousness. However, this work has not typically distinguished between the vernacular press and the self-identified “revolutionary press,” which emerged during the early communist movement of 1920–1926. This article recovers the tradition of the revolutionary press and situates it in the history of Indonesian national struggles by examining the production and development of the revolutionary newspaper Sinar Hindia . An investigation of the paper’s content, production, and distribution practices reveals how Sinar Hindia not only embodied the anticolonial national struggle but also became a voice for a project of enlightenment in the colony. By uncovering this “revolutionary” paper’s own discourses of enlightenment and revolutionary struggle, this study sheds light on the role of the press in the production of enlightenment ideas and pr...