Role of Microfinance and SHG in the Development of Rural India and the Associated Women Empowerment

IBMRD's Journal of Management & Research, 2016

Micro finance and micro credits are sometimes used interchangeably. However the term micro credit refers to the provision of the small amount of loan whereas the term microfinance has a broader meaning encompassing other financial services in its umbrella such as savings, insurance, etc. along with the provision of credit facilities. Rural India faces a serious problem of poverty. In order to reduce poverty in the rural India, an active participation of the government and non-government organization is required simultaneously on the two fronts, i.e., production and distribution of goods and services. Poverty is generally concentrated in that region where there is a huge problem of literacy and employment. In order to reduce this problem, the fifth five year plan has put an emphasis on employment generation in the rural and urban areas. Hence in order to achieve the goal of employment generation and poverty reduction in the rural area, micro finance has been introduced which provides credit, savings, insurance and other basic financial services within the reach of the common man. Recently, micro credit revolution in the form of self-help group (SHG) movement is gaining momentum among the people in the rural India. This research paper tries to determine various benefits that a rural India has obtained through the formulation of SHG and the impact of Microfinance on the savings, income and the financial positions of the members of the SHG. Paper also focuses on the empowerment of women and the resultant rural development as a result of the benefits from microfinance through SHG.

A Study on Microfinance & SHGS Effect on Rural Women Empowerment

CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022

Rural area of the India is the real India and also rural development is the real development of the India. SHGs is a small economically parallel alliance group of the rural poor voluntarily coming to gather to small amount of money regularly which deposited in a common fund to face members needs and to provide security free loan decided the group the study aimed to analysis the reason for joining SHGs and all woman who member in SHGs them financial condition before and after join SHGs for the analysis primary data collected 100 woman who member of SHGs more than one year of patan district Gujarat

ROLE OF MICRO FINANCE IN WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT (An Empirical study in West Garo Hills region rural SHG's

Microfinance is a type of banking service that is provided to unemployed or lowincome individuals or groups who would otherwise have no other means of gaining financial services. Micro finance through Self Help Group (SHG) has been recognized internationally as the modern tool to combat poverty and for rural development. Micro finance and SHGs are effective in reducing poverty, empowering women and creating awareness which finally results in sustainable development of the nation. The main aim of microfinance is to empower women. The objectives of the study is i) to understand the performance of SHG's in West Garo Hills region, ii) to study the problems women members face in SHG's, iii) To offer suggestions for the betterment of women's empowerment in SHG. The study is undertaken in rural areas of West Garo Hills region. Both primary and secondary data's are used. Primary data is enumerated from a field survey in the study region. Secondary data is collected from NGOs' reports and other documents. Results showed that there is a gradual increase in all the three factors among rural women's. From the interaction among the respondents it is noticed that some members are expecting the NGO to come up with more training sessions in income generating activities. All they need is a way to develop their skills and talents by participating in various training programs. There is a definite improvement in psychological well being and social empowerment among rural women as a result of participating in micro finance through SHG program.

Microfinance as a Tool of Socio Economic Empowerment of Rural Women

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2023

Micro finance has become a tool of empowering the underprivileged people in the society. It plays a prominent role in the developing countries of Asia. These countries are having lots of success stories where the poor and backward people could manage to have sustainable source of revenue for themselves through microfinance. It is observed that in maximum cases women are plying a vital role in the use of micro finance through the self help groups (SHGs). This paper tries to see the impact of micro finance on the rural women of Assam-a state which is very near to Bangladesh, the country where microfinance has got tremendous response from the women folk. Through the research it was tried to see the impact of microfinance from the socio economic perspective of the North East India. The paper is based on primary data collected from the women respondents of rural area who have experience of working with the SHGs. The paper concluded that the micro finance has contributed to the empowerment of women in rural Assam and hence micro finance has a great future in this part of India.

Microfinance and Empowerment of Rural Women in Dharmapuri District

Microfinance and Empowerment of Rural Women in Dharmapuri District * Dr.V.CHINNASAMY ABSTRACT The study has revealed that landless and marginal farm households and socially backward households participate more in the SHG-led microfinance programme. Livestock and the material goods ownership by the member households have been found to be less prior to the group formation. Moreover, households having informal borrowings have been found to have higher priority to the group formation. Analysis on the determinants of women’s participation in the microfinance programme has revealed that the age of women and value of productive assets other than land have negative relationship with the participation of women, whereas social backwardness, indebtedness and presence of other micro credit programmes in the same or nearby villages have positive association with women’s participation in the microfinance programme. It has been suggested that higher number of self-help groups may be formed among the economically and socially disadvantaged households in order to relieve them from the clutches of moneylenders and at the same time to bring the poor under the fold of formal banking institutions. ___________________________________________________________________ *Former Research Scholar ,Department of Economics ,Periyar University ,Salem-11

ROLE OF micROFinancE On wOmEn EmpOwERmEnt-a cOmpaRatiVE StUDY OF maDHYa pRaDESH anD JammU anD KaSHmiR


the rural women financially is also analyzed. "All formal" is the principle behind the concept of SHGs. The SHGs are mainly concentrated on the poor and are for the people, by the people, and of the people. Its focus is only on the weaker sections particularly women for their social defense. SHGs help in creating awareness on day-today affairs, promoting savings habit, developing self and community assets, increasing the income level, increasing social power etc. The SHGs generates confidence, self-security and self-reliance.


Microfinance in India presently is too small to create a great impact in poverty alleviation, but if provide new technologies with skills and opportunities for the development of the poor, it holds to change the socio economic face of the India's poor. The self-help group (SHG) model with bank lending to groups without collateral has become an established part of rural finance. SHG-based microfinance look after and supported by NGOs, have become an significant alternative to traditional lending in terms of reaching the poor without increase in operating and monitoring costs. The government and financial institution have accepted this and have highlighted the SHG model and take initiatives to work along with NGOs. Million of SHGs have been linked to banks over the years but still most of the states are not doing well to established the development process of the poor and also do not link up and nurtured the various schemes of the Govt. This paper throw light on women empowerment through Self Help Group and it also discuss the growth of SHG in India. The fact that almost half of our women are illiterate speaks of serious genderdiscrimination within the systemWomen's empowerment plays a very important role in the overalldevelopment of the country. It not only helps in the development of half of thehuman resources, but in improving the quality of life at home and outside.

ROLE OF MICRO FINANCE IN WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT (An Empirical study in Pondicherry region rural SHG's

Microfinance is a type of banking service that is provided to unemployed or low-income individuals or groups who would otherwise have no other means of gaining financial services. Micro finance through Self Help Group (SHG) has been recognized internationally as the modern tool to combat poverty and for rural development. Micro finance and SHGs are effective in reducing poverty, empowering women and creating awareness which finally results in sustainable development of the nation. The main aim of microfinance is to empower women. In this paper the role played by Microfinance in women's empowerment are considered into three dimensions namely psychological, social and economical. The objectives of the study is i) to understand the performance of SHG's in Pondicherry region, ii) to analyze the freedom women members get in SHG's, iii) to study the problems women members face in SHG's, iv) to analyze the empowerment of the women psychologically, economically and socially and v) to offer suggestions for the betterment of women's empowerment in SHG's. The study is undertaken in rural areas of Pondicherry region. Both primary and secondary data's are used. Primary data is enumerated from a field survey in the study region. Secondary data is collected from NGOs' reports and other documents. The researcher has used percentage method, simple correlation coefficient, paired t test and cross tabulation for analysis purpose. Analysis showed that there is a gradual increase in the all the three factors among rural women's. From the interaction among the respondents it is noticed that some members are expecting the NGO to come up with more training sessions in income generating activities. All they need is a way to develop their skills and talents by participating in various training programs. There is a definite improvement in psychological well being and social empowerment among rural women as a result of participating in micro finance through SHG program.