Structuring parallel and distributed programs (original) (raw)

Regis: a constructive development environment for distributed programs

Distributed Systems Engineering, 1994

Regis is a programming environment aimed at supporting the development and execution of distributed programs. It embodies a constructive approach to the development of programs based on separating program structure from communication and computation. The emphasis is on constructing programs from multiple parallel computational components which cooperate to achieve the overall goal. The environment is designed to easily accommodate multiple communication mechanisms and primitives. Both the computational and communication elements of Regis programs are programmed in the Object Oriented programming language C++. The elements are combined into distributed programs using the configuration language Darwin. The paper describes programming in Regis through a set of small example programs drawn from the implementation of an Active Badge system.

A constructive development environment for parallel and distributed programs

Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Configurable Distributed Systems, 1994

Regis is a programming environment aimed at supporting the development and execution of parallel and distributed programs. It embodies a constructive approach to the development of programs based on separating program structure from communication and computation. The emphasis is on constructing programs from multiple parallel computational components which cooperate to achieve the overall goal. The environment is designed to easily accommodate multiple communication mechanisms and primitives. Both the computational and communication elements of Regis programs are programmed in the Object Oriented programming language C++. The elements are combined into parallel and distributed programs using the configuration language Darwin. The paper describes programming in Regis through a set of small example programs.

An Introduction to Distributed Programming in Rex

Configuration Programming is an object-based approach to distributed programming. The main principle underlying this approach is that programs should be designed, constructed and modified as a structural configuration of interconnected component instances. Program structure is described by a separate explicit configuration language, while the components themselves may be programmed in a range of heterogeneous programming languages. This approach is central to the ESPRIT II project, REX, on reconfigurable and extensible parallel and distributed systems. This paper provides an overview of the main concepts underlying REX, illustrating their use in the Darwin configuration language for describing overall system structure and dynamic configuration. The approach is justified and briefly compared to object-orient ed programming.

Configuring Object-Based Distributed Programs


The popularity of the object oriented programming paradigm has stimulated research into its use for parallel and distributed programming. The major issues which impact such use are concurrency control, object interfaces, binding and inheritance. This paper discusses the relative merits of current solutions to these issues and describes an approach based on the use of active objects with essentially explicit interfaces and bindings, and composition as a pragmatic alternative to inheritance. The key feature of our approach is the use of a configuration language to define program structure as a set of objects and their bindings. The configuration language includes facilities for hierarchic definition of composite objects, for parameterisation of objects, for replication of both object instances and interface interaction points, for conditional configurations with evaluation of guards at object instantiation, and even for recursive definition of objects. This separate and explicit description of program structure complements the object oriented concepts yet is missing from most other approaches. This approach, termed Configuration Oriented Programming, is illustrated by examples from the REX environment for the development of distributable software. This environment is being developed by the REX collaborative ESPRIT II project [REX 89].

Configuring object-based distributed programs in REX

Software Engineering Journal, 1992

The popularity of the object oriented programming paradigm has stimulated research into its use for parallel and distributed programming. The major issues which impact such use are concurrency control, object interfaces, binding and inheritance. This paper discusses the relative merits of current solutions to these issues and describes an approach based on the use of active objects with essentially explicit interfaces and bindings, and composition as a pragmatic alternative to inheritance. The key feature of our approach is the use of a configuration language to define program structure as a set of objects and their bindings. The configuration language includes facilities for hierarchic definition of composite objects, for parameterisation of objects, for replication of both object instances and interface interaction points, for conditional configurations with evaluation of guards at object instantiation, and even for recursive definition of objects. This separate and explicit description of program structure complements the object oriented concepts yet is missing from most other approaches. This approach, termed Configuration Oriented Programming, is illustrated by examples from the REX environment for the development of distributable software. This environment is being developed by the REX collaborative ESPRIT II project [REX 89].

Distributed and parallel systems: Environments and tools

Parallel Computing, 1997

In the second half of the eighties, parallel computing was a very popular topic, the current decade is characterized by a trend towards parallel and distributed computing on networks of workstations (NOWs). The reasons for this trend can be seen in the good price performance ratio that these systems offer, in the availability of these systems, and in the broad range of applications suitable for these systems. Although the techniques and methodologies developed for parallel computing can be applied or adapted to networks of workstations, the concept of distributed computing has its own well established background.

Programming Languages for Distributed Applications

New Generation Computing, 1998

Much progress has been made in distributed computing in the areas of distribution structure, open computing, fault tolerance, and security. Yet, writing distributed applications remains difficult because the programmer has to manage models of these areas explicitly. A major challenge is to integrate the four models into a coherent development platform. Such a platform should make it possible to cleanly separate an application’s functionality from the other four concerns. Concurrent constraint programming, an evolution of concurrent logic programming, has both the expressiveness and the formal foundation needed to attempt this integration. As a first step, we have designed and built a platform that separates an application’s functionality from its distribution structure. We have prototyped several collaborative tools with this platform, including a shared graphic editor whose design is presented in detail. The platform efficiently implements Distributed Oz, which extends the Oz language with constructs to express the distribution structure and with basic primitives for open computing, failure detection and handling, and resource control. Oz appears to the programmer as a concurrent object-oriented language with dataflow synchronization. Oz is based on a higher-order, state-aware, concurrent constraint computation model.

The Implementation of ASSIST, an Environment for Parallel and Distributed Programming

9th Intl Euro-Par 2003 Parallel Processing, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2003, pp. 712-721., 2003

We describe the implementation of ASSIST, a programming environment for parallel and distributed programs. Its coordination language is based of the parallel skeleton model, extended with new features to enhance expressiveness, parallel software reuse, software component integration and interfacing to external resources. The compilation process and the structure of the run-time support of ASSIST are discussed with respect to the issues introduced by the new characteristics, presenting an analysis of the first test results.

A program building tool for parallel applications

Specification of Parallel Algorithms, 1994

We describe the Linda Program Builder | a higher-level programming environment that supports the design and development of parallel software. It isolates much of the administrative e ort in constructing parallel programs, and maintains a program-describing database. This database feeds information to the compiler for optimization, to a visualizer for enhanced program visualization, and potentially to other tools in the environment. The LPB is a window-oriented, menu-based, user-friendly system which provides coordination frameworks for program construction. These templates or coordination frameworks themselves can be custom-constructed by invoking a template-building template; most importantly, the LPB represents the idea of an \open" or \dynamic" preprocessor as an alternative to new programming languages .

Software Engineering Considerations in the Construction of Parallel Programs

Advances in Parallel Computing, 1995

In many papers describing parallel programming tools, the authors illustrate the strengths of their approach by presenting some impressive speedup results. However, is this the only metric by which we should judge the quality of their tool? Many of these tools offer significant software engineering advantages that reduce program development time and increase code reliability. This paper uses the Enterprise programming environment for coarse-grained parallel applications to illustrate the advantages of these tools. For most users, high performance is not an important evaluation criteria; other criteria, such as tool usability and program development savings, are often far more important. * This research has been funded in part by NSERC grants OGP-8173 and OGP-8191, a grant from IBM Canada Limited and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). † A modified definition from a personal communication with Greg Wilson.