Hubungan Antara Komponen Permukiman Dan Keberhasilan Metode Bank Sampah Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Berkelanjutan DI Kota Surakarta (original) (raw)
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Revolutionary Concept of Garbage Handling in Kota Kupang, Indonesia
Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 2019
The potential for garbage production will continue to increase along with the population growth rate and behavior patterns of human life. If not handled properly, it will have an impact on changes in negative benefits due to pollution from garbage. Kota Kupang is an area that has not been well managed about its garbage management. Therefore, scientific reviews are needed so that maximum changes occur in handling garbage in Kota Kupang. For this reason, research has been carried out using descriptive methods, then were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using secondary data. This research was conducted for two months (November-December 2018), and preparation of reports is carried out by stages of research, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the research indicate that changes of fundamental garbage management must be carried out by considering the household behavior in handling garbage, sustainability of the perspective on garbage as a useful material that starts from world of education, changes in conventional methods of handling garbage in Cleaning and Living Environment Office of Kota Kupang, and a revolutionary perspective on garbage is needed, from useless materials to be useful materials for the economy.
The Concept of Strategy for Garbage Management in the Kupang City, Indonesian
Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences , 2019
The city of Kupang was assigned as the dirtiest city of number one by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in the East Nusa Tenggara Province-Indonesia in the assessment of the Adipura award in 2018. This assessment was a further impact of the cleaning management program by the Mayor of Kupang for the period of 2012 to 2017, namely Jonas Salean, because can not to finish process garbage problems in Kupang City. Therefore, a research with literature study techniques was conducted to find the concept of garbage management strategies in the city of Kupang that can be offered to Kupang City leaders for the new period of 2017 to 2022 to resolve existing garbage problems. The results of this research indicate that the concept of garbage management strategy in Kupang City can be done with the concept of zero garbage from upstream to downstream, the concept of zero garbage as extracurricular education, the concept of green community, the concept of management conventional garbage, and the economic concept of zero garbage.
This study aims to analyze changes in the mindset of the public regarding the Waste Bank to the existence and practice of accounting in the Waste Bank. Viewing from the proof of transaction to the financial reporting. The object of this study was conducted at the Al-Hidayah Garbage Bank in East Jakarta. This type of research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the existence of Al-Hidayah Garbage Bank can change people's mindset regarding waste. Garbage that used to be only disposed of without being treated, but now the community already understands how to manage waste properly, that is, the community can sort organic waste and non-organic waste. One of the impacts of good waste management is that it can add to people's income because waste has economic value and the AL...
Based on Law number 32 year 2009 article 22 sub 1 “every effort and or activities which has a affirmative impact it’s urgent toward environment for having an Analysis of Environmental Impact (AMDAL)” and article 34 sub 1 “every effort and or activities which not include on obligatory of analysis of environmental impact criteria, obligatory to have UKL-UPL”. This environmental document is used as the instrument to prevent the spreading out and to prevent the outcome which product from effort, than every pioneer who make bad outcome or negative outcome toward environment in physically or unphysical obligatory to make environmental expedience document before the effort run. Yogyakarta is the one city which done about garbage managing and environmental utilization little much better than other country, there are so many indicators of the requirements, there are so many big tress around the big street, no illegal garbage basket in city, and the last it’s seen at the garbage basket, the local government divided into 3 places in throwing garbage, dried garbage, soaked garbage, and organic garbage. The main point in choosing Yogyakarta city for this research is because in Yogyakarta city has been published all the things about environmental system, the programs of environmental managing, the chief who likes to do the recycle and loving the nature, even if in Garbage, and the last is having a good Analysis of environmental impact. The differentiation between DKI Jakarta is, not all people in Jakarta cares about the garbage, they just throw around as they want without think what the negative impact of illegal throwing, and the result of that is there are so many flood in Jakarta it can be twice in a year and more. The place which is got the flood is the village close by river. In other side DKI Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia, than allowed to Jakarta to keep the environmental system, keeping nature, and make the comfortable zone toward the entire of domestic visitors. The researcher will discuss deeply about the implementation of Law about AMDAL and Garbage Management
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
Garbage is a complex problem in several large cities. The number of activities that occurs resulted in the accumulation of garbage that can not be controlled. One of them is Makassar which is known as the largest metropolitan city after Jakarta. The problems found in the current condition of the landfill (The Final Garbagers) in Manggala District need to be solved to control and avoid the explosion of garbage. Therefore, the government's attention is required to find the solution. Consequently, Bank Sampah is expected to be a solution in estimating the garbage explosion in the future. Bank Sampah is challenging on its management, so the government has to provide many things for the sustainability of the Bank Sampah, especially in sorting garbage and changing society's mindsets that garbage can have economic value. The government has limitations in the technical and operational management of Bank Sampah, especially in Makassar. The regent regulation number 126 (2016) concerning the formation, position, organizational structure, job descriptions, and work procedures of the Bank Sampah technical implementation unit at the Makassar City Environmental Service which exists in every sub-district.The Management of Bank Sampah in Manggala District under the Manggala District Government seeks to present cooperation with PT. Pegadaian in maximizing the management of the Bank Sampah. The researcher used the qualitative method by interview and field observation.
The potential for garbage production will continue to increase along with the population growth rate and behavior patterns of human life. If not handled properly, it will have an impact on changes in negative benefits due to pollution from garbage. Kota Kupang is an area that has not been well managed about its garbage management. Therefore, scientific reviews are needed so that maximum changes occur in handling garbage in Kota Kupang. For this reason, research has been carried out using descriptive methods, then were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using secondary data. This research was conducted for two months (November-December 2018), and preparation of reports is carried out by stages of research, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the research indicate that garbage management must be carried out changes of fundamental by considering to changes in household behavior in handling garbage, sustainability of the perspective on garbage as a useful material that starts from world of education, changes conventional methods of handling garbage in Cleaning and Living Environment Office of Kota Kupang, and a revolutionary perspective on garbage is needed, from useless materials to be useful materials for the economy.
Waste Bank Application in Jelegong Village, Bandung District, Indonesia
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019
Jelegong Village is located on the banks of the Citarum River. This river has a high level of pollution caused by industrial and domestic waste. Garbage from Jelegong Village has the potential to pollute the Citarum River both directly and indirectly. The waste bank, a disaggregated waste trading place, is one of the technologies that can help to overcome the waste problem in the Hamlet 03 Jelegong Village. Before the waste bank is operated it is necessary to know the readiness of the community to operate it. This study aims to analyze the readiness of the people of the Hamlet 03 Jelegong Village towards the operation of the garbage bank using the KAP (Knowledge, Attitude, Practice) survey method. The questionnaire was distributed to 80 respondents to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and daily behavior. Based on the results of the study it was found that the community of the Hamlet 03 Jelegong Village has a high level of knowledge (85%), a positive attitude (51.25%), and ...
International Journal Papier Public Review, 2021
This paper discusses the Determinant Factors Affecting the Implementation and Socio-Economic Impact of the Waste Bank Policy in Makassar City. This research method uses this type of research, namely descriptive qualitative. Several methods of data collection carried out are Interview, Observation and documentation. The results of the study indicate that this central Waste Bank has an obligation to pick up and purchase waste. because so far the Waste Banks that have been formed have collided in the pick-up and purchase areas of waste, so that the Central Garbage Bank is the answer to the problems that have been programmed by the Waste Bank. The average condition of landfills in Indonesia, including Makassar City, is no longer able to accommodate waste and will cause social problems. The economic function of the waste bank is to give a high value to the waste which was originally considered low, does not mean anything and is a big problem and burden for the government and its people
Garbage in Indonesia is a serious problem that has an impact on the social, economy and culture of society. Almost all cities in Indonesia experience problems in processing waste, including in the future capital of Indonesia. The research found that many Indonesians have NIMBY syndrome, the throwing garbage anywhere when they are outside their home, when the eating on the street they usually throw their garbage onto the street or into a gutter. In some ethnic groups in Indonesia, littering is also a tradition from their ancestors. In some culture, deliberately make the floor of their houses on stilts rather sparse to make it easier for them to dispose of food waste from inside their homes, likewise, in some community, they throw food waste directly from the kitchen window to the outside of the house. According to observations, this is almost evenly done by older generations at the level of people who born in the 1940s. The current habit of waste if we look again, are the legacy and education from the previous generation where that the garbage they dumped everywhere in the past was partly organic waste, the food and the things they use including bags, cutlery and so on are mostly made from organic materials that come from the environment around them, so that whatever they throw away, if not eaten by pets, will decompose so quickly in the ground. it is even useful for soil, therefore, even though littering activities are carried out, the streets in the village in the past were still clean of garbage. This article meant to seek the cultural background behind NIMBY syndrome in Indonesia. This research used Mixed Methods approach (quantitative and qualitative) and use secondary data review, direct observation and semi semi-structured interviewing to collect the data. This research found that the main factor for the success of this program is the people who willing to be open concerning the program and its concepts, thus becoming aware about their environmental problems, they willing to work for the benefit of their village. In this village the push factor are economic and re-education aspects that move the people to save their environment. The economic benefit from garbage bank also have helped this program. The research showed that the respondents who have lower education level have more tendency on separating their waste than the respondents who have higher education level, and the research also showed that the respondents who separating their waste showed have higher income level. The research concluded that here isn't much evidence of a causal link between education, income level and pro-environmental behavior.