Two photon resonant excitation of Copper–Rydberg levels (original) (raw)

Preferential decay of 3p core excited valence and Rydberg states of atomic copper

Physical Review A, 1991

The detection of Cu+ and Cu + ions, after excitation of the M shell of atomic copper in the 40-125-eV photon energy range (with synchrotron radiation) has allowed us to point out a preferential decay of the Rydberg states 3p53d' 4snd (and ns) into double-ionization channels (3d, 3d 4s final ionic states) in contrast with the relaxation of the valence resonance 3p 3d' 4s into single-ionization ways (satellite 3d 4s'el channels).

K2 rydberg state analysis by two-and three-photon ionization

Chemical Physics Letters, 1983

The technique of resonant Tao-and three-photon ionlzntion has been used to determine h&hly excited Rydbeg states Ryb,, beyond and below the ionization limit. The extrapolation JI --vielded the K; molecular constants we = 73.4 cm-', _ WeYe = 02 cm-'_ IP = 32775.5 cm-' and B, = 0.041 cm-t_ Phenomena like rotational autoionization and field ionization of Ryb,, states are discussed.

A quantum-field theory approach to the calculation of energy levels in helium-like Rydberg atoms

Annals of Physics, 1987

We discuss the tine structure splitting of the energy levels in Rydberg states of helium or helium-like ions on the basis of quantum electrodynamics, using time-independent perturbation theory and the radiation gauge. For the zero-order description of the states we use products of Dirac-type wavefunctions. with shielding for the outer electron. The perturbing interaction includes the residual electrostatic potential, the interaction coming from the exchange of virtual photons, and the creation of virtual electron-positron pairs. It is shown that the level shifts for low-Z ions are given to high accuracy by a procedure followed previously.

Multi-photon excitation spectra of the 3s n ell (ell = 0, 1, 2 and 3) Rydberg states of magnesium

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2007

New experimental data on the highly excited = 0, 1, 2 and 3 Rydberg states of magnesium have been acquired using two-photon and two-step laser excitation technique in conjunction with a thermionic diode ion detector. The new observations include even parity 3sns 1 S 0 (8 n 24) and 3snd 1 D 2 (7 n 62) Rydberg states approached directly from the 3s 2 1 S 0 ground state via two-photon excitation, and the odd parity 3snp 1 P 1 (20 n 61) and 3snf 1 F 3 (14 n 66) Rydberg states accessed by the two-step excitation process via 3s4s 1 S 0 and 3s3d 1 D 2 intermediate states. The Rydberg relation fit to the new data of the np 1 P 1 and nf 1 F 3 series yields the binding energies of the 3s4s 1 S 0 and 3s3d 1 D 2 levels as 18 167.702 cm −1 and 15 267.972 cm −1 , respectively. By adding the binding energies to the corresponding energies of the aforementioned levels, a precise value of the first ionization potential of magnesium is determined as 61 671.04 ± 0.04 cm −1 . Using this ionization potential value, the quantum defects for the ns 1 S 0 , np 1 P 1 , nd 1 D 2 and nf 1 F 3 Rydberg series have been determined as 1.526(2), 1.046(2), 0.602(2) and 0.049(2) cm −1 respectively.

Giant Rydberg excitons in the copper oxide Cu2O


Highly excited atoms with an electron moved into a level with large principal quantum number are fascinating hydrogen-like objects. The giant extension of these Rydberg atoms leads to huge interaction effects. Monitoring these interactions has provided novel insights into molecular and condensed matter physics problems on a single quantum level. Excitons, the fundamental optical excitations in semiconductors consisting of a negatively charged electron and a positively charged hole, are the condensed matter analogues of hydrogen. Highly excited excitons with extensions similar to Rydberg atoms are attractive because they may be placed and moved in a crystal with high precision using microscopic potential landscapes. Their interaction may allow formation of ordered exciton phases or sensing of elementary excitations in the surrounding, also on a quantum level. Here we demonstrate the existence of Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide, Cu 2 O, with principal quantum numbers as large as 25  n . These states have giant wave function extensions of more than 2 micrometers, compared to about a nanometer for the ground state. The strong dipole-dipole interaction is evidenced by a blockade effect, where the presence of an exciton prevents excitation of a further exciton in its vicinity.

Spectroscopy of acetylene Rydberg states studied by VUV absorption and (3+1)-Resonantly Enhanced Multiphoton Ionisation

Comptes Rendus Physique, 2004

The ungerade ns + nd Rydberg states of C 2 H 2 converging to the ground state of the C 2 H + 2 cation have been investigated in the energy range 74 000-88 000 cm −1 by (3 + 1)-multiphoton ionisation (REMPI) and by VUV absorption spectroscopy at the Super-ACO synchrotron radiation facility. Both methods have allowed the selective analysis of the Rydberg transitions with rotational resolution. Mulliken's semi-united atom model, in which predissociation has been taken into account, was used to understand the relative three-photon intensities among the different electronic transitions within the same Rydberg supercomplex. Lifetimes have been evaluated and illustrate very different behaviours towards predissociation for the observed Rydberg states. To cite this article: S. Boyé et al., C. R. Physique 5 (2004).  2004 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

Rydberg wave packets in many-electron atoms excited by short laser pulses

Physical review. A, 1987

An atomic electron excited to a coherent superposition of Rydberg states by a short laser pulse corresponds to a wave packet moving on a radial Kepler orbit. The dynamics of the motion of the wave packet can be observed in a two-photon process where a first laser pulse excites the wave packet, which at a later time is probed by a second pulse. In a many-electron atom a single valence electron excited to the Rydberg wave packet can exchange energy with the atomic ion core (electron correlation), whenever the Rydberg wave packet passes through the atomic core region. We can view this orbiting of the wave packet as a succession of below-threshold inelastic scattering events from the atomic ion core. A theory of two-photon absorption with time-delayed short laser pulses is developed which is based on a "smooth" multichannel quantum-defect Green function.