The Dissertation Committee for Pei-Hsuan Hsieh certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation (original) (raw)

Dedication To all my loving, my wife, Hanh Thai and our kids, Thang Minh Nguyen


Jirsa, who has the attitude and the substance of a genius: he continually and convincingly conveyed a spirit of adventure in regard to research and scholarship, and an excitement in regarding to teaching. This dissertation would not have been possible without his excellent guidance, endless caring, and unconditional patience. I also would like to thank my committee members: Professor Bayrak, Professor Wood, Professor Ghannoum, and Professor Kyriakides, who were so patient with me. I would like to offer my special thanks to Professor Fowler, who was willing to participate in my committee at the last moment. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my parents, who were always supporting and encouraging me with endless love. Finally, I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my wife, Hanh Thai, and our kids, Thang Minh Nguyen and Bao Ngoc Nguyen. As a husband I owe my wife I should always stand by her to share harsh of life, protect from bad, and bring happiness. As a father I owe my kids I should give all my time to them to care, teach, and play. Although very so much suffering I brought they were always there encouraging, cheering me up and stood by me through the good times and bad.

Dissertation.docx (Edited)

This dissertation is dedicated to my late father, Langmia Adolf Ndansi Titakunkah. Words cannot say how much I love and miss you. You were my strength, inspiration, confidence, and motivation. You loved me so much, showered me with everything you had, and believed in me. Although your physical presence is not with me, you are with me spiritually. You laid the foundation for who I am today. Dad may tour gentle soul and continue to rest in the Lord. To my mother, Helen Mantan, you taught me to be strong in times of confusion, frustration, trial, disappointment, and challenges. I feel your presence now, your support, pride, and love. As I celebrate achieving this milestone, I celebrate with you. As I walk across the graduation stage, I walk with you. As I move forward with what God has planned for me, I move with you. I am so proud to have had an amazing mother like you. You remain the wing under my wings. To my husband, Moses Dobgimma Musing, you never let me stop believing in myself and my ability. You have always had faith in me to succeed, even when I doubt myself. So I say thank you for being by my side and supporting me physically, financially, and morally. Thank you for your love and for believing in me. To my Children, Lloyd Dobgima, Winner Dobgima, and Marvellous Dobgima, I may all of you dream bigger than I ever dream. Thank you all for giving me the determination and motivation to finish this dissertation. You all have been so supportive, and I missed the warm motherly care I was to provide you. I promise I will make it up to you. v

I Declare That This is My Own Unaided Work, Except for the Acknowledged Supervision and Referenced Citations


My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to my Supervisor Suzanne Berry, for your keen insight, advice and useful comments that has made this work possible. Professor Margaret Lenta, thank you for taking time off your busy schedule in accommodating me with the editing process. It was an absolute privilege to have sat side by side with you, as you took me through, page by page, so diligently and patiently. I gladly take forward with me fond memories of a woman with such immense humility, passion and kindness. Thank you. Key respondents of this study, thank you for your time, especially those who went out of their way to meet me at a convenient place during the interview stage. My parents, thank you for tolerating the inconveniences I've put you through, especially for having chauffeured me around and baby sitting. Your constant support, motivation and kind assistance has made this possible. Thank you My dear husband Rishen, thank you for listening and cheering me up in my worst mome...


Dedication I dedicate this work to my mother… I dedicate this work to my father… I dedicate this work to my partner and best friend… I dedicate this work to my children … I dedicate this work to my twin brother… I dedicate this work to my big brother and youngest sister… I dedicate this work to my family, friends, fraternity, and sister sorority… I dedicate this work to my ancestors… I dedicate this work to my elders… I dedicate this work to the dreamers, disruptors, and co-conspirators… Most of all I dedicate this work to the FUTURE…

Final Master's Dissertation JP Pophaim

God, first and foremost, for bringing me this far and never leaving my side until this dissertation was completed, "For I was confident of this, that he who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" (Phil 1:6). This was one of life"s greatest challenges but I was prepared for the task as I firmly believed that "my help would come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth" (Ps. 121:2) and that I would make a success of this journey as I have "placed my hope in the Lord and will soar on wings like eagles" (Isaiah 40:31) and reach new heights in my career. My parents and sister, for all the support and sacrifices made and for guiding me so that I could achieve all I set out to do. I am most grateful to my parents for constantly reminding me to grab every educational opportunity with both hands as they strongly believe that education is the most powerful, precious and significant thing they could ever provide for their children. They kept me focused while I was on this journey and they never failed to reassure me that I was capable of completing this dissertationeven at times when I felt I could not carry on. A special word of thanks goes to my supervisor, Professor Robert Peacock who guided and supported me without wavering, never doubting my potential as a young academic. I appreciate and respect your professionalism and your encouraging words to always try my best in order to produce optimal results. Thank you to my extended family, colleagues and friends for the love and support throughout this entire process. And lastly, but not leasta big thank you to the shelters, organisations and participants who formed part of this study. My sincerest appreciation goes to the participants for allowing me to document their experiences which helped give this study meaning, purpose and value. Declaration I, Jean-Paul Pophaim, declare that this dissertation is my own unaided work. All citations, references and borrowed ideas have been duly acknowledged. This dissertation is being submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of Masters of Social Science with Specialisation in Criminology at the Department of Criminology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa. I also hereby confirm that this research has not been previously submitted for a qualification at another institution of higher education.

Dissertation final version

First of all I thank our Almighty God for giving me strength and knowledge to fulfill this journey of eighteen years of hard work. I am both proud and honored to dedicate the fruit of my studies to my beloved grandmother. The first hero I had , the first savior I knew and my forever protector .My cheerleader since day number one , may God have mercy on her soul .I love you. I would seize the opportunity to thank the most important woman in my life, my dear mother who gave me the courage to keep following my dreams and my caring father for his countless sacrifices and support all along this journey, may God bless them. My biggest fans, allies and the best team I could ever have , my siblings. Ihsane, Wafa, Asma, Hadjer, Radhia and Ahmed Zaki who always pushed me to give the best of me. Thank you for tolerating me all the time. My wonderful friends, Israa and Anfel who have been there for me like nobody else. Thank you for being there through thick and thin reminding me of my potential and worth. I love you both. To my amazing partner and classmate Selma who I would call her a sister today. I am very grateful to have you in my life thank you for being always the shoulder I can depend on whenever life knocked me down. I am beyond honored to share this journey with you. I am so proud of us. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Dr. Tihal for her valuable guidance which enlightened my way. Her dedication efforts and sincere desire to help facilitated my work. Benaziza Kawtar III Dedication 2 After eighteen years of studies, here I am about finishing the long journey. The dream is going to be realized soon. First of all , I thank Allah for being by my side each time I needed power and help , and for creating the two most beautiful spirits MY PARENTS , they always hold my hand and support me. All languages, words and letters cannot describe how much I love ; respect and thank them .I also thank my family members who encouraged me to study and develop myself my beloved sisters Bochra and Amina , and my best brothers ; Mohamed and Amine , and my beloved cousin Alaa , I love you so much … Friendship is a holy friendship to me, I would thank all my friends for being with me , and a special dedication to my friend and partner in this research Kawtar , thank you so much my dear for being by my sides My deepest gratitude goes to my supervisor Dr Tihal. Big thanks for her guidance, correction and suggestions , without her constant assistance and support , this work would certainly not have taken its final shape.