Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles as a function of mid and forward rapidity mutiplicities in pp collisions at s\sqrt{s}s
c-2.7,0,-7.17,-2.7,-13.5,-8c-5.8,-5.3,-9.5,-10,-9.5,-14 c0,-2,0.3,-3.3,1,-4c1.3,-2.7,23.83,-20.7,67.5,-54 c44.2,-33.3,65.8,-50.3,66.5,-51c1.3,-1.3,3,-2,5,-2c4.7,0,8.7,3.3,12,10 s173,378,173,378c0.7,0,35.3,-71,104,-213c68.7,-142,137.5,-285,206.5,-429 c69,-144,104.5,-217.7,106.5,-221 l0 -0 c5.3,-9.3,12,-14,20,-14 H400000v40H845.2724 s-225.272,467,-225.272,467s-235,486,-235,486c-2.7,4.7,-9,7,-19,7 c-6,0,-10,-1,-12,-3s-194,-422,-194,-422s-65,47,-65,47z M834 80h400000v40h-400000z'/> = 5.02, 7 and 13 TeV (original) (raw)
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The average total energy as well as its hadronic and electromagnetic components are measured with the CMS detector at pseudorapidities -6.6<\eta <-5.2$$-6.6<η<-5.2 in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy \sqrt{s}=13\,\text {TeV} s=13TeV. The results are presented as a function of the charged particle multiplicity in the region |\eta |<2$$|η|<2. This measurement is sensitive to correlations induced by the underlying event structure over a very wide pseudorapidity region. The predictions of Monte Carlo event generators commonly used in collider experiments and ultra-high energy cosmic ray physics are compared to the data. All generators considered overestimate the fraction of energy going into hadrons.
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Eur.Phys.J., 2014
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Charged-particle multiplicities in proton–proton collisions
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The European Physical …, 2010
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