THE EFFECT OF COMIC STRIPS TOWARD STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION ON NARRATIVE TEXT (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade of SMA 1 Cengkareng 2019/2020 ACADEMIC YEAR) (original) (raw)
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The aim of the research is to find out whether or not using comic strips influence toward students’ reading comprehension at eighth grade of SMP Negeri 2 Ciruas. This research used quantitative method through quasiexperimental research design. The populations of this research were all of student of SMP Negeri 2 Ciruas. The total numbers of students are 839 students, and for the sample writer used cluster sampling. There are 8I which consisted of 32 students as the experiment class and 8H which consisted of 31 students as the control class. The writer used test as the instruments, there were pre-test and post-test. The writer took data from the students’ score of pre-test and post-test. As the result, the writer showed the mean of pretest in control class was 55.96 and became 65.64 in the post-test. Meanwhile, in experimental class mean of pre-test was 44.35 and became 77.58 in the post-test. In finding a significant difference between two variables, the writer conducted T-test. The ...
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This research intended to investigate the effect of comic strips in reading narrative text at vocational high school. The objective of this research was to find out whether the students with comic strips have better comprehension than students without comic strips in reading narrative texts. The subjects of the study were students at the tanth grade of SMKS Al-Inayah Rimbo Bujang. There were three classes X SMK which consist of 78 students and assign to 39 students to method A and 39 students to method B became the experimental group. When this research carried out, the students were at the first semester of academic year 2023/2024. The first hypothesis was proposed as there is significant the high students with comic strips have better comprehension than high students without comic strips in reading narrative texts of X grade SMK AL-INAYAH Rimbo Bujang, and its null hypothesis was The high students with comic strips don't have better comprehension than high students without comic strips in reading narrative texts of X grade SMK AL-INAYAH Rimbo Bujang. The second hypothesis was there is significant the low students with comic strips have better comprehension than low students without comic strips in reading narrative texts of X grade SMK AL-INAYAH Rimbo Bujang, and null hypothesis was the low students with comic strips don't have better comprehension than low students without comic strips in reading narrative texts of X grade SMK AL-INAYAH Rimbo Bujang. The research design used the one shoot experiment design. The instrument which used was to get the data were comic strip and without comic strips test in the form of multiple choices. The tests consisted of 30 items. The test was administrated post-test that to see the significance of difference in both groups. The results of the post-test were analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of the computation on the students' score in post-test were discussed in two ways. The first F-ratio of computation was bigger that the F-table, this was to say that the F-ratio of comic strips in reading narrative texts for high students found 21.732 was shown a significant effect. Based on the result of the computation on the students' score on post-test, the first null hypothesis is rejected whereas the research hypothesis is accepted. And the second was the F-ratio of comic strips in reading narrative texts for low students found .133 at level 0.05 was not significantly effective. Consequently, the second null hypothesis is accepted, and the second research hypothesis was rejected based on the computation of SPSS. The finding of the research leads to the conclusions that there is a significant effect of teaching reading through comic strips grade at SMK AL-INAYAH Rimbo Bujang. The students with comic strips have better comprehension than students without comic strips in reading narrative texts. Finally, the researcher suggests to the English teacher to use comic strips in teaching reading because comic strips have positive effect to increase the student's reading comprehension.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018), 2019
This research was aimed to find out whether the use of comic strip was more effective than the use of conventional media in increasing students' reading comprehension. This research was a quasi-experimental research which involved two groups, there were the experimental group and the control group. The samples were two classes of the eighth-grade students of SMPN 1 Pundong, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The variables of the research were comic strip as the independent variable and the students' reading comprehension as dependent variable. The data collection used a pre-test and post-test. Data analysis was ANCOVA. The result of the research shows that the use of comic strip was more effective than the use of conventional media in students' reading comprehension. It can be seen from the result of LSD test with a mean difference of 0.265 and a significance of p 0.00 was lower than 0.05.
Reading is basic skills which should be studied are speaking, listening, reading and writing and a process of looking at series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. Comic strips is some series of drawing that tell a story and drawings interrelated panels to display brief humor or form a narrative often serialized with text in balloons and captions and with the comic strips can improve reading comprehension of students in English. This research is designed into quantitative research by following experimental design of control class and experimental class. The population is 216 students and the sample is taken by using cluster sampling technique so that the sample is 72 students. The research subject is XI IPA 1 as experimental class and XI IPA 2 as control class of SMA MUHAMMADIYAH-7 Serbelawan. Research instrument is multiple choices. The data analysis is started from scoring the students' answer sheet, tabulating students' pre-test and post-test scores, calculating the standard deviation pre-test and post-test scores. Based on the data analysis, it was found before the treatment of using comic strips, value pre-test was 1904 and mean (average) was 52,88 in post-test get value was 2132 and mean (average) was 59,22 and the standard deviation pre-test was 10,20 and post-test was 10,01. get value pre-test was 1972 and mean (average) was 54,78 in post-test value was 3004 and mean (average) was 83,45 and the standard deviation pre-test was 6,91 and post-test was 6,93. Using comic strips effective in improvingstudents' reading comprehension through narrative text at the eleventh grade of SMA MUHAMMADIYAH-7 Serbelawan. The t-table value is on the amount sample (n) 72 subtracted 2 then the number of sample will be 70 which the value of t-table was 1,99. Then, result was df(degree of freedom) =70. So, the t-test result was than 5,73> 4,22 >1,99. It can be concluded that result of experimental class more of control class result that the researcher was accepted.
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Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature Studies
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