Anthropometric indicators and motor abilities of university students performing various types of physical activities (martial arts, volleyball, bodybuilding/fitness, jogging followed by sauna, golf, general PE classes) (original) (raw)

General Motor Performance Level of Slovak University Students Determined by Selected Physical Activity Factors


In this research authors evaluate general physical fitness level of 606 Slovak universities students (344 boys and 262 girls). Physical fitness was evaluated with reduced Eurofit battery tests. We have available students from the Faculty of physical education and sports and from 8 different faculties. We compared these measured parameters with former Slovak population norms. With questionnaire we learned used forms of student physical activities. Differences were evaluated with parametric un-pair t-test; we used *p<0.05, **p<0.01 significance levels. In the contribution is shown that students of the FSPORT reached higher level of general motor performance with regard to other faculties or former populations. It seems that compulsory physical and sport education subjects on universities do not influence significantly positively physical fitness level; the same is watched with unpaid physical activities forms. Decisive role in general motor performance level increase have forms of practising physical activities in individual leisure time.

Physical Development and General Motor Performance of Bratislava University Students

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

In this contribution the authors have evaluated a sample of 606 university students (studying at 8 faculties from Bratislava universities, 344 males and 262 females) by measuring 3 somatic parameters (body height, body weight and BMI) and by submitting them to 6 general motor performance tests (sit and reach, standing broad jump, 30 seconds sit-ups, over head 2 kg medicine ball throw, 10 x 5 m shuttle run and endurance shuttle run). Differences were identified by parametric un-pair t-tests and they were considered on a **1 %, or a *5 % significance level. We have not found any significant differences in somatic parameters between single groups of males or females. The general motor performance tests have indicated higher performance levels among students at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports for all tests applied, both for males and females. On the other hand, students from other faculties seldom showed any significant differences in their general motor performance levels. Comparison with Slovak population shows higher performance level of The students at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports also showed higher performance levels when compared to the Slovak population in general, while students at other faculties did not do any better or even did slightly worse than the general population, according to the historical data we have used for our comparison.

Influence of Anthropometric Indices on the Physical Performance on 12-14 Year Olds

Knowledge International Journal

The main purpose of this study was to determine the impact of somatotypic profile and body mass index on the physical conditions of 12-14 year-old students, based on the results of tests for assessment to motor skills included in assessment system at the Physical education and sports in schools. The 64 young men and 70 girls we will explore are from two different schools in Blagoevgrad, which subsequently were divided into four groups: two groups for the boys and two for the girls. The study groups have antropometrichal parameters: height - 161.5 ± 8.2 cm, weight - 55.25 ± 18.26, and BMI of 21.01 ± 5.82 (M ± SD) for the boys and height 159.7 ± 7.22 cm, weight 52.02 ± 10.66 and BMI (kg / m2) 20.36 ± 3.85 (M ± SD) for the girls. The participants of this study completed 4 tests to determine the level of physical fitness, which are included in the System for Control and Assessment of the Achievements of the Students in Physical Education and Sports, used in the second stage of the prima...

Physical Activity and Physical Fitness of Students at University of Physical Education and Sport in Biala Podlaska

Polish Journal of Applied Sciences, 2017

Introduction. Physical exercise deficiency and lack of proper habits related to systematic physical activity, especially among the youth, can be particularly dangerous from the point of view of health in the further decades of their lives. Materials and methods. The study covered a group of 95 students studying Physical Education on Physical Education and Sport Faculty in BiaĹ ' a Podlaska, with 39 of them being sportspeople training, among other things, football and handball, volleyball, basketball, athletics, MMA, taekwon-do and swimming. Results. All the respondents prefer an active model of spending leisure time, where slightly fewer than every third student (29.4%) are the people who systematically attend trainings in sports clubs. Almost all of the researched people (92.64%) achieved the level of physical condition described as high between 468 and 667 points on the ICSPFT scale. Conclusions. All the respondents prefer an active model of spending leisure time, which can be connected with the studied faculty, where slightly fewer than two third of them engage in activities classified as intensive. It means that in the light of the newest health standards adopted by WHO, all the researched students of Physical Education Department fulfilled the recommendations concerning pro-health physical activity. It was stated that almost all the respondents achieved high scores in ICSPFT, however, no statistically significant correlations between the results obtained in subsequent ICSPFT trials assessing physical fitness and their weight and height were observed.

Physical Activity Level of Firstyear Students from Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw

Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 2016

Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the level of declared physical activity of first-year students from Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw by using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The paper presents physical activity according to the students’ chosen degree course and sex. The study also analyzes physical activity in relation to the BMI index according to the classification by the World Health Organization (WHO). Basic procedures: The group of participants comprised 190 Physical Education (n = 115) and Sports (n = 75) students. The study was conducted in November 2015 and used the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Main findings: The results of the present study showed that the physical education students were characterized by a higher level of physical activity in each discussed type of physical activity than their peers studying sports. The study also revealed that the women showed greater phy...

Relationship between Physical Fitness and Anthropometric Indicators in Non-athlete Students

Annals of Biological Research, 2012

The aim of this study was to relationship between physical fitness factors and anthropometric indicators (BMI and WHR) among non-athlete students of Qom University. For this purpose, 220 non-athlete female students and 222 non-athlete male students from Qom University who had physical education unit 1 were selected as accessible research participants. Then, physical fitness factors including (horizontal bars, flexibility, sit-up, Swedish swimming, 160 and 540 meter running and anthropometric indicators (BMI and WHP) were taken from the participants and Pearson correlation was used to analyze the data in SPSS software, version 16. The results showed a significant and negative correlation between 540 and 1600 meter running and horizontal bar on the one hand and WHR on the other and a positive and significant correlation between swimming test and WHR among female students. There was also a negative and significant correlation between 540 meter and station running and BMI in female stud...

The Evaluation of Some Physical and Motor Features of The Female and Male Students Aged 12-14 Who Participated in Sports or Not. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov.

Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, 2011

This study was applied to total 53 students aged 12-14, who participated in sports regularly in their school or club teams or not, from three different public schools in the city center of Kastamonu. The mean age of 15 female students participating in sports was 13,20±0,77 and the mean age of 11 male students participating in sports was 13±0,90, and also the mean age of 15 female students not participating in sports was 13,20±0,78 and the mean age of 12 male students not participating in sports was 13,08±0,80. The subjects were chosen randomly and the tests and measures were performed in the gymnasium. In order to determine the features of subjects, their height and weight were measured, some tests were performed by using Eurofit test battery and also Illinois agility test were applied. Data were analyzed in SPSS 16.0 statistical package program and in order to compare the averages of groups with regard to some variables Mann- Whitney U Test was used. The level of significance was accepted as p< 0,05. At the end of the study, it was determined that when compared the values of the female subjects participating in sports and the ones not participating in sports, significant differences were found in body fat percent, 10x5 m. sprint, right and left hand reaction to light, standing long jump, flamingo balance, sit and reach flexibility and anaerobic power tests (p<0,05), there were no significant difference in right and left hand grip strength, Illinois agility test values. It was also seen that when compared the values of the male subjects participating in sports and the ones not participating in sports, there were significant differences in 10x5 m. sprint, right and left hand reaction to light, standing long jump, flamingo balance, sit and reach flexibility tests (p<0,05), no significant difference was found in body fat percent, right and left hand grip strength, anaerobic power and Illinois agility tests.

Analysis of Quantitative Changes of the High School Students Morphological-Motor Characteristics under the Impact of Regular Physical Education Classes

Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 2019

The research was conducted on a sample including 166 participants - students of 'Combined Technical High School" of male sex from Travnik, who attended physical education classes regularly during the school year. In the research five variables were used to assess morphological status and nine variables to assess motor status of the participants according to the Eurofit Fitness Test Battery. The main aim of the research was to determine quantitative changes in morphological and motor status of secondary school students during one school year under the impact of programme content of regular physical education classes through a longitudinal study. Quantitative changes in morphological and motor status and analysis of differences between the initial and final measurements were determined by analysis of changes under the model of differences and SSDIF analysis (Bonacin, 2004). A hypothetical measurement matrix was defined by projecting the measurement data, and explicating a set...

The Effects of Sport on the Body Measure from Students of Different Disciplines


SUMMARY Problems arising from excessive body weight may be overcome. Sport emerges to take a great part in this respect. This paper shows how human body is affected by sport.The individuals were selected from the students of two different disciplines. The body measure of students totaling to 200,, was then compared to those of the same number of students, who did not perform a regular physical activity. The values pertaining to the weight variable, implied a significant difference for both males and females. The BMI values obtained for the all students were in “no risk” group, while the average BMI values for the all female students, emerged to exhibit differences from those of the all male students. The results and the findings of this investigation implied that physical activities practiced regularly, have an influence on the body measure index of individuals.

Relationships between socioeconomic factors versus the anthropometric and motor characteristics of Polish female university students (2000–2018)


Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the relationships between socioeconomic factors (SES), anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities of female university students. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in 2000-2018 on 3955 female university students aged 19.72 ± 0.75 years who were randomly selected from the population of students attending obligatory physical education (PE) classes. The participants’ body mass and height were measured, and the students participated in 13 motor ability tests that assessed their speed/agility, flexibility, strength, endurancestrength, and endurance abilities. Multiple independent samples were compared using the KruskalWallis test or the mean-ranks post-hoc test when significant differences were observed in the participants’ motor abilities. Results: Statistically significant differences in the participants’ body mass, body height, BMI and motor abilities (speed/agility, flexibility – partly, strength, and strengthendurance) ...