Stigmatization of Psychiatric Patients Among Students in Serbia (original) (raw)

Attitudes toward mentally ill patients: a comparison between Romanian and International Medical Students

Clujul Medical

Background. Stigmatizing attitudes to mental illness, and especially schizophrenia, are not limited to the general population but are also common among health professionals. Health professionals are in a position to model health related attitudes both in the general public and patients. Medical students are an interesting group to focus upon, since they are future health professionals and correcting stigmatizing attitudes is still possible during their educational curriculum.Methods. This study investigated the attitude toward mental illness in medical students at the Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy. We surveyed first year students, since they have not yet received specific classes or internships in psychiatry; 322 students from the Romanian and English sections participated, representing a response rate of 94.7%. The questionnaire consisted of the Romanian and English versions of Link's Social Distance Scale towards people with mental illness scale.Results. ...



Background,It is known that the consequences of stigmatization towards people with severe mental illness reflect themselves in a lack of self-esteem and consequently,in low level of initiatives toimprove,one’s status in the community.,The burden,of stigma may,cause denial of partici- pation in the stigmatized group. So far, there were few studies to compare the mentally ill patients’ perception,of the »other« mentally

Stigma and Attitudes towards Psychiatric Patients in Portuguese Medical Students

Acta Médica Portuguesa, 2015

Introduction: This study aims to assess the impact of psychiatric education on attitudes of medical students towards psychiatric patients.Material and Methods: A cross-sectional survey of medical students was conducted at the biggest Portuguese medical school. The students completed an anonymous self-report questionnaire, including sociodemographic data, family history of psychiatric illness, and the Community Attitudes toward the Mentally Ill scale.Results: Of the 2 178 students, 398 answered the survey, representing 18.2% of the whole medical school. There was a significant improvement in all Community Attitudes toward the Mentally Ill scale dimensions along the medical course. The higher scores were in Restrictiveness subscale (38.01), and the lower scores were for Authoritarianism (36.13). The best improvement along the course was for Authoritarianism (5th year score - 1st year score = 2.03), and the worse was for Benevolence (5th year score - 1st year score = 0.39). The biggest...

Attitude of society towards people with mental illness: The result of national survey of the Slovak population

International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 2017

Aims: Our survey has been aimed at identifying the society attitude towards people with mental illness in Slovakia. Method: Selected group comprised 1,624 adult respondents with 18 years of age as the bottom limit. We applied reduced 26-item Community Attitudes Toward Mentally Ill Scale (CAMI) to the survey of the society attitude towards people with mental illness. Results: Average score reached by the respondents reached 94.0800 points, indicating lower stigmatization rate than presumed. Further investigation revealed prejudice and stigmatizing attitudes at significant part of the population. The survey confirmed statistically significant differences at the attitudes in the terms of gender ( t = −6.559, p = .000), age within the categories (χ2 = 20.358, p = .000), education ( F = 9.137, p = .000), socio-economic status (χ2 = 50.487, p = .000) and occupation (χ2 = 47.989, p = .000). We also confirmed statistically significant relation between the attitude and age (−.085**, p = .001...

The attitude of medical students to psychiatric patients and their disorders and the influence of psychiatric study placements in bringing about changes in attitude

The Israel journal of psychiatry and related sciences, 2007

The aim of this study was to determine the general attitude of final year medical students towards psychiatric patients and psychiatric disorders and to reveal the influence of psychiatric study experience in changing the behavior and perception of students. The study comprised 172 final year medical students undergoing a period of placement at the Ondokuz Mayis University Medical School Department of Psychiatry who agreed to participate. They were asked to fill in the Opinions about Mental Illness Ideology Scale (OMI) the day before they commenced, on the last day of their placement and three months after completing it. The students reported the highest and lowest scores from the benevolence and social restrictiveness sub-dimensions of the OMI, respectively. The mean authoritarianism score was significantly higher in males than in females. The means of the OMI scores obtained over the three different periods were not statistically different. Medical school psychiatry departments ne...

Community attitudes towards the mentally ill in Serbia


Introduction. Integration of the mentally ill into the community is one of the essential objectives of social rehabilitation. Deinstitutionalization is one of the central points of contemporary mental health reforms across the world. The acceptance of people with mental health problems in the general population is an important factor in determining the success of implementing deinstitutionalization strategies. Furthermore, medical students during their education attain knowledge about mental health problems as standard part of their curriculum. Quantifying the outlook towards people with mental health problems in future doctors is an important determinant of prospective community-based care. Aim. Assessment of community attitudes towards the mentally ill in a repre

Attitudes toward mental disorder among medical students

Slovenian Medical Journal

Background: People with mental disorders are among the most stigmatized and vulnerable members of society. Our research study intended to determine the medical students’ attitude toward mental disorders, the presence of stigma, and whether either changed throughout their six-year medical education. Methods: The sample included 200 medical students of the University of Maribor. Empirical data were collected using the CAMI scale (Community Attitudes Towards the Mentally Ill), the Comparison of Attitudes of Patients and Students in Slovenia questionnaire, and additional questions regarding specific mental disorders. The results were processed using the SPSS 25 program. Descriptive statistics methods were applied, including the ANOVA test. Statistically, significant correlations and differences were checked at a 5% risk level. Results: The students strongly agreed with the positive statements and disagreed with the negative statements on the CAMI scale (MV=3.93; SD=0.34; p=0.046). No si...

Stigmatization of Psychiatric Patients – Knowledge and Attitudes of Health and Non-health Professionals

Socijalna psihijatrija, 2021

Uz teškoće u svakodnevnom djelovanju zbog simptoma svojih bolesti psihički bolesnici se moraju suočiti i s osjećajem odbačenosti od drugih ljudi, a sve zbog straha od njihovih nepredvidivih reakcija. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi razlike u znanjima i stavovima o stigmatizaciji psihičkih bolesnika u odnosu na vrstu zanimanja (zdravstveni, nezdravstveni djelatnici i psihijatrijsko osoblje), razinu obrazovanja (osnovno-srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, dodiplomska i sveučilišna diploma), spol i psihijatrijski hereditet u obitelji. Na uzorku od 243 ispitanika [namjernog uzorka zdravstvenih radnika (23,4%), nezdravstvenih radnika (49%) i psihijatrijskog osoblja (27,6%)], heterogenih prema sociodemografskim obilježjima) ispitani su znanje i stavovi prema psihičkim bolesnicima. U istraživanju je primijenjena Revidirana ljestvica za mjerenje stavova prema psihičkim bolesnicima izrađena prema ljestvici Ljetne škole studenata psihologije 2003. te Ljestvica znanja o psihičkim bolesnicima (SZPB) preuzeta iz istraživanja Jokić-Begić, Kamenov, Lauri Korajlija, 2005. Rezultati su pokazali da psihijatrijsko osoblje ima veće znanje o karakteristikama mentalno oboljelih pojedinaca, liječenju te o nastanku mentalnih bolesti od zdravstvenog i nezdravstvenog osoblja, a kod muškaraca samo od zdravstvenih radnika. Nezdravstveno i zdravstveno osoblje više od psihijatrijskog osoblja vjeruje da su s njima poželjni neposredni kontakti, osim kod muškaraca gdje nisu pronađene razlike. Obrazovaniji ispitanici imaju veće znanje o psihičkim bolestima i smatraju u većoj mjeri da su psihički bolesnici radno sposobni i ugodni, kao i da su s njima poželjni neposredni kontakti. Manje obrazovani ispitanici u većoj mjeri vjeruju da psihički bolesnici zaslužuju poštovanje i suosjećanje kao ravnopravni članovi društva. Značajne su razlike dobivene između ispitanika sa psihološkim hereditetom i bez psihijatrijskog herediteta u odnosu na jedan od aspekata stava. Ispitanici bez psihijatrijskog herediteta smatraju da osobe sa psihičkom bolesti zaslužuju više poštovanja i suosjećanja. Rezultati pružaju okvirne smjernice potrebne za oblikovanje procesa destigmatizacije psihičkih bolesnika u populaciji zdravstvenih i nezdravstvenih stručnjaka, kao i osobama različitog stupnja obrazovanja, posebno onima koji rade s mentalno oboljelim pacijentima ili stupaju s njima u kontakt nakon hospitalizacije. / With functional problems resulting from the symptoms of their illness, people with mental illness also face the feeling of being rejected by other people, partly because of the fear of their specific and unpredictable reactions. The objective of this study was to determine the differences in knowledge and attitudes regarding psychiatric patients affecting their stigmatization, with respect to the type of employment (health and non-health professionals and psychiatric personnel), level of education (elementary and secondary school, undergraduate degree, university degree), gender, and psychiatric heredity in the family. We used a sample of 243 respondents (intentional sample of health (23.4%), non-health professionals (49%), and psychiatric personnel (27.6%), heterogeneous by socio-demographic characteristics) to examine knowledge and attitudes towards individuals with mental illness using appropriate measuring instruments. The Revised Scale for Measuring Attitudes toward Mental Patients, developed according to the scale of the Summer School of Psychology

Stigmatizing Attitudes Toward Patients With Psychiatric Disorders Among Medical Students and Professionals

Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020

Introduction: Stigma attached to mental health encompasses discrimination and exclusion of psychiatric patients and hinders their opportunities to have more productive and fulfilling lives. Moreover, stigma also exists among health professionals, and therefore, it hampers the provision of treatment and care and the promotion of mental well-being. This manuscript intends to assess and compare the levels of stigmatization toward patients with mental illness between medical students and doctors from different specialties. Methods: The Portuguese version of Attribution Questionnaire (AQ-27) was used to assess the attitudes of medical students (n = 203), non-psychiatry doctors (n = 121), and psychiatry specialists (n = 29) from the University of Minho and three hospitals in the region of Braga, Portugal (

Association of Attitude Towards Mental Illness with Exposure to Psychiatry in Medical Students

Annals of King Edward Medical University

Background: Society's attitude towards patients with mental illness has been evolving over the past century and the speed of this evolution has particularly accelerated since the advent of modern ways of communication and media. As with other areas of development, attitude change may be expected to be slow-paced in our country but local evidence is lacking in this regard. Objective: To measure the level of stigma towards mental illness in medical students along with its association with their prior exposure to Psychiatry. Method: This is across-sectional study conducted between May to August 2019 at a private medical college. Consecutive sampling was used to include a total of 247 (71% female and 29% male) students of the fourth and final year MBBS after written informed consent. A specially designed form was used to collect relevant socio-demographic details along with data regarding exposure to Psychiatry. The scores from self-reported Mental Illness: Clinicians' Attitudes...