Higher categorified algebras versus bounded homotopy algebras (original) (raw)
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The structure of homotopy Lie algebras
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 2009
In this paper we consider a graded Lie algebra, L, of finite depth m, and study the interplay between the depth of L and the growth of the integers dim L i. A subspace W in a graded vector space V is called full if for some integers d , N , q, dim V k Ä d P kCq iDk dim W i , i N. We define an equivalence relation on the subspaces of V by U W if U and W are full in U C W. Two subspaces V , W in L are then called L-equivalent (V L W) if for all ideals K L, V \ K W \ K. Then our main result asserts that the set L of L-equivalence classes of ideals in L is a distributive lattice with at most 2 m elements. To establish this we show that for each ideal I there is a Lie subalgebra E L such that E \ I D 0, E˚I
Homotopy Commutative Algebra and 2-Nilpotent Lie Algebra
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 2014
The homotopy transfer theorem due to Tornike Kadeishvili induces the structure of a homotopy commutative algebra, or C ∞-algebra, on the cohomology of the free 2-nilpotent Lie algebra. The latter C ∞-algebra is shown to be generated in degree one by the binary and the ternary operations.
Building on the seminal works of Quillen [12] and Sullivan [16], Bousfield and Guggenheim [3] developed a "homotopy theory" for commutative differential graded algebras (cdgas) in order to study the rational homotopy theory of topological spaces. This "homotopy theory" is a certain categorical framework, invented by Quillen, that provides a useful model for the non-abelian analogs of the derived categories used in classical homological algebra. In this masters thesis, we use K. Brown’s generalization [5] of Quillen’s formalism to present a homotopy theory for the category of semi-free, finite-type cdgas over a field k of characteristic 0. In this homotopy theory, the "weak homotopy equivalences" are a refinement of those used by Bousfield and Guggenheim. As an application, we show that the category of finite-dimensional Lie algebras over k faithfully embeds into our homotopy category of cdgas via the Chevalley-Eilenberg construction. Moreover, we prove ...
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2021
In this paper we study an elementary use of E-infinity modules and E-infinity algebras as together they have a use in terms of describing triangulated categories. Also, we show an interpretation of E-infinity algebras where the modules are fibrant objects within the categories of differential graded co-algebras and co-modules.
Hom-algebras and Hom-coalgebras
The aim of this paper is to develop the theory of Hom-coalgebras and related structures. After reviewing some key constructions and examples of quasi-deformations of Lie algebras involving twisted derivations and giving rise to the class of quasi-Lie algebras incorporating Hom-Lie algebras, we describe the notion and some properties of Homalgebras and provide examples. We introduce Hom-coalgebra structures, leading to the notions of Hom-bialgebra and Hom-Hopf algebras, and prove some fundamental properties and give examples. Finally, we define the concept of Hom-Lie admissible Hom-coalgebra and provide their classification based on subgroups of the symmetric group. 1 2 ABDENACER MAKHLOUF AND SERGEI SILVESTROV six terms in Jacobi identity of the quasi-Lie or of the quasi-Hom-Lie algebras can be combined pairwise in a suitable way. That possibility depends deeply on how the twisting maps interact with each other and with the bracket multiplication.
A-infinity algebras, modules and functor categories
In this survey, we first present basic facts on A-infinity algebras and modules including their use in describing triangulated categories. Then we describe the Quillen model approach to A-infinity structures following K. Lefevre's thesis. Finally, starting from an idea of V. Lyubashenko's, we give a conceptual construction of A-infinity functor categories using a suitable closed monoidal category of cocategories. In particular, this yields a natural construction of the bialgebra structure on the bar construction of the Hochschild complex of an associative algebra.
A universal enveloping for L-infinity algebras
For any L-infinity algebra L, we construct an A-infinity structure on the space of symmetric tensors Sym*(L), which generalizes the classical universal enveloping for Lie algebras. Our construction is based on an invariant homotopy on a cobar construction of the symmetric coalgebra, which is obtained through its relation with permutahedra and Young tableaux.
On Defining Relations of Certain Infinite-Dimensional Lie ALGEBRAS1
ABSTRACT. In this note we prove a conjecture stated in [2] about defining relations of the so-called Kac-Moody Lie algebras. In the finite-dimensional case this is Serre's theorem [5]. The basic idea is to map the ideal of relations into a Verma module and then to use the ( ...