Unravelling a Late Ordovician pentameride (Brachiopoda) hotspot from the Boda limestone, Siljan district, central Sweden (original) (raw)
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GFF, 2014
The pentameride brachiopod genus Holorhynchus is a useful tool for correlation of the upper part of the Katian Stage in the Upper Ordovician. Holorhynchus occurs in the Boda Limestone, Siljan district, Sweden, but is generally only known from taxonomic descriptions. Here, we report in detail fossil occurrences relating morphology and sedimentary facies within the context of a major faunal turnover during the latest Katian. The specimens occur exclusively within the intercalated beds of pelmicritic mudstone and fossiliferous layers, which are down-slope storm deposits. The comparison of sedimentary features between the beds with and without Holorhynchus suggests that the animal inhabited fluid conditions on a muddy substrate, such as the channel environment reconstructed herein. The geological and autecological evidence suggests that the environmental conditions on the seabed were eutrophic. The opportunist Holorhynchus rapidly explored new habitats during a time of transition.
—Karlsorus n. gen. is proposed in this study as a large, smooth-shelled pentameride brachiopod of the family Pentameridae, based on Pentamerus gothlandicus Lebedev, 1892, from the Wenlock (Silurian) Slite beds of Gotland, Sweden. This species is transferred from Pentamerus to the new genus because of the combination of a Pentamerus-like shell shape and the development of a brachiophorium through fusion of the outer hinge plates in the middle portion, like a dorso-ventrally inversed cruralium. The first appearance of brachiophorium in pentamerids is in the late Wenlock, known also in Brooksina, Pentamerifera, and other related pentamerid genera, marking a significant stage in morphological transformation of dorsal internal structures, as part of the Silurian pentameride diversification in both level-bottom and reefal depositional environments.
Lingulate brachiopods from the Cambrian—Ordovician boundary beds in Sweden
Gff, 1993
GFF Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Puura. I. 6: Holmer. L.E., 1993 09 01 : Lingulate brachiopods from the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary beds in Sweden. Ceologiska ForeningensiSlockliolrii Forlrandlingar, Vol. 1 15. Pt. 3. pp. 215-237. Stockholm. ISSN 0016-786X. Lingulate brachiopods are described from the so-called 'Obolus' beds in the Siljan district. South Ilothnian submarine district, and on the island of Bland. Sweden. The fauna includes Ungirla inornola, U. ingrica, Sclirriidiites celaltrs. Ocpikites sp., Ccralreta tatineri and h'eyserlingia reversa that are well-known in the Upper Cambrian of the northern East Baltic (Estonia and Ingria); most exanlined sectionsalsoincludespecies ofprobablelateTremadoc toearly Arenig age. Lingulateand conodont-based correlation with the Ulgaseand Saka sections in Estonia indicates that the Swedish 'Obolus' beds were formed during several phases of redeposition in the time interval from the Late Cambrian to early Arenig. 0 Bracliiopoda. Lingitlala, Ungula inornata, U . ingrica. Schmidtites celatus, Oepikites sp., Keyserlingia reversa. Lale Cainbrian, Treiliadoc. Arenig. Dalarna. Soirtli Botlinian sirbriiarine districl, Olaiid, Sweden. lvar hrirra, lnslilirte of Geology. Eslorriari Academy of Sciences, Eslonia pst. 7, Tallinn EEOlO5, Estonia, and Lars E. tfoliiier, lnstilirte of Earl11 Sciencesffislorical Geology R Palaeonfologj, Norbyragen 22, S-75236 Uppsala. Sweden. hfanirscripf
Inarticulate brachiopods around the Middle-Upper Ordovician boundary in Vastergotland
Gff, 1986
Ifolmer, L. E., 19860701: Inarticulate brachiopods around the hfiddfe-Upper Ordovician boundary in .VSstergBtland. Geologkka Ffireningerrr i Srockholrii Fiirliandlingar, Vol. 10s. Pt. 2, pp. 97-126. Stockholm. ISSN 0016-786X. Inarticulate brachiopods are described from the Upper Viruan (hiiddle Ordovician) and Lower Harjuan (Upper Ordovician) limestones in Gullhogen quarry, Viistergotland, southern Sweden. Sixteen species of inarticulate brachiopods (seven named, six of which are new) are assigned to 14 genera (13 named, one of which is new). The lingulids are treated under open nomenclature. One new acrotretacean genus (Rhiriorrera) is described as are the acrotretacean species Hkirrgerella feniris, Coriotrera? orbicdarir, Veliseprirrn srricrrori, Rhirrorreta rriiiscularb, Toryrielasrria? currata and T.? plaria. The stratigraphy of the hiiddle-Upper Ordovician boundary interval in Viistergotland is briefly discussed. 0 Bracliiopoda, lriarticrclata, Acrorreracea, riew genus, Rhinotreta, biosrrarigraphy, Middle-Upper Ordoriciari boundary, Grrllliiigeri quarry, Vas/ergorlarrd,
Discinacean brachiopods from the Ordovician Kullsberg and Boda limestones of Dalarna, Sweden
Geologiska Foereningens I Stockholm Foerhandlingar, 1987
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Abstract. Integrated palaeontological and sedimentological study of the Upper Ordovician Vormsi Stage in the Lelle drill core section, Central Estonia, revealed an association of shelly fauna containing the endemic saukrodictyid brachiopod Hulterstadia cor (Wiman), which is otherwise known only from erratic boulders close to Hulterstad in the southeastern area of the Island of Öland, Sweden. In the Lelle core this fauna occurs in the uppermost Fungochitina spinifera chitinozoan Biozone of mid-Vormsi age.