How the Content of Learning Videos Should Be Made? (A Study on Prospective Primary School Teacher Students During COVID-19 Pandemic) (original) (raw)

Improving the pedagogic competence of Pandhega Jaya Christian High School teachers through making learning videos

Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang

The development of technology today has had a very significant impact in the world of education, one of which is the creation of innovative learning media so that it can be a solution for teachers in creating a more interesting learning atmosphere. In line with this, teachers must be able to adapt, one of which is increasing their competence, especially pedagogic competence. The objectives of this activity are 1) to improve teacher learning and creativity in preparing media; and 2) solving problems faced by teachers in making learning videos; and 3) introducing software/applications that are easy to use in making learning videos. This service activity was carried out at Pandhega Jaya Christian High School as a partner school. The method of service used is in the form of training. The stages of training activities include: preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The result of this activity is an increase in the ability of teachers to use technology-based media. This c...

The Effect of Creating Learning Videos by Teachers with Language Development on Distance Learning in the Pandemic Period at Kindergarten B Ananda Islamic School Jakarta

JURNAL INDRIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Prasekolah dan Sekolah Awal)

COVID-19 masih melanda Indonesia hingga saat ini. Hal ini membuat pembelajaran yang tadinya sistem tatap muka harus diubah menjadi pendidikan jarak jauh. Guru dituntut memiliki kompetensi untuk membuat media pembelajaran jarak jauh yang menyenangkan bagi siswa agar tujuan pembelajaran yang diharapkan dapat tercapai salah satunya dengan pembuatan video pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan media video animasi pada anak usia dini. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survei deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 28 siswa yang mendapat stimulasi media video animasi dari 3 guru di sekolah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Quasi Experiment. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji-t sebelumnya berupa uji prasyarat analisis normalitas dan homogenitas varians. Hasil penelitian ini adalah nilai 0,000 < 0,05 , sehingga terdapat perbedaan rata-rata antara hasil belajar pre-test dan post-test yang artinya ada pengaruh penggunaan strategi pembelajaran tutor sebaya dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar. Abstract COVID-19, which is still hitting Indonesia today, has made learning that was previously a face-to-face system to be changed to distance education. Teachers are required to have the competence to make distance learning media that is fun for students so that the expected learning objectives can be achieved, one of them is by making learning videos. This study aimed at analyzing the use of animated video media in early childhood. This research used a quantitative research approach with a descriptive survey method. The samples were 28 students who received animation video media stimulation from three teachers at the school. This research used Quasi Experiment Method. Hypothesis testing used the previous t-test in the form of prerequisite tests for normality analysis and homogeneity of variance. The study result indicated the value of 0.000 < 0.05, so there was an average difference between the pretest and posttest learning outcomes, which means that there was an effect of using peer tutor learning strategies in improving learning outcomes.

Effectiveness of Using Video Media in Online Learning Process at SD Panca Budi Medan during Covid-19

International Journal of Research, 2021

The government issued various policies to break the chain of spread of Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19). Restriction of activities is one of the policies of the government must be lived by Indonesians. Activities that are usually done outside the house are now switched to the house through an online system or in the network. The restriction of this activity is felt by all sectors without exception the education sector that must do restrictions in educational activities. There is a shift in learning activities that were previously carried out in schools suddenly turned into online-based distance learning activities. One of the consequences of the online learning process that is done at home is the difficulty of students to learn and understand the subject matter independently, especially for elementary school students who should still need guidance directly in the learning process. This difficulty was also experienced by most students of Panca Budi Medan Elementary School. Therefore, s...

The Use of Video for Distance Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic: Students’ Voice


During covid-19 pandemic, teachers need to change the activity from a face-to-face into distance learning activity. There may many methods and media used by the teacher, one of them is video. One of the aims is to assist teachers in explaining the material and attracting students' interest. Hence, this study aims to find out the benefits of the use video in teaching and learning activity in pandemic situation. In this study, the researchers investigated what the benefit of the use of video for English learning as perceived by students in Covid-19 pandemic situation. the researchers used qualitative method in this research. The instruments used in this study are questionnaire and interview. The researchers took the data from two classes, which were XI KI I and XI KI III of SMK SMTI Bandarlampung.The research findings shows that students had positive experience when using video as medium in teaching and learning English as a foreign language. Moreover, most of the students agreed...

The Use of Learning Videos in Order to Increase Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes During The COVID-19 Pandemic

ASEAN Journal of Science and Engineering Education, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic affects almost all areas of life, one of which is education. In the field of education, the learning process during the pandemic has turned into Distance Learning. Distance learning which is carried out online has many obstacles in its implementation. The learning media used are very influential in the success of online learning during a pandemic. Online learning requires creative learning media so that students don't feel bored and stay motivated in learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the motivation and learning outcomes of students in sixth grade elementary school Kamarung 1, Indonesia on building space material after online learning was carried out using video as a learning media during the COVID-19 pandemic. The subjects of this study were sixth grade students of elementary school Kamarung 1, Indonesia in the 2020/2021 academic year. Data collection techniques through pretest and postest. The analysis technique used is descriptive quali...

A Field Survey on the Types of Videos and Learning Approaches deemed appropriate for the 21st Century Teaching and Learning


Undisputedly, rapidly changing technologies have introduced many unprecedented challenges to almost every sphere of the people’s lives. For one, the educational realm has witnessed many changes made to the teaching and learning process to ensure students can learn with greater efficacy. Against this backdrop, this paper discusses the findings of a field study based on an online survey involving 91 students of Sultan Idris Education University, Tanjung Malim, Perak, Malaysia. The researchers used Google Form, which is a free survey development tool, for the development of online questionnaire of the survey. The main aims of this field study are as follows: (a) to determine the type of learning video deemed relevant to the 21st century learning, (b) to determine the teaching approach of lecturers as preferred by students, and (c) to determine the relevant teaching approach for subjects that entail logical thinking. Data collected were analysed descriptively, yielding a number of inter...

Students' perceptions on the use of videos in distance education


…to the ones Who believe that education can change not only people, but the world. ACKNOLEDGMENTS I wish to dedicate this research study to all my colleagues, professors and people from my family who cheered and encouraged me to take the master"s course, and who supported the accomplishment of this paper. My parents, Laci and Mário, who always supported and encouraged my academic life, and who taught me how play honestly and to always understand my stressful moments. To my dear friends from Escola da Praia, especially, Marília and Adriana, who also supported me and who believed in my potential as an English teacher and in the artistic filed. To all the wonderful friends I made in the master"s course. To Karla, who was always helping me with my difficulties and who, for many times, was my paper presentation partner, and was my company at lunch time. To Kátia, for having offered me your friendship and for all your attention to me, as well as all the philosophical moments we had during the classes and in our leisure times. To Márcia, for all the fun we all had together and for the help you provided me in the disciplines we attended together. To Fernanda, for all support and all the good moments, cinema, snacks, and, of course all the tips on the public career that I, just like you, want to follow. To all the people from the PGI secretary, for all the help and support when was necessary. To Suzana Funck, for being such a wonderful and fun Professor, and being always there for us whenever was necessary. And finally, to Professor Raquel D"Ely, who so gently provided me with great feedback on my review of literature, and who was always open to my inquiries and accepted to be part of the committee. To Professor Rosane Silveira, who so kindly accepted to participate in this research study, and provided me with help when necessary and also provided me with the opportunity to collect the data through the discipline she was teaching at that time. And to Professor Josias Hack for also being part of this committee, and for providing insightful feedback and comments on the use of videos for educational purposes, which is the main focus of this study. To my advisor, Professor Celso Tumolo, for advising me in the process of development of this study in such a wonderful way, and for believing in me and in my potential when, at many times, I did not. "You must take life the way it comes at you and make the best of it." "Above all, never give up hope."

Educational video and its uses on You Tube

2020 X International Conference on Virtual Campus (JICV)

A proposal for the design of a distance learning activity on the pedagogical use of YouTube is described. For the training of 27 teachers from Mid High Education of the University of Guadalajara in collaboration with the Virtual University of Guadalajara, to deliver the course we used the Google Classroom platform and the social network Facebook. The course aims to train teachers to understand and make use of technological tools that enable distance education. The proposal describes and highlights the potential of video and pedagogical use of youtube in times of the COVID-19 pandemic as a means to strengthen distance learning. For the data analysis, the videos and final reflections of each participant were reviewed, to recognize, guidelines that emerge from the data that generate sense looking for themes that could give a clue to organize the data. The recurrent and the particular constituted elements of inquiry. When the teachers were developing the videos, they modeled the contents, taught and selected the most appropriate codes for their recipients to communicate the concepts, processes, and this somehow conditions the Learning of students. Recognizing the role of the audiovisual broadcaster has implications by recognizing them as a mediator because it is a teacher who has to appropriate the content and is in the process of appropriating the technological tools are used to communicate such content, but also, is appropriating a model of communicating the educational through audiovisual media.

Student Responses and Obstacles in Making Learning Video to Fulfill Project Task at the Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Medan

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Science Education in The Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2022, November 24th, 2022, Medan, Indonesia

This research is to looking for obstacles and student responses in complete project task at the Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Medan. Using a survey method which is conducted online in quantitative descriptive study. The results of this study show that 80% of students are interested in making videos on project assignments, but there are a few percent who are quite interested and about 1% who have no interest. The obstacles experienced by students when making videos were not too many, each respondent's indicator that filled in was very lacking, only under 3%. This shows that editing skills and device limitations are only experienced by a few students.