Efficient program execution indexing (original) (raw)

Framework for instruction-level tracing and analysis of program executions

Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Virtual execution environments - VEE '06, 2006

Program execution traces provide the most intimate details of a program's dynamic behavior. They can be used for program optimization, failure diagnosis, collecting software metrics like coverage, test prioritization, etc. Two major obstacles to exploiting the full potential of information they provide are: (i) performance overhead while collecting traces, and (ii) significant size of traces even for short execution scenarios. Reducing information output in an execution trace can reduce both performance overhead and the size of traces. However, the applicability of such traces is limited to a particular task. We present a runtime framework with a goal of collecting a complete, machine-and task-independent, user-mode trace of a program's execution that can be re-simulated deterministically with full fidelity down to the instruction level. The framework has reasonable runtime overhead and by using a novel compression scheme, we significantly reduce the size of traces. Our framework enables building a wide variety of tools for understanding program behavior. As examples of the applicability of our framework, we present a program analysis and a data locality profiling tool. Our program analysis tool is a time travel debugger that enables a developer to debug in both forward and backward direction over an execution trace with nearly all information available as in a regular debugging session. Our profiling tool has been used to improve data locality and reduce the dynamic working sets of real world applications.

Framework for instruction-level tracing and analysis of programs

International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments, 2006

Program execution traces provide the most intimate details of a program's dynamic behavior. They can be used for program optimization, failure diagnosis, collecting software metrics like coverage, test prioritization, etc. Two major obstacles to exploiting the full potential of information they provide are: (i) performance overhead while collecting traces, and (ii) significant size of traces even for short execution scenarios. Reducing information output in an execution trace can reduce both performance overhead and the size of traces. However, the applicability of such traces is limited to a particular task. We present a runtime framework with a goal of collecting a complete, machine-and task-independent, user-mode trace of a program's execution that can be re-simulated deterministically with full fidelity down to the instruction level. The framework has reasonable runtime overhead and by using a novel compression scheme, we significantly reduce the size of traces. Our framework enables building a wide variety of tools for understanding program behavior. As examples of the applicability of our framework, we present a program analysis and a data locality profiling tool. Our program analysis tool is a time travel debugger that enables a developer to debug in both forward and backward direction over an execution trace with nearly all information available as in a regular debugging session. Our profiling tool has been used to improve data locality and reduce the dynamic working sets of real world applications.

Whole execution traces and their applications

ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, 2005

Different types of program profiles (control flow, value, address, and dependence) have been collected and extensively studied by researchers to identify program characteristics that can then be exploited to develop more effective compilers and architectures. Because of the large amounts of profile data produced by realistic program runs, most work has focused on separately collecting and compressing different types of profiles. In this paper, we present a unified representation of profiles called Whole Execution Trace (WET), which includes the complete information contained in each of the above types of traces. Thus, WETs provide a basis for a next-generation software tool that will enable mining of program profiles to identify program characteristics that require understanding of relationships among various types of profiles. The key features of our WET representation are: WET is constructed by labeling a static program representation with profile information such that relevant and related profile information can be directly accessed by analysis algorithms as they traverse the representation; a highly effective two-tier strategy is used to significantly compress the WET; and compression techniques are designed such that they minimally affect the ability to rapidly traverse WET for extracting subsets of information corresponding to individual profile types as well as a combination of profile types. Our experimentation shows that on, an average, execution traces resulting from execution of 647 million statements can be stored in 331 megabytes of storage after compression. The compression factors range from 16 to 83. Moreover the rates at which different types of profiles can be individually or simultaneously extracted are high. We present two applications of WETs, dynamic program slicing and dynamic version matching, which make effective use of multiple kinds of profile information contained in WETs.

Software Profiling for Deterministic Replay Debugging of User Code


Significant time is spent by companies in trying to reproduce and fix bugs in their software. The process of testing and debugging can immensely benefit from a tool that supports Deterministic Replay Debugging (DRD). A tool that supports DRD will allow a user to record a program's execution in a log, and to deterministically replay every single instruction executed as part of the application using the log.

Detecting Data Races by Analyzing Sequential Traces


One of the fundamental problems encountered when debugging a parallel program is determining the potential race conditions in the program. A race condition exists when multiple tasks access shared data in an unconstrained order and at least one of the accesses is a write operation. The program's behavior can be unpredictable when race conditions are present. This paper describes techniques which automatically detect data races in parallel programs by analyzing program traces.

Towards Fully Automatic Execution Monitoring


Abstract. UFO is a new application framework in which programs written in FORMAN, a declarative assertion language, are compiled into execution monitors that run on a virtual machine with extensive monitoring capabilities provided by the Alamo monitor architecture. FORMAN provides an event trace model in which precedence and inclusion relations define a DAG structure that abstracts execution behavior. Compiling FORMAN assertions into hybrid run-time/post-mortem monitors allows substantial speed and size improvements over post-mortem analyzers. The UFO compiler generates code that computes the minimal projection of the DAG necessary for a given set of assertions. UFO enables fully automatic execution monitoring of real programs. The approach is non-intrusive with respect to program source code and provides a high level of abstraction for monitoring and debugging activities. The ability to compile suites of debugging rules into efficient monitors, and apply them generically to differe...

An iterative, multi-level, and scalable approach to comparing execution traces

Proceedings of the the 6th joint meeting of the European software engineering conference and the ACM SIGSOFT symposium on The foundations of software engineering - ESEC-FSE '07, 2007

In this paper, we overview a new approach to comparing execution traces. Such comparison can be useful for purposes such as improving test coverage and profiling system's users. In our approach, traces are compressed into different levels of compaction and are then compared iteratively from highest to lowest levels, rejecting dissimilar traces in the process and eventually leaving residual, similar traces. These residual traces form an important feedback for improvement or analysis goals. The preliminary results show that the approach is scalable for industrial use.

Partial Order Trace Analyzer (POTA) for Distributed Programs

Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2003

Checking the correctness of software is a growing challenge. In this paper, we present a prototype implementation of Partial Order Trace Analyzer (POTA), a tool for checking execution traces of both message passing and shared memory programs using temporal logic. So far runtime verification tools have used the total order model of an execution trace, whereas POTA uses a partial order model. The partial order model enables us to capture possibly exponential number of interleavings and, in turn, this allows us to find bugs that are not found using a total order model. However, verification in partial order model suffers from the state explosion problem-the number of possible global states in a program increases exponentially with the number of processes. POTA employs an effective abstraction technique called computation slicing. A slice of a computation (execution trace) with respect to a predicate is the computation with the least number of global states that contains all global states of the original computation for which the predicate evaluates to true. The advantage of this technique is that, it mitigates the state explosion problem by reasoning only on the part of the global state space that is of interest. In POTA, we implement computing slicing algorithms for temporal logic predicates from a subset of CTL. The overall complexity of evaluating a predicate in this logic upon using computation slicing becomes polynomial in the number of processes compared to exponential without slicing. We illustrate the effectiveness of our techniques in POTA on test cases such as the General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) [18]. POTA also contains a module that translates execution traces to Promela [16] (input language SPIN). This module enables us to compare our results on execution traces with SPIN. In some cases, we were able to verify traces with 250 processes compared to only 10 processes using SPIN.

Identifying execution points for dynamic analyses

2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2013

Dynamic analyses rely on the ability to identify points within or across executions. In spite of this being a core task for dynamic analyses, new solutions are frequently developed without an awareness of existing solutions, their strengths, their weaknesses, or their caveats. This paper surveys the existing approaches for identifying execution points and examines their analytical and empirical properties that researchers and developers should be aware of when using them within an analysis. In addition, based on limitations in precision, correctness, and efficiency for techniques that identify corresponding execution points across multiple executions, we designed and implemented a new technique, Precise Execution Point IDs. This technique avoids correctness and precision issues in prior solutions, enabling analyses that use our approach to also produce more correct results. Empirical comparison with the surveyed techniques shows that our approach has 25% overhead on average, several times less than existing solutions.

Execution architecture independent program tracing


Due to dramatic increases in microprocessor performance, medium-grain ensemble multiprocessors have become an economical hardware platform on which to solve compute-intensive problems. Unfortunately, the use of these systems to solve such problems is hampered by a lack of understanding about the behavior of parallel programs at all levels of execution | hardware, operating system, and runtime system. The goal of the Parallel Execution Evaluation Testbed project at the University of Colorado is to improve the general understanding about the performance of parallel programs and systems at these levels using trace-driven simulation. In this paper, we discuss the validity of trace-driven simulation of parallel programs, the di culties of applying this approach to evaluating parallel programs, and a new technique to abstract the logical behavior of the program and capture it in the traces we collect. We describe how this abstract trace information can be used to understand the behavior of parallel systems.