World-Systems Theory (original) (raw)


World-Systems Theory (WST) or as it is sometimes referred to, World-Systems Perspective, is essentially the brainchild of scholar Immanuel Wallerstein. Albeit there are other distinctive and noteworthy scholars in this field, Wallerstein has proven to be the most innovative and the ‘prime mover’ of WST in an institutional sense. (Goldfrank 2012, 97) It is for this reason that this theoretical assessment will focus mainly on his contributions to the field of international relations as a protagonist who sought to challenge the premises of nineteenth-century social science and to force his fellow academics into a process of intellectual change. International relations theory is not constant; in fact the dynamics of the field does not allow for theoretical TimeSpace1 homogeneity. As the world system evolves so too should the means of explaining it. Wallerstein himself describes world-systems analysis not as a theory, but as “a protest against neglected issues and deceptive epistemologies." (Wallerstein 2000) Fundamentally, it offered more hermeneutic and holistic approach than its mainstream predecessors with regards to an ever-evolving and dynamic world system. This reading will outline the main assumptions and contributions of WST as well as highlight how it has affected international relations theory. It has been disputed that WST concepts have never been, and are now far less able to aid in elucidating the intricacies of the global system, and I will allow that there are some veritable criticisms; however, this essay will seek to show the value of the theory’s assertions in understanding the biases of the interstate system and attempt to offer justification where critiqued. In credit to its origins which are further outlined below, it will also explore the concepts of dependency and underdevelopment, as well as another germane 21st Century issue in the context of WST. 1 World-Systems Theory offers that this term reflects a view that for every kind of social time, there exists a specific kind of social space and as a result the two should not be considered or measured separately. In essence, the inquiry or investigation into any international relations phenomenon should consider both the spatial and temporal elements as inextricably bound and influential to the respective analyses.

World Systems Analysis An Introduction b


ln vVorlct-Systems Analyszs, Immanuel Wallerstem provwes a co nose ana acces sible introduction to the comprehensive approach that he pioneered thirty years ago to understanding the history and development of the modern world. Since Wallerstein first developed world-systems analysis, it has become a widely uti ] ized methodology within the historical social sciences and a common point of reference in discussions of globalization. Now, for the first time in one volume, Wallerstein offers a succinct summary of world-systems analysis and a clear outline of the modern world-system, describing the structures of knowledge upon which it is based, its mechanisms, and its future. He explains the defining characteristics of world-systems analysis: its emphasis on world-systems rather than nation-states, on the need to consider historical processes as they unfold over long periods of time, and on combining within a single analytical frame work bodies of knowledge usually viewed as distinct from one another-such as history, political science, economics, and sociology. Intended for general read ers, students, and experienced practitioners alike, this book presents a complete overview of world-systems analysis by its original architect. "At a time when globalization is at the center of international debate from Davos to Porto Alegre, an introduction to 'world-systems analysis; an original approach to world development since the sixteenth century, is timely and relevant. This is a lucidly written and comprehensive treatment of its origins, controversies, and development by Immanuel Wallerstein, its undoubted pioneer and most eminent practitioner."-ERIC HOBSBAWM, author of Interesting Times: A Twen tieth-Century Life and The Age of Extremes: A History of the World, 1914-1991 "Immanuel Wallerstein's mind can reach as far and encompass as much as anyone's in our time. The world, to him, is a vast, integrated system, and he makes the case for that vision with an elegant and almost relentless logic. But he also knows that to see as he does requires looking through a very different epis temological lens than the one most of us are in the habit of using. So his gift to us is not just a new understanding of how the world works but a new way of apprehending it. A brilliant work on both scores."-KAI ERIK soN, William R.

Rethinking World System Theory: A Historical and Conceptual Analysis

This article is a historical and conceptual analysis of World Systems Theory which proposed by Immanuel Wallerstein. This paper aims to explore historical framework of world system theory, explain the unit of analysis, and describe its relationship with other social science theories. Historical exploration of Wallerstein and this theory show a strong influence of historical study were obtained from Wallerstein background and people around him. Conceptual analysis to this theory shows that Wallerstein use Marx's concept about social class struggle then raise in a global context by using state as the actors. In conjunction with other theories, world system theory fundamentally supports theory of dependence from Gunder Frank, and otherwise sharply criticizes modernization approach and developmental stage model by Walt Rostow.

Immanuel Wallerstein's Theory of the World System, Geopolitics and Geoculture

ENDLESS: International Journal of Future Studies

A world system theorist, Immanuel Wallerstein attempts to describe a modern world system covering economic, political and cultural areas. In his theory, he argues that the conflicts between the countries which determine the world order in these areas are not true conflicts because the modern world system is built on a capitalist economic basis. He regards powerful states such as the United States of America, Russia, Japan and European States, which seem to be engaged in a competition, as global collaborators of a single modern world system. At the head of this cooperation is the United States of America and the world system is based on the hegemony of the United States of America. Wallerstein maintains that the modern world system is fragile due to economic crises that are likely to arise and regards the period we are in as a post-liberalism period where this hegemony has begun to collapse.


The aim of this book is to present an overview of the thinking of the leading exponent of so-called World-Systems Analysis (WSA), Immanuel Wallerstein, in a clear and concise style, incorporating new realities and reflections of the last decade. We should point out that this is not an easy task, as the theoretician has navigated between the diverse areas of human thinking with ease, I hope that this purpose will be fully achieved. To achieve these objectives, the book will be divided into five parts with the purpose of providing an easier understanding of Wallerstein’s work.