Image of the Republic of Mordovia: Impressions, Symbols, Stereotypes (original) (raw)
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The Republic of Mordovia: historical description of image background
Finno-Ugric World, 2019
Introduction. The formation of the territorial image of the region popularize and present the territory in a positive light. The conditions available in the Republic of Mordovia for creating a successful image, especially historical-cultural and natural zones, allow creating a recognizable and attractive image of the Republic not only for the residents of Russia, but also abroad. primarily in the countries of the Finno-Ugric world, with which -cultural factor for interaction and cooperation. Building the image to a large extent is based on the historical aspect of the image background, which is inseparable from the rich Finno-Ugric culture and geographical diversity of the territory, while historical and cultural objects contribute to creating the attractive image of the region. History plays a fundamental role in creating a recognizable image, without it, it is impossible to build a meaningful view of the republic. Materials and Methods. The main research approaches were the histor...
Finno-Ugric World
Introduction. The constructive image of a territory in the modern world determines its competitiveness and the possibility of various preferences in the form of subsidies from the federal center, investments from business, an increasing tourist flow, etc. Building the image is a complex process of interference of evolutionary and historical development and the existing background. The visual appearance of the regions and its transformation are associated with the images of the head/governor who acts both as the subject and the object of image-making. Materials and Methods. The methodology was based on historical-evolutionary, axiological and hermeneutic approaches, comparative, systemic and structural-functional analysis. As an applied method, the Internet monitoring of regional media publications was performed for 2020–2021. Results and Discussion. The article considers the evolution and continuity in the formation and promotion of the image of the head of the region at the present...
The Republic of Mordovia: Region’s Actual Image (Based on Expert Survey Results)
Manuskript, 2020
Цель исследования-выявление характерных особенностей фактического имиджа Республики Мордовия, исходя из результатов опроса экспертов (представителей государственной власти и управления региона, научных и образовательных центров, социокультурных учреждений, СМИ и др.), а также на основании анализа статистических показателей территории, событийной составляющей и т.д., влияющих на формирование имиджа региона. Научная новизна заключается в рассмотрении имиджа Республики Мордовия в тесной взаимосвязи с философской категорией восприятия его разными целевыми аудиториями, в частности респондентамиэкспертами, а также в выявлении его актуальных показателей. В результате доказано, что республиканский имидж находится в состоянии перехода от простого уровня к базовому. Высокие оценки территория получает в позициях, значимых для внешних целевых аудиторий (прежде всего туристов). Для населения региона важен показатель качества жизни населения, который имеет средние экспертные оценки и усугубляется реальным уровнем доходов населения, покупательской способностью и др., что способствует усилению противоречивости между первичным и вторичным имиджем, а также приводит к снижению релевантности имиджевых направлений, продвигаемых региональной властью. Адрес статьи: www.
Finno-Ugric World
Introduction. Active promotion and positioning of the regions is a condition of their competitiveness, which actualizes the study of imaging practices aimed at creating an attractive image of the territory for various target groups: from federal elites and large businesses to tourists, highly skilled migrants, and the population. The image is based on symbolic capital, which is unique for each region. For Mordovia as a Finno-Ugric Republic in Russia, being unique is associated, firstly, with the use of ethnic symbols (elements of a national costume, Moksha / Erzia embroidery, musical instruments, dishes of national cuisine, etc.). These ethnic symbols actualize “ethnic” memory, national traditions and customs. Secondly, it is associated with the inclusion in the information space of the symbols of regional “pride”, such as “successful” fellow country people, whose positive image stimulates the processes of consolidation and identification. The purpose of this article is to study his...
Economic History
Introduction. Creating and broadcasting a positive regional image in modern conditions is an important factor in regional competitiveness. Demonstration of territorial advantages to target audiences of image-making (federal government, business community, investors, the public) makes it possible to stand out from other entities and receive certain preferences. Often declaring in state programs and promoting individual image-forming areas (investment attractiveness, innovation cluster, science city, tourist destination, a territory of safety and comfort, etc.), regional authorities forget about the complex nature of the image, which is a combination of various elements and determinants: economic, political, natural-geographical, historical, ethno-national, sociocultural, etc. Materials and Methods. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the study were: a structurally functional approach that considers the image as a specific image with a universal set of interconnected ele...
Finno-Ugric World, 2022
Introduction. The article summarizes the results of a study of social practices and narratives of the commemoration of the victims of mass political repression in the village of Kruglyi (the Republic of Mordovia) that was established as a permanent settlement in the period of collectivization. Materials and Methods. The theoretical framework of the study consists of social theories of “memory sites” and collective trauma. The method of collecting empirical data corresponded to case study, including observation, in-depth interviews and discourse analysis of media publications. The data were analyzed using the methods of thick ethnographic description and narrative discourse analysis. Results and Discussion. The article reviews the social context of local commemoration; identifies the main stages and practices of creating a “place of memory” in the village of Kruglyi by constructing a self-made monument of stained oak with a memorial plaque, and its subsequent mediatization. The autho...
Additions to the «Flora…» By P. F. Maevsky (2014) for the Republic of Mordovia and Adjacent Regions
Proceedings of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015
им. Н. П. Огарева 2 Мордовский государственный природный заповедник им. П. Г. Смидовича 3 Ботанический сад Уральского отделения РАН 4 Национальный парк «Смольный» В конце 2014 года было опубликовано 11-е издание «Флоры средней полосы европейской части России» П. Ф. Маевского. Оно содержит описания 2500 видов сосудистых растений (относящихся к 139 семействам), из которых 1306 указаны для Республики Мордовия. При изучении данной работы были выявлены виды, не отмеченные для ряда регионов средней полосы России. На основании материалов гербарных коллекций (GMU, HMNR, IBIW, LE, MOSP, MW, NNSU, PKM, PVB, UPSU), опубликованных научных работ, полевых наблюдений в настоящей публикации представлены данные о видах, не указанных для флоры республик Мордовия, Чувашия, Нижегородской, Пензенской, Рязанской и Ульяновской областей в 11-м издании «Флоры…» П. Ф. Маевского. Наибольшая часть дополнений выявлена для территории Республики Мордовия-76 видов сосудистых растений, в том числе 37 чужеземных и 39 аборигенных. Onopordum acanthium L. является дополнением для Чувашской Республики; один чужеземный (Portulaca oleracea L.) и три аборигенных вида (Rosa lupulina Dubovik, Plantago stepposa Kuprian., Taraxacum bessarabicum (Hornem.) Hand.-Mazz.)-для Нижегородской области; шесть видов сосудистых растений (в том числе один чужеземный и пять аборигенных)-для Пензенской области. Syrenia montana (Pall.) Klok. не учтена для Рязанской области. Шесть видов (один чужеземный и пять аборигенных) пропущены для Ульяновской области. Кроме того, два аборигенных вида (Hottonia palustris L., Veronica incana L.) ошибочно приведены в 11-м издании «Флоры…» для Республики Мордовия. К л ю ч е в ы е с л о в а: сосудистые растения; дополнения; Республика Мордовия; Чувашская Республика; Нижегородская область; Пензенская область; Рязанская область; Ульяновская область.
Victims of Mass Political Repressions in Mordovia: Social Identfication, Memory and Oblivion
Вестник Пермского университета. История, 2021
The subject of the study undertaken in 2019–2020 by the method of in-depth sociological interviews with the descendants of persons suffered of massive political repressions, including the dispossessed peasants, is the social memory of the population of the Republic of Mordovia about the mass political repressions of the 1920s – 1940s. The aims of the study were to identify the main strategies for dealing with collective trauma in families of repressed in a regional society, the main subjects of social memory about traumas of repression, strategies for remembering and forgetting, and social factors that influence their choice, strategies for group self-identification of the descendants of the repressed, prerequisites (or their lack) for the consolidation of broader traumatized communities, as well as the underlying cultural modalities of discussing trauma and repressions in terms of detraumatization or retraumatization. The results of the study show that the families of the repressed...
Graphics of the “Moscovian Poluustav”: Historiographical Notes
Bibliotekovedenie [Library and Information Science], 2017
There is analyzed the problem of theoretical understanding of the "Moskovian Poluustav" in the Russian historiography. This term began to be used by specialists in the area of Old Russian manuscripts sporadically yet in the first half of the 20th century, for example by V.N. Shchepkin, and was finally established through the influence of one of the most popular and authoritative textbooks on paleography by M.N. Tikhomirov. There are discussed the works of L.M. Kostyukhina, A.A. Turilov and M.G. Galchenko, which address theoretical issues of the evolution of Poluustav in the Old Russian manuscripts. As a result of historiographical analysis, there is made conclusion on the absence of clear definition for the term "Moskovian poluustav" in the domestic palaeographic science. Recently the researchers, dedicated to the graphic-orthographic features of the Russian medieval script, as well as the authors of several textbooks and manuals on palaeography, try not to use this term at all. In the opinion of the author, the most perspective approach to form this definition is to comparatively analyze correlation of the script graphics of the Old Russian manuscripts and the early printed book fonts of the middle of the 16th century.