Simulation of waves group propagation and breaking in coastal zone using a navier-stokes solver with an improved vof free surface treatment (original) (raw)
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Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2004
In this paper, a numerical two-phase flow model for incompressible viscous fluid is presented for the simulation of wave propagation in shallow water, including the processes of wave shoaling, wave breaking, wave reflection and air movement. The model consists of the continuity equation, the Navier–Stokes equations, the fractional VOF function equation, and the equations of density and viscosity. The turbulent eddy viscosity is evaluated by using the Smagorinsky's sub-grid scale model. The VOF method with an advection algorithm following [Int. J. Numer Meth. Fluids 35 (2001) 151] is employed for tracking the free surface. To solve the time evolution of the governing equations, the SMAC method and iteration technique are used. The convective terms in the momentum equation are approximated using a high accuracy CIP scheme proposed in [Comput. Phys. Commun. 66 (1991) 219]. A numerical test with dam break problem was conducted and compared with experimental data to verify the validity and stability of the model. The model was then applied to simulate the wave breaking on a sloping bottom and the numerical results were compared with experimental data. The results demonstrated that the present model is capable of simulating wave deformation in shallow water, as well as wave breaking problem.
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
This study simulates shallow water waves using the Navier-Stokes equation. This simulation uses the MatLab application, especially Quickersim with 2-dimensional output. Mesh in simulation is made using Gmsh. Research about shallow water has an essential role in studying the characteristics of ocean waves. The depth of the sea influences this characteristic. Data obtained from this simulation is in the wave height and velocity positions at any time. The limitations in the data collected are not comparable with the experimental results because there are no experimental Navier-Stokes simulations, but these simulation results have shown the phenomenon of seawater movement. In future work, the results of this study can be used to analyse its application in tsunami waves.
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In this paper, a two-dimensional multi-scale turbulence model is proposed to study breaking waves. The purpose of developing this model is to produce a relatively accurate model with moderate computer requirements. The free surface is tracked by the VOF technique, the log-law profile for the mean velocity is applied at the bottom. Comparing with the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes models (RANS), the
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Lecture notes in computational science and engineering, 2009
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The modeling of Solitary wave breaking is an important subject in coastal and marine engineering, because the damage associated with tsunamis is related to their wave breaking and run-up on the shoreline. In this paper a space-averaged Navier-Stokes approach has been deployed to simulate the Solitary wave breaking on a plane slope. The developed model is based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) method which is a pure Lagrangian approach and can handle large deformations of the free surface with high accuracy. Since breaking waves are characterized by high distortion, the turbulence modeling has been of major concern in such simulations. For this study, the large eddy simulation (LES) model was chosen as the turbulence model to couple with the weakly compressible version of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (WCSPH) method to simulate the Solitary wave breaking on a plane slope. In order to investigate the Effects of turbulence models on numerical simulations of wave breaking, the results of present study were compared with experimental results and numerical data found in the literatures. The results shown that turbulence modeling have a strong influence on the quality of the results. Furthermore, capability of the WCSPH method along with a LES approach to simulate the Solitary wave breaking on a plane slope was compared with result of ISPH method in the literatures. Finally, it is shown that the WCSPH coupled with LES model performs better than ISPH method.
Numerical Simulations of Water Wave Propagation by Volume of Fluid Approach
Within the study of artificial waves generated in laboratory, numerical simulations of the wave fields determined by piston-type wavemakers were carried out by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics. For the numerical wave flumes, two different commercial codes, namely CFX and FLUENT, were used solving the unsteady, two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations and applying the Volume Of Fluid methodology to deal with the different phases. In this way it was possible to calculate the wave propagation and analyze the generated incident waves. The accuracy of the numerical results in terms of wave profiles and propagation were assessed by comparison with an analytical solution available in literature showing a very good agreement of both the numerical results with the theoretical data. Moreover, a preliminary study was performed considering a more complex wave field which propagates in a simplified constant-slope coastal model.