Developing Ability To Use Scientific Method Through Guided Inquiry Learning Model (original) (raw)
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BIO-INOVED : Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan
The quality of education in preparing students to have critical thinking skills has not been optimal. Guided inquiry stimulates the thinking ability of students. This study analyses the guided inquiry learning model's effect on students' critical thinking skills on the body's defence system material. This research is quasi-experimental. The population in this study were four classes with a sample consisting of two classes, namely XI IPA A as the experimental class and XI IPA B as the control class. The sampling technique used random cluster sampling. Data collection techniques using multiple choice questions. The results showed: that the calculation of the paired sample t-test in the guided inquiry learning model got a significant value (sig) of 0.00, which means that the sig value is smaller than 0.05 (0.00<0.05). This result shows a probability of less than 0.05, meaning the guided inquiry learning model between the experimental and control classes is not the same. ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
This study aims to determine the effect of the application of guided inquiry learning model to the skills of the students’ science process because in the implementation of the Science Process Skills of the less developed students in class XI MIPA Senior High School.The research data was obtained by giving scientific knowledge test in the form of posttest and non test in the form of observation skill of students science process during the practicum activity (as main data) and interview with teacher of biology study (as supporting data). After all activities carried out, the data were analyzed quantitatively by hypothesis test. Based on the data analysis there is influence of guided inquiry learning model to the science process skill and students’ scientific knowledge. It can be seen that the average score of the students’ Science Process Skills in the experimental class is 70.34% and the control class is 63.30%. From hypothesis test thit = 7,536 and ttable value = 1,664, this means t...
Development of Scientific Literacy through Guided-Inquiry Learning Approach in Biology
Scientific literacy has been maintained as a major goal of science education. The Educational systems emphasize on science as a body of knowledge ignoring the other aspects of scientific literacy. The present study aims to investigate the effect of scientific guided inquiry on fostering students’ all aspects of scientific literacy. A sample of 18 students from grade 10 in a private school in Beirut participated in this study, whereby Biology was taught to the class using the scientific guided inquiry method. Pre and post-tests VASS survey were administrated to the students to compare different aspects of scientific literacy before and after the intervention. Results of the study show that scientific guided inquiry foster significantly the development of all the aspects of scientific literacy.
Scientific Literacy of Students Learned Through Guided Inquiry\_Vol.4\_Issue.5\_May2017/Abstract\_IJRR004.html, 2017
The research aimed to find out the impact of guided inquiry instruction on scientific literacy in Basic Concept of Biology for Elementary School Course. Participants of the research were 59 students of Primary School Teacher Education program in Pakuan University, Indonesia. The research was conducted for one semester. Type of research was quasi-experiment with randomize factor. Indicator used for scientific literacy referred to PSIA, are identifying scientific issues, explaining scientific phenomenon, and using scientific evidences. Data used was the result of pre-and post-tests of scientific literacy. Ancova was used continued with LSD (Least Significance Different) test. Research result indicated that guided inquiry instruction gave better impact on scientific literacy of students than conventional learning.
BIO-INOVED : Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan
Critical thinking skills are one of the six skills (6C) that must have by students to face competition in the 21st century. Guided inquiry is one of the learning models that can be used to increase students' critical thinking skills in biology learning. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the enforcement of the guided inquiry model, especially on students' critical thinking skills in biology learning based on the effect size value in terms of education level. This research method is a meta-analysis method. The research sample taken from 12 national articles consists of seven journals at the high school level and five journals at the junior high school level. The results showed that the guided inquiry model was effectively used both at the high school and junior high school levels because it was proven to have a forceful impact on students' critical thinking skills in biology learning with an average effect size value of 1.651 (strong effect). B...
Two hypotheses regarding the relationship between scientific reasoning skills and the use of the inquiry method of instruction in college biology labs were examined. The first hypothesis was that scientific reasoning skills influence an instructor's ability to teach biology using inquiry. The second hypothesis was that the effectiveness with which an instructor uses inquiry affects the pedagogical outcome of a lesson. To test the first hypothesis, 9 instructors teaching 702 students in an introductory biology course for nonmajors were evaluated for their scientific reasoning skills and understanding of the nature of science. Data were also collected on instructors' prior exposure to inquiry, educational level, teaching experience, subject knowledge, and verbal, quantitative, and analytical reasoning skills. An instrument was used to quantify the effectiveness with which instructors use inquiry as an instructional technique. As expected, performance on tests of scientific rea...
Improving Students’ Scientific Reasoning Skills through the Three Levels of Inquiry
International Journal of Instruction
This research was aimed at analyzing (1) the effectiveness of the three levels of inquiry (structured, guided and free inquiry) to improve the students' scientific reasoning skills compared to the conventional method; (2) the implementation of the three levels of inquiry. This study can be categorized as quasi-experimental with pre-test posttest non-equivalent control group design. The research sample consisted of 76 students of the Biology Education Study Program in State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The data were collected by using scientific reasoning test and an observation sheet. The data were analyzed with the independent sample t-test. The research results indicated that the three levels of inquiry were more effective than the conventional method in improving the students' scientific reasoning skills in the aspects of analyzing, evaluating, and creating. The quality of three levels of inquiry can be categorized as very good. It urges biology lecturers to have a comprehensive understanding of the hierarchical nature and its relationship to various pedagogical practices to employ investigation process during the science learning process.
Design and validation of general biology learning program based on scientific inquiry skills
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018
Scientific inquiry is highly recommended to teach science. The reality in the schools and colleges is that many educators still have not implemented inquiry learning because of their lack of understanding. The study aims to1) analyze students' difficulties in learning General Biology, 2) design General Biology learning program based on multimedia-assisted scientific inquiry learning, and 3) validate the proposed design. The method used was Research and Development. The subjects of the study were 27 pre-service students of general elementary school/Islamic elementary schools. The workflow of program design includes identifying learning difficulties of General Biology, designing course programs, and designing instruments and assessment rubrics. The program design is made for four lecture sessions. Validation of all learning tools were performed by expert judge. The results showed that: 1) there are some problems identified in General Biology lectures; 2) the designed products include learning programs, multimedia characteristics, worksheet characteristics, and, scientific attitudes; and 3) expert validation shows that all program designs are valid and can be used with minor revisions. The first section in your paper.
The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning method was discussed for a long time. However, inquiry-based learning method was not discussed and compared with traditional learning before in terms of students' academic achievement, science process skills and attitudes towards science in a meta-analysis study. This study aimed to cover the effects of the inquiry-based science education on students' academic achievement, science process skills and attitudes towards science comparing with traditional learning. The study reviews the findings of the studies on the effectiveness of the inquiry-based science education comparing with traditional learning. In other words, meta-analysis method was used to combine statistically the numerical data of the studies and to reach a general conclusion using the results of these studies. The study reviewed a total of nineteen studies (37 comparisons in terms of achievement, science process skills and attitudes towards science) about the effects of the inquiry-based science education on the students' academic achievement, science process skills and attitudes towards science comparing with traditional learning carried out in Turkey between 2005 and 2015. Meta-analysis results showed that the inquiry-based science education had a positive and higher levels of effects of students' academic achievement (Cohen's d=1.029). It was also found that this specific teaching and learning method had a positive and medium level of effect on their science process skills (Cohen's d=0.742) and attitudes towards science (Cohen's d=0.558). It was found that the inquiry-based learning method used in science education had much more significant effects on student achievement rather than on their science process skills and their attitudes towards science in contrast to the traditional teaching method.