The temperature-dependent Yang-Mills trace anomaly as a function of the mass gap (original) (raw)

Linear growth of the trace anomaly in Yang-Mills thermodynamics

Physical Review D, 2007

In the lattice work by Miller and in the work by Zwanziger [3] a linear growth of the trace anomaly for high temperatures was found in pure SU(2) and SU(3) Yang-Mills theories. These results show the remarkable property that the corresponding systems are strong interacting even at high temperatures. We show that within an analytical approach to Yang-Mills thermodynamics this linear rise is obtained and is directly connected to the presence of a temperature-dependent ground state, which describes (part of) the nonperturbative nature of the Yang-Mills system. Our predictions are in approximate agreement with [1, 2, 3].

Gauge-invariant field-strength correlators in pure Yang-Mills theory and full QCD at finite temperature

Physical Review D, 2003

We study by numerical simulations on a lattice the behaviour of the gauge-invariant twopoint correlation functions of the gauge-field strengths across the deconfinement phase transition, both for the pure-gauge SU(3) theory and for full QCD with two flavours. Quenched data agree within errors with previous determinations, but have much higher statistics. A best-fit analysis of the data has been performed, both for the quenched and the full-QCD case, showing that the electric gluon condensate drops to zero at the deconfining phase transition.

Gap equation in a finite-temperature gauge theory beyond the bare-vertex approximation

Journal of High Energy Physics, 1999

Dynamical mass generation in a three-dimensional version of finite-temperature QED is studied with the help of Schwinger-Dyson equations in the real-time formalism. We go beyond the bare-vertex approximation and include wavefunction renormalization effects. This introduces a system of two integral equations which are solved numerically. In order to increase the reliability of the results, fermion and photon self-energies varying independently with energy and momentum are used. The method applied enables a detailed study of the behaviour of the theory with increasing temperature and number of fermion flavours.

Temperature dependence of the gluon condensate and the ρ -meson mass from QCD sum rules

We determine the temperature (T ) dependence of the ρ -meson mass and the gluon condensate below the deconfinement phase transition by means of QCD sum rules. In the chiral limit we derive sum rule induced scaling relations for the vacuum parts of the Gibbs averaged scalar operators contributing to the operator product expansion of the ρ 0 current-current correlator at finite temperature. The scaling with λ ≡ s0(T )/s0(0), s0 being the T -dependent perturbative QCD continuum threshold in the spectral integral, is simple for renormalization group invariant operators, and becomes nontrivial for a set of operators which mix and scale anomalously under a change of the renormalization point. In contrast to previous works on thermal QCD sum rules with this approach the gluon condensate exhibits a sizable T -dependence which is qualitatively in accord with lattice data. The ρ -meson mass rises slowly with temperature, and there is no indication of its breakdown up to T = 160 MeV.

Temperature dependence of the gluon condensate and the rho\rhorho -meson mass from QCD sum rules


We determine the temperature (T) dependence of the rho\rhorho-meson mass and the gluon condensate below the deconfinement phase transition by means of QCD sum rules. In the chiral limit we derive sum rule induced scaling relations for the vacuum parts of the Gibbs averaged scalar operators contributing to the operator product expansion of the rho0\rho^0rho0 current-current correlator at finite temperature. The scaling with lambdaequivsqrts0(T)/s0(0)\lambda\equiv \sqrt{s_0(T)/s_0(0)}lambdaequivsqrts_0(T)/s0(0), s0s_0s_0 being the T-dependent perturbative QCD continuum threshold in the spectral integral, is simple for renormalization group invariant operators, and becomes nontrivial for a set of operators which mix and scale anomalously under a change of the renormalization point. In contrast to previous works on thermal QCD sum rules with this approach the gluon condensate exhibits a sizable T-dependence which is qualitatively in accord with lattice data. The rho\rhorho-meson mass rises slowly with temperature, and there is no indication of its break...

On finite lattice corrections to gauge field thermodynamics

Physics Letters B - PHYS LETT B, 1983

We consider the ideal gas limit of lattice Yang-Mills with fermions. Recently, such a system has been considered in great detail in the literature. We discuss possible finite lattice corrections to the energy density of the quarks and gluons due to the constraint of the quark-gluon gas being in colour singlet state. In the case of pure Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature, we find that Monte Carlo data agree very well with the asymptotically free gluon gas being a colour singlet. In the presence of quarks, in the quenched approximation, we find that Monte Carlo data seem to agree with a distribution where the quarks themselves form a colour singlet. On leave of absence from the Institute of Theoretical Physics, S-41296 Göteborg, Sweden.

On the apparent convergence of perturbative QCD at high temperature

Physical Review D, 2003

The successive perturbative estimates of the pressure of QCD at high temperature T show no sign of convergence, unless the coupling constant g is unrealistically small. Exploiting known results of an effective field theory which separates hard (order 2πT) and soft (order gT) contributions, we explore the accuracy of simple resummations which at a given loop order systematically treat hard contributions strictly perturbatively, but soft contributions without truncations. This turns out to improve significantly the two-loop and the three-loop results in that both remain below the ideal-gas value, and the degree of renormalization scale dependence decreases as one goes from two to three loop order, whereas it increases in the conventional perturbative results. Including the four-loop logarithms recently obtained by Kajantie et al., we find that this trend continues and that with a particular sublogarithmic constant the untruncated four-loop result is close to the three-loop result, which itself agrees well with available lattice results down to temperatures of about 2.5T c. We also investigate the possibility of optimization by using a variational ("screened") perturbation theory in the effective theory. At two loops, this gives a result below the ideal gas value, and also closer to lattice results than the recent two-loop hard-thermal-loop-screened result of Andersen et al. While at three-loop order the gap equation of dimensionally reduced screened perturbation theory does not have a solution in QCD, this is remedied upon inclusion of the four-loop logarithms.

Heavy Quark Potential in Lattice QCD at Finite Temperature

Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum V, 2003

Results of the study of lattice QCD with two flavors of nonperturbatively improved Wilson fermions at finite temperature are presented. The transition temperature for mπ mρ ∼ 0.8 and lattice spacing a ∼ 0.12 fm is determined. A two-exponent ansatz is successfully applied to describe the heavy quark potential in the confinement phase. * Talk given by V. Bornyakov at "

Gluon mass at finite temperature from Landau gauge gluon propagator in lattice QCD

arXiv (Cornell University), 2013

We address the interpretation of the Landau gauge gluon propagator at finite temperature as a massive type bosonic propagator. Using pure gauge SU(3) lattice simulations at a fixed lattice volume ∼ (6.5f m) 3 , we compute the electric and magnetic form factors, extract a gluon mass from Yukawa-like fits, and study its temperature dependence. This is relevant both for the Debye screening at high temperature T and for confinement at low T .