Related papers
Research on humanities and social sciences, 2017
The purpose of the current study is to assess secondary school teachers’ perception of management of classroom misbehaviours and coping strategies to prevent, reduce and react towards misbehaviours. The study adopted descriptive survey design. The sample consisted of 120 teachers selected randomly from four government secondary schools in the Asella City. Data collected was analyzed and interpreted using percentages, mean and standard deviation. Findings of the study showed that teachers, who are inadequate in CM, tend to have more disciplinary problems in their classrooms. Problematic behaviors of the students in the process of learning-teaching were the uninterested, lazy, noisy, naughty, hyperactive students, giving chorus answers, talking without permission and unpreparedness for class work. Such copying strategies were found ignoring the problematic situation, warning the students about the misbehavior, and use of body language such as mimes, gestures, and establishing eye-cont...
Causes of Indiscipline among Pupils in Four Selected Junior Secondary Schools in Bo City
This study was initiated to investigate the causes of indiscipline among pupils in four selected Junior Secondary Schools in Bo City, Southern Province, and Republic of Sierra Leone. Bo is located in the Southern Province of Sierra Leone. The city of Bo is divided into wards and within these wards are communities. Bo is bounded in the Southern by the Moa River estuary. Much of Bo is made up of hills to mountainous granite. In between the hills are valleys in which stream water flows in all directions from the hills top to the outer border. Other land used as commerce, industry transportation and housing has gradually shifted farming into restricted locations with Kenema that required the use of high nutrient input to enhance sustainable crop production. The main types of farming include traditional variety of leafy vegetable production. Livestock activities are restricted to poultry and piggery production on small scale for consumption of large scale of cash, particularly in the peripherals off the township. The results of the study revealed that there has been a rising incidence in the level of violence and other forms of indiscipline in school especially after the rebel war in Sierra Leone. The instances of violence and disciplinary problems are severely interfering within the learning environment of students. A lot of studies have been done on disciplinary problems of indiscipline among pupils in Junior Secondary Schools. The purpose of this study therefore is to explore the problems of indiscipline among pupils in four selected Senior Secondary Schools in Bo. In addressing this problem the following research questions were addressed in this study. Making recommendations that will embrace effective discipline of pupils in the targeted schools in Bo. The study was designed to obtain information that will describe the problems of indiscipline among pupils in Junior Secondary Schools in Bo. Semi-structured recording schedules were administered to fifty-four (54) respondents, secondary data coupled with information discussion with key information ware used The rules and regulations or expected code of conduct for pupils were similar in all four targeted Schools in Bo and the major among others were; leaving the classroom without permission and failure to follow specific instructions given by school authorities. The study revealed that, verbal or physical abuse of authority, vandalism of school property and theft were the most commonly reported disciplinary problems in schools. The study suggested that teachers should communicate behavioural expectations (rules and regulations) to pupils and clearly explain to pupils the consequences of indiscipline.
Discipline plays an important role in the success of every learner and is considered as a crucial part of the educational process. Undesirable behaviors in the classroom should be interrupted to ensure a smooth flow during the educational process. This study aimed to identify the undesirable pupils’ behaviors in the academic classroom of Oyan Elementary School. This paper, determines best practices of teachers of all content areas and grade levels to address misbehavior among elementary school pupils in the school where the researcher is presently engaged. The results of the study has shown that majority of the intermediate pupils observed were female aged 12-13. The intermediate pupils’ academic performance in communication Arts-English, Mathematics, EPP and HKS were found to below average while they had an average performance in Communication Arts-Filipino. The pupils’ undesirable behaviors were found by the teachers as sometimes manifested due to the ineffective practices used by teachers in meeting pupils with undesirable behavior. On the basis of the findings and conclusions, the school administrators are recommended to update teachers along the lines of meeting pupils with problems, the effective styles used and the possible outcomes so that there could be behavior modification among the pupils exhibiting behavior problem. Teachers may equip themselves with the necessary traits of being a guidance counselor through attending seminars related to guidance and counseling. Home visitations may be done by the teachers to afford a workable atmosphere between teachers and parents regarding pupils’ attitudes. Periodic evaluation on the degree of accomplishment of teachers as to behavior modification implementation may be undertaken.
Behavioural Management in Secondary Schools: A Case Study in India
Understanding human behaviour is complex affair. Furthermore, nurturing and regulating the same is even more complex affair. Many attempts have been made in the past to study human behaviour which eventually paves the path for the development of several theories especially in the Discipline of Psychology and Sociology. Partially this development in the history of human civilization leads to bring organized practice like ‘school’ with the prime objective of shaping human behaviour and nurturing mind keeping the needs and demands of individual being and society into consideration. This paper is an outcome of a research work undertaken in 2019 at Ravenshaw University, Cuttack, Odisha, India, where secondary schools of Cuttack City were involved. This paper reveals how important as the educational and disciplinary practices have been playing in giving a shape to the students’ behaviour. This study substantiates that if teacher constantly engages directly or indirectly with the activitie...
Strategies adopted for ensuring discipline has been a very challenging encounter. This study therefore explores procedures involved on how teachers carry through their respective roles in managing indiscipline and how students perceive such involvement in Effutu Municipality. A case study design using qualitative approach was adopted for the study. Thirty six (36) respondents comprising twelve (12) teachers and twenty-four (24) students from two (2) Public Junior High Schools were purposively selected. Data was gathered through interviews which was analysed thematically. The study findings revealed that, teachers used judgemental to subjective behaviours as well as evaluating the disciplinary measures to interpreting it as the appropriate measure to stop misbehaviour. Teachers start using verbal appreciation and stopped their habit of de-motivating students. Additionally, in place of punishment, they preferred to encourage those students, who were not showing interest in classroom activities. It is therefore recommended that teachers should cultivate the habit of involving students in rule setting in order to promote ownership of the rules and to encourage them to take more responsibility for their own behaviour and also employ cooperative disciplinary measures as compared to punitive and harsh disciplinary measures could be used to inspire children.
Factors Leading to High Levels of Indiscipline Cases Among Pupils
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023
Indiscipline among pupils refers to a situation in which pupils do not control their behavior or obey school rules. Indiscipline entails any act that diverges from acceptable societal norms and values. It is a violation of school rules and regulations which is capable of obstructing the smooth and orderly functioning of the school system. Discipline in a classroom situation, is the ability to guide and control the class towards the attainment of predetermined objectives of education, while Indiscipline on the other hand entails a situation whereby energy and impulses are uncontrolled by moral principles or external authority. To this end, indiscipline in a school may be defined as the unwillingness of pupils and staff to respect authority, obey school rules and regulations, and maintain a high standard of moral and attitudinal behavior conducive to the teaching-learning process as essential to the smooth running of the school. It was for this aim that the study was conducted to analyze factors that lead to a high level of indiscipline among pupils in secondary schools of Lusaka district. The study employed a mixed-method approach and a descriptive survey design that sampled head teachers, teachers, and pupils. Data was obtained from the respondents by means of interviews and questionnaires. The sample consisted of three hundred respondents. Percentages, tables, graphs, and pie charts were used to analyze the data with a combination of software MS Access and MS Excel (version 26). The results of the analysis showed that pupils and teachers agreed on the causes and effects of indiscipline cases in secondary schools which included among others; the Influence of peers, Negative attitudes towards education, Irresponsible parents, and Schools' inability to enforce rules and regulations. The study therefore recommended that the Ministry of Education should intensify monitoring of schools to ensure that teachers and pupils are fully involved or committed to the teaching and learning process. Additionally, Rules and regulations should be realistic and stated clearly for the absorption of all pupils in all secondary schools.
Management of Teacher Indiscipline in Urban Secondary Schools of Kasama District
European Modern Studies Journal, 2021
This paper is based on a study that aimed at exploring practical ways of strengthening management of teacher indiscipline in urban secondary schools of Kasama district of Northern Province of Zambia. The paper invokes the Systems Theory which offers an alternative approach to the planning and management of organisations proposed by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy in the 1940s and fully developed in the 1960s. The study was a qualitative research and employed phenomenology as the research design. The total sample size was 38 of which 32 were school staff (head teachers, deputy head teachers and heads of department), while 6 were key informants from the teaching service commission (TSC), provincial education office (PEO) and district education board secretary's office (DEBS). The information gathered was analysed using content and thematic analysis according to emerging themes. The findings showed that the prevalence of teacher indiscipline was moderate in schools, whereas the challenges faced in managing teacher indiscipline include too much bureaucracy and inefficiencies in processing and generating disciplinary cases. Besides, some managers were said to hold and sit on cases while others were unskilled in handling disciplinary issues. Also, it was established that many teachers did not understand their profession. In addition, some managers feared to act on wrongs of certain teachers due to fear of the unknown, especially when dealing with what was termed 'connected, and financially sound teachers' who gave them undue threats. Moreover, it was noted that there were a lot of interferences in cases of teachers and that there were numerous unnecessary commands from top management, including unduly turning down of recommendations, especially those made by a lower management level. Based on these findings, this paper recommends that there is need to establish a specific compulsory full course on teacher discipline in all teacher-training institutions and that all teachers should be signing antidisciplinary agreement forms upon deployment so that no one would have any excuse whatsoever for any misconduct. Also, bureaucratic procedures in the processing of disciplinary cases should be reduced to avoid unnecessary interferences and distortion of evidence.
ERIC, 2015
Classroom management is a skill that every teacher should be equipped well with. Although it is common for children to misbehave once in a while in classrooms, inability for teachers to handle the situation will make the problem behaviour worsen. The study explores some of the problem behaviour that occurred in a classroom in a preschool at Klang Valley area. An observation was done for data collection and it was held for 30 minutes during English lesson and 15 minutes during meal time. It was found that three children were obviously misbehaved during that time. The behaviours include walking around and not submitting worksheet, pushing one another in a line and also making noise with meal bowl and spoon. It was also found that back row of students were talking to each other while teacher was only paying attention to front row students. A few classroom management techniques were also suggested.
Borneo Educational Journal (Borju)
This Study aimed to find out: (1) What students’ minor misbehavior appears in the classroom? (2) What strategies do teachers use to response the students’ minor misbehavior? This research used a qualitative study with case study design. The study involved the English teacher, 7th and 8th grade students on SMPN 26 Samarinda. Data were collected by observation class. To check the reliability of the data, triangulation was also used in this research. The researcher compared the accrued information with different relevant researchers and consulted the lectures implicated in the study. The findings showed that the common students' minor misbehavior that appeared in the class were: talking each other, clowning around, drumming, tapping a pen, sleeping, and daydreaming. Moreover, to responding the misbehavior, the teacher used a various strategy that were: ignoring, reminder in soft voice, calling on the student, public rule reminder, the look, facial expression, proximity and warnin...