Yarı Termal Su Kaynağı Özelliklerindeki Hırla Gölünde (Kırşehir) Tatlısu Çipurası (Oreochromis niloticus) Adaptasyon Denemesi (original) (raw)
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Journal of Advances in VetBio Science and Techniques, 2019
Bu çalışmada Çukurova koşullarında kültüre alınan subtropik bir tür olan Asya kedi balığı (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) ve Nil Tilapiası (Oreochromis niloticus)’nın kışın bölge koşullarında hayatta kalmasının sağlanması ve üreticiye kışlatma koşullarında bir model oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada Nisan ayında kafeslerde adaptasyona başlanılan Asya kedi balıkları Ekim ayında kışlatma koşullarına alınmak üzere Ç.Ü.Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yetiştiricilik Bölümü Tatlısu Balıkları Üretim ve Araştırma İstasyonunda bulunan 1 ton ve 1,5 tonluk beton havuzlara ve fiber tanklara alınmıştır. Bir tonluk beton havuza ortalama 70 g ± 2,20 ağırlığında 100 adet Asya Kedi balığı stoklanmıştır. Bir buçuk tonluk beton havuza ise ortalama 10 g ± 1,15 ağırlığındaki 300 adet Asya Kedi balığı stoklanmıştır. Yine aynı amaçla Adana iklim şartlarına göre kışı sera ortamında geçirmesi amacıyla 10-15g canlı ağırlık ortalamalarındaki Nil Tilapia yavruları sera ortamına stoklanmıştır. Su sıcaklıkları ve oksij...
Çipura (Sparus aurata L.) Larvalarinda Otolitlerin Günlük Gelişimi
Daily growth of otoliths on gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) larvae. In this study, daily growth of otoliths was observed on gilthead seabream larvae when 1-65 days old, under the controlled conditions. In daily sampling, standart length of larvae and two different otolith, sagittae and lapillus, lengths were measured. Power regression analysis was applied on determining the lengths of
Şanlıurfa İlindeki Siyah Alaca Irkı Sığırların Yetiştirici Şartlarında Bazı Adaptasyon Özellikleri
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2016
Bu çalışmanın amacı Şanlıurfa ilinde yetiştirici şartlarındaki Siyah Alaca sığırların adaptasyon özelliklerini incelemektir. Araştırmanın materyalini 2013-2014 yılları arasında Şanlıurfa ilinde büyükbaş hayvan hayat sigortası yaptırılan Siyah Alaca ırkı sığırlara ait veriler oluşturmuştur. İl genelinde inek ölüm oranı % 7.5, mecburi kesim oranı % 3.8, yavru atma oranı % 6.58 ve buzağılarda 7. güne kadar ölüm oranı % 7.95 (yaşama gücü % 92.05) olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre Siyah Alaca ırkın bölgede yetiştiriciler tarafından benimsendiği ancak bakım-besleme ve barındırılması konusunda önemli problemlerin olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.
Comparing development of sea bream (Sparus aurata L., 1758) obtained from Homa Lagoon in offshore and inshore net cage Turkey has a rich water potential and lots of fishponds area which has been constituting rather old cultivation and fishing potential except of classic studies as a more productive subject. For this purpose, sea bream has obtained from İzmir Homa Lagoon in 2002 which is a production season, is followed in off shore and in shore cage and at the same time growth (total length and live weight) in the fishpond during 120 days. The study is continued from providing fishpond to including the last time obtained for 120 days. Fishes which have 34.99± 4.56 g live weight and 13.29± 0.86 cm total length, have hoarded at a suitable density of stock to in shore and off shore cage with triplicate groups. After a short adaptation time fishes have fed ad-libitum with a commercial feeds. At the end of the 120 days while average live weight of fishes obtained from fishpond is 92.44± 14.51 g. and total length is 13.49± 0.93 cm.; average live weight and total lenght of fishes that have been in the off shore and in shore are 140,36± 11,78 g. 21,75± 1,12 cm for in shore and 121,29± 12,35 g. 18,98± 1,34 for off shore have found. In this study, growth preformance of fishes in different environment observed, examinated results of development and used feeds as FCR,SBO ve KF have evaluated.
Çipura (Sparus aurata L.) Larvalarında Otolitlerin Günlük Gelişimi
Daily growth of otoliths on gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) larvae: In this study, daily growth of otoliths was observed on gilthead seabream larvae when 1-65 days old, under the controlled conditions. In daily sampling, standart length of larvae and two different otolith, sagittae and lapillus, lengths were measured. Power regression analysis was applied on determining the lengths of larvae between sagittae and lapillus. Result of the analysis, it was found a positive relationship, allometrically. It was also tried to determine the daily growth rings on otoliths and to be present of daily growth ring of lapillus as well as sagittae was also observed. Özet: Bu çalışmada çipura larvalarının otolitlerindeki günlük gelişimler kontrollu şartlar altında yetiştirilen 1-65 gün arasındaki bireylerde gözlenmiştir. Günlük olarak alınan örneklerde standart boy ile iki farklı otolit türü sagitta ve lapillus boyları ölçülmüştür. Larva boyu-sagitta boyu ve larva boyu-lapillus boyu arasında,...
Tuzlusu Ortamlarinda Tilapia Yetiştiriciliği
Tilapia culture in seawater. Tilapias are cultured primarily in fresh water in tropical region. Besides their tolerance to salinity, trend towards to brackish and mari culture. Some preliminary studies reported that, of tilapia shows a better growth performance in marine conditions than in fresh water culture conditions. The general approach to mari culture of tilapia; Fry reproduction realized in fresh water, and fingerlings transferred to saline water and acclimatized.
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 2016
The aim of this study was to determine the growth parameters of European Flounder fry (Platichthys flesus luscus L. 1758) caught from the nature in different feeding methods in aquaculture conditions. The study was conducted between April and July 2011, and the fish were collected at the connection point of Sarıkum Lagoon with the Black Sea in Sinop Province using seines and large scoops. A total of 750 European Flounder with the average weight of 0.93±0.01 (0.71-1.21) g were stocked in 5 groups with 3 repetitions. The groups were organized according to the feeding protocols [G1:90 days Chironomid larvae (CL), G2:60 days CL+30 days CL+ granular feed (GY), G3:30 days CL+60 days CL+ GY, G4:90 days CL+GY, G5:90 days GY]. At the end of the study, the weights of the fish were determined as 10.83±0.51, 9.89±0.22, 6.33±0.21, 5.13±0.11, 3.81±0.09, respectively. It was found that feeding preferences of the fish had significant effects on weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion rat...
Kırklareli Yöresindeki Atıksuların Tarımda Sulama Amaçlı Kullanılabilirliğinin Belirlenmesi
Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology
Turkiye’s water resources are getting increasingly polluted and the need for per capita water is increasing rapidly from year to year with population growth. With the increasing population, the increase in the need for food, the increase in water consumption, and the reuse of wastewater in various fields, especially as irrigation water, by treating it with appropriate methods, come to the fore today.The sewage waters of the city of Kırklareli are treated in the existing domestic and industrial treatment plants and discharged into the Kırklareli stream. This study was carried out in order to determine the irrigation water quality and pollution status of the waters released from the waters of the creek and treatment plants and to reveal their suitability for agricultural use. Waste water samples taken from stations determined on Kırklareli Stream were taken seasonally. Physical and inorganic-chemical parameters were investigated. The results from the study was determined according to ...