The approach of conflict (original) (raw)
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Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 2021
Various individuals, scholars and ecumenical organizations have made attempts at addressing the issue of religious conflicts; a situation that has resulted in the killings of innocent people in the name of faith affiliations. While some chose the comparative dialogue method to expose to adherents of various faiths that what they are practicing is the same, but in a different approach, others chose the use of ecumenical centres such as Inter-religious Dialogue Commission, Liberian Council of Churches and Islamic Study Group of Nigeria (ISGON) among others to advocate for peace. However, the Jesus approach to solving religious conflicts has often been neglected or not properly looked into. This is the gap created that this paper intends to fill. Using the secondary sources of data collection, this paper will use the evaluative method of important scriptures to expose to readers and concerned peace brokers that this is the mind of Christ on religious crisis cum conflicts in the African context. The paper recommends that the issue of peaceful coexistence with different religious faiths lies with the relationship with one's neighbour as revealed by Christ, when he said in Mathew 22:29: And the second is like it 'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself 'δὲ δευτέρα ὁμοία αὐτῇ Ἀγαπήσεις σου πλησίον ὡς σεαυτόν'
STJ | Stellenbosch Theological Journal
This article considers anew the important role of leadership in a meliorating violent conflict and achieving reconciliation in African societies, using the Lukan Jesus’ model of subversive leadership. The article critically engages Luke’s narrative of Jesus’ leadership style in achieving reconciliation in the context of violent conflict by using theological-sociocultural hermeneutical lenses. The Lukan Jesus, his leadership style and the manner in which he sought reconciliation in contexts of violent conflict offer African socio-political and religious leaders a model of effective leadership that could assist them in dealing with the social challenges Africa faces, such as poor leadership, violent conflicts and underdevelopment.
The practice of ministry is an intricate issue which involves the combination of individual efforts from diverse backgrounds. This diversity has been a breeding ground for conflict between the clergy and all the stakeholders involved in parish administration. This article tried to highlight some of these conflicts, using the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, as a case study. The approach employed was the African hermeneutic reading of Luke 9:18–22 in which the clergy’s leadership has been likened to that of Jesus. The presence of the many distracting agents did not perturb his ministry; instead, he remained focussed. Conclusively, it has been observed that the clergy often face conflict within the ministry because they ignore the fact that: (1) they are expected to know their mission more than anyone else. (2) The diverse backgrounds of their followers are potential causes of conflicts. (3) They are several distracting agents within the ministry. In short, Jesus’ model of conflict management has been a recommendation to the clergy, for an effective pastoral ministry.
Religious Conflict Resolution In Nigeria (Matthew 18:15-22): A Hermeneutico - Inculturation Approach
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2013
Conflict resolution was an important aspect of the Early Church community. Conflict situation is inevitable in every society. Nigeria was faced with lingering religious conflicts especially between the Christians and the Muslims which has led to severed relationships, destruction of lives and properties worth millions of Naira. The aim of this study therefore, is to examine the cause of religious conflicts in Nigeria and call on Christians and Muslims to play a peaceful role in the community; to use the principle of conflict resolution in Matthew 18:15-22 to drive home the African spirit of brotherhood and call for a peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria. In order to do this the Inculturation Hermeneutics model was explored as a methodology. It could be seen that the cause of conflicts between Muslims and Christians is lack of the consciousness of the concept of African brotherhood and love which has showcased itself in fanaticism, intolerance and derogatory statements, political dissatisfaction and superiority complex. Though Matthew 18:15-22 is more applicable to the Christian folks in Nigeria, the lessons therein portrayed the concept of love, forgiveness, dialogue, brotherhood, and justice as instruments of conflict resolution; and could be applicable to all Nigerians. It could be assumed that peaceful coexistence between all religious adherents in Nigeria is not far fetched if the principle of brotherhood, forgiveness, dialogue, love and justice are upheld. II. Definition of Terms Religion: The word religion has many definitions depending on the perspective one is looking at it. According to Smith, religion is man's attempt to achieve the highest possible good by adjusting his life to the strongest and best power in the universe and this power is usually called God. 6 In the opinion of John Hick, religion is human recognition of super human controlling power and especially of a personal God or gods entitled to obedience and worship. 7 Also, religion according to Bouquet is a fixed relationship between the human self and some non
The fundamental difference between the Jews and Gentiles is circumcision. This fact introduced a serious barrier between them. This is to the extent that they could not mingle or relate cordially. Thus, their relationship was like the one that exists between lepers and the healthy. Hence, Gentiles were excluded from membership of Israel, aliens with no part in the covenants of the fatherhood. Christ is the unifying force between the circumcised and the uncircumcised. With his blood, he absolved the Gentiles of all that used to distance them and made the circumcised to know that he is the end of the Law (Rom 10:4). Thus, through his blood he destroyed the hostility that used to be between them. Vv 19-22 expresses the value of this newly founded unity in Christ. Despite the above, there is still divisions in the Church today, hence, absence of peace in Christendom. This article therefore answers why it is so. It aims at showing that rivalry that exists among believers, exposes their insincerity and hypocrisy. It argues that if all Christians understand the mind of Christ in destroying the barrier that existed between nations (Gentiles and Jews), then the whole Christendom would have remained peaceful and truly under one head. Unless this happens, there will be no end to sectarianism, tribalism, and nepotism among Christian believers in Nigeria. The outcome of this article will be significant to all Christians. The method will be exegetical analysis of Ephesians 2:11-22 and Library research.
The fundamental difference between the Jews and Gentiles is circumcision. This fact introduced a serious barrier between them. This is to the extent that they could not mingle or relate cordially. Thus, their relationship was like the one that exists between lepers and the healthy. Hence, Gentiles were excluded from membership of Israel, aliens with no part in the covenants of the fatherhood. Christ is the unifying force between the circumcised and the uncircumcised. With his blood, he absolved the Gentiles of all that used to distance them and made the circumcised to know that he is the end of the Law (Rom 10:4). Thus, through his blood he destroyed the hostility that used to be between them. Vv 19-22 expresses the value of this newly founded unity in Christ. Despite the above, there is still divisions in the Church today, hence, absence of peace in Christendom. This article therefore answers why it is so. It aims at showing that rivalry that exists among believers, exposes their i...
Exegetical study of John 16:25–33 and the Church in persecution in Nigeria
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies
Currently, there is a high rate of persecution unleashed on Christians worldwide with a special reference to Nigeria. Globally, Nigeria accounts for more than 70% of Christians being killed because of their identification with the Christian faith. This makes Nigeria one of the most dangerous countries for Christians. Employing the redaction method of doing biblical exegesis, this study explores and interprets the context of John 16:25–33 and applies its theological findings to the similar reality of Nigerian Christians being confronted with severe persecutions. This study argues that the lessons drawn from John 16:25–33 can equip Nigerian Christians to have the peace Jesus promised consolidated in their hearts as they are being persecuted because of their faith in him.Contribution: This study addressed the issue of the high rate of persecution being unleashed on the Church in Nigeria from the theological stance of John 16:25–33. The study recommends that the lessons drawn from John ...