Adversarially Regularized Graph Attention Networks for Inductive Learning on Partially Labeled Graphs (original) (raw)

Adversarial Graph Contrastive Learning with Information Regularization

Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022

Contrastive learning is an effective unsupervised method in graph representation learning. Recently, the data augmentation based contrastive learning method has been extended from images to graphs. However, most prior works are directly adapted from the models designed for images. Unlike the data augmentation on images, the data augmentation on graphs is far less intuitive and much harder to provide high-quality contrastive samples, which are the key to the performance of contrastive learning models. This leaves much space for improvement over the existing graph contrastive learning frameworks. In this work, by introducing an adversarial graph view and an information regularizer, we propose a simple but effective method, Adversarial Graph Contrastive Learning (ArieL), to extract informative contrastive samples within a reasonable constraint. It consistently outperforms the current graph contrastive learning methods in the node classification task over various real-world datasets and further improves the robustness of graph contrastive learning.

On Generalization of Graph Autoencoders with Adversarial Training


Adversarial training is an approach for increasing model's resilience against adversarial perturbations. Such approaches have been demonstrated to result in models with feature representations that generalize better. However, limited works have been done on adversarial training of models on graph data. In this paper, we raise such a question does adversarial training improve the generalization of graph representations. We formulate L2 and L1 versions of adversarial training in two powerful node embedding methods: graph autoencoder (GAE) and variational graph autoencoder (VGAE). We conduct extensive experiments on three main applications, i.e. link prediction, node clustering, graph anomaly detection of GAE and VGAE, and demonstrate that both L2 and L1 adversarial training boost the generalization of GAE and VGAE.

GraphMix: Improved Training of Graph Neural Networks for Semi-Supervised Learning


We present GraphMix, a regularized training scheme for Graph Neural Network based semisupervised object classification, leveraging the recent advances in the regularization of classical deep neural networks. Specifically, we propose a unified approach in which we train a fullyconnected network jointly with the graph neural network via parameter sharing, interpolationbased regularization and self-predicted-targets. Our proposed method is architecture agnostic in the sense that it can be applied to any variant of graph neural networks which applies a parametric transformation to the features of the graph nodes. Despite its simplicity, with GraphMix we can consistently improve results and achieve or closely match state-of-the-art performance using even simpler architectures such as Graph Convolutional Networks, across three established graph benchmarks: Cora, Citeseer and Pubmed citation network datasets, as well as three newly proposed datasets :Cora-Full, Co-author-CS and Co-authorPh...

Dual Graph Convolutional Networks for Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Classification

Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference on World Wide Web - WWW '18, 2018

The problem of extracting meaningful data through graph analysis spans a range of different fields, such as the internet, social networks, biological networks, and many others. The importance of being able to effectively mine and learn from such data continues to grow as more and more structured data become available. In this paper, we present a simple and scalable semi-supervised learning method for graph-structured data in which only a very small portion of the training data are labeled. To sufficiently embed the graph knowledge, our method performs graph convolution from different views of the raw data. In particular, a dual graph convolutional neural network method is devised to jointly consider the two essential assumptions of semi-supervised learning: (1) local consistency and (2) global consistency. Accordingly, two convolutional neural networks are devised to embed the local-consistency-based and global-consistency-based knowledge, respectively. Given the different data transformations from the two networks, we then introduce an unsupervised temporal loss function for the ensemble. In experiments using both unsupervised and supervised loss functions, our method outperforms state-of-the-art techniques on different datasets.

Exploiting Node Content for Multiview Graph Convolutional Network and Adversarial Regularization


Network representation learning (NRL) is crucial in the area of graph learning. Recently, graph autoencoders and its variants have gained much attention and popularity among various types of node embedding approaches. Most existing graph autoencoder-based methods aim to minimize the reconstruction errors of the input network while not explicitly considering the semantic relatedness between nodes. In this paper, we propose a novel network embedding method which models the consistency across different views of networks. More specifically, we create a second view from the input network which captures the relation between nodes based on node content and enforce the latent representations from the two views to be consistent by incorporating a multiview adversarial regularization module. The experimental studies on benchmark datasets prove the effectiveness of this method, and demonstrate that our method compares favorably with the state-of-the-art algorithms on challenging tasks such as ...

Relation-aware Graph Attention Model With Adaptive Self-adversarial Training


This paper describes an end-to-end solution for the relationship prediction task in heterogeneous, multi-relational graphs. We particularly address two building blocks in the pipeline, namely heterogeneous graph representation learning and negative sampling. Existing message passing-based graph neural networks use edges either for graph traversal and/or selection of message encoding functions. Ignoring the edge semantics could have severe repercussions on the quality of embeddings, especially when dealing with two nodes having multiple relations. Furthermore, the expressivity of the learned representation depends on the quality of negative samples used during training. Although existing hard negative sampling techniques can identify challenging negative relationships for optimization, new techniques are required to control false negatives during training as false negatives could corrupt the learning process. To address these issues, first, we propose RelGNN– a message passing-based ...

Graph Representation Learning Using Attention Network


Network embedding is a method to learn low dimensional representation of nodes in large graph with the goal of capturing and preserving the network structure. Graph convolution networks (GCN) are successfully applied in node embedding task as they can learn sparse and discrete dependency in the data. Most of the existing work in GCN requires costly matrix operation. In this paper, we proposed a graph neighbor Sampling, Aggregation, and ATtention (GSAAT) framework. That does not need to know the graph structure upfront and avoid costly matrix operation. The proposed method first learn to aggregate the information of node's neighbors and stacked a layer in which nodes are able to attend over the aggregated information of their neighbors feature. The proposed method achieved state-of-art performance in two classification benchmark: Cora, and Citeseer citation network dataset.

GraphMix: Improved Training of GNNs for Semi-Supervised Learning

Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

We present GraphMix, a regularization method for Graph Neural Network based semi-supervised object classification, whereby we propose to train a fully-connected network jointly with the graph neural network via parameter sharing and interpolation-based regularization. Further, we provide a theoretical analysis of how GraphMix improves the generalization bounds of the underlying graph neural network, without making any assumptions about the "aggregation" layer or the depth of the graph neural networks. We experimentally validate this analysis by applying GraphMix to various architectures such as Graph Convolutional Networks, Graph Attention Networks and Graph-U-Net. Despite its simplicity, we demonstrate that GraphMix can consistently improve or closely match state-of-the-art performance using even simpler architectures such as Graph Convolutional Networks, across three established graph benchmarks: Cora, Citeseer and Pubmed citation network datasets, as well as three newly...

Graph Attention Auto-Encoders

2020 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2020

Auto-encoders have emerged as a successful framework for unsupervised learning. However, conventional auto-encoders are incapable of utilizing explicit relations in structured data. To take advantage of relations in graph-structured data, several graph autoencoders have recently been proposed, but they neglect to reconstruct either the graph structure or node attributes. In this paper, we present the graph attention auto-encoder (GATE), a neural network architecture for unsupervised representation learning on graph-structured data. Our architecture is able to reconstruct graphstructured inputs, including both node attributes and the graph structure, through stacked encoder/decoder layers equipped with self-attention mechanisms. In the encoder, by considering node attributes as initial node representations, each layer generates new representations of nodes by attending over their neighbors' representations. In the decoder, we attempt to reverse the encoding process to reconstruct node attributes. Moreover, node representations are regularized to reconstruct the graph structure. Our proposed architecture does not need to know the graph structure upfront, and thus it can be applied to inductive learning. Our experiments demonstrate competitive performance on several node classification benchmark datasets for transductive and inductive tasks, even exceeding the performance of supervised learning baselines in most cases.

Uniting Heterogeneity, Inductiveness, and Efficiency for Graph Representation Learning

ArXiv, 2021

With the ubiquitous graph-structured data in various applications, models that can learn compact but expressive vector representations of nodes have become highly desirable. Recently, bearing the message passing paradigm, graph neural networks (GNNs) have greatly advanced the performance of node representation learning on graphs. However, a majority class of GNNs are only designed for homogeneous graphs, leading to inferior adaptivity to the more informative heterogeneous graphs with various types of nodes and edges. Also, despite the necessity of inductively producing representations for completely new nodes (e.g., in streaming scenarios), few heterogeneous GNNs can bypass the transductive learning scheme where all nodes must be known during training. Furthermore, the training efficiency of most heterogeneous GNNs has been hindered by their sophisticated designs for extracting the semantics associated with each meta path or relation. In this paper, we propose wide and deep message ...