Genetic variability and genetic diversity in sunflower (original) (raw)


SUMMARY The trial comprising of 32 sunflower germplasm accessions including three checks were evaluated at three semi-arid dryland locations of Telangana and Maharashtra states. In Telangana the location was Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research (IIOR), Hyderabad, and two locations at Maharashtra i.e. Zonal Agriculture Research Station (ZARS), Solapur and Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Savalvihir, MPKV, Rahuri. The objective of the study is to study the genetic variation among the germplasm and to identify the better performing accessions across the locations. The environment at IIOR, Hyderabad can be considered to be the most stable environment for seed yield and ZARS Solapur can be considered to be the most stable environment for maturity days because closer to the center of the site regression biplot. Based on site regression (SREG) model analysis and per se performance genotype GP 2-1217 for seed yield and maturity is an ideal genotype across environments. The magnitude of phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) values for all the traits were higher than the corresponding genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) values indicating that all seven traits are under the influence of environmental effect. High heritability associated with high genetic advance as percent of mean were recorded for plant height, indicating less environmental influence on plant height and role of additive gene action.Two major clusters were identified based on heat map diversity approach. The high yielding and medium duration check genotypes DRSF-113 grouped under I st cluster whereas check Morden which is dwarf and early duration genotype grouped under II nd cluster. The yield traits like 50% flowering and maturity days falls under one group and showed more or less similar type of pattern in the expression of traits. Based on diversity analysis genotypes identified into two major clusters that can be utilised for the development of high yielding and medium duration diverse gene pool in sunflower. Key findings: Sunflower genotypes GMU-799 and GP 2-1217 for seed yield and for maturity days GP 6-951 are ideal genotypes across the environments. Based on SREG-Biplot and stability analysis and per se performance GP 2-1217 for seed yield and maturity days is an ideal genotype across environments. Consequently, the present study illustrated the existence of wide ranges of variations for most of the characters among the sunflower genotypes, which provides opportunity for genetic gain through selection or hybridization.

Genetic divergence studies for yield and its attributes in sunflower (Helianthus annuus l.)

Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 2017

The present study was undertaken at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Nandyal during rabi, 2016-17. Seventy genotypes of sunflower were evaluated in a randomized complete block design replicated thrice for assessment of genetic diversity. Highly significant differences were observed for all the characters studied. The results of PCA revealed that the traits viz., plant height, head diameter, 100 achene weight, number of achenes per head, volume weight, and leaf area index can be utilized as selection criterion for increasing variability which can be harnessed in hybridization programmes to generate transgressive segregants.

Genetic variability association and diversity study among the sunflower genotypes at seedling stage20200127 42854 gl51de

Journal of Genetics, Genomics & Plant Breeding, 2020

Abstract Drought stress directly affects growth along with productivity of plants by altering plant water status. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) an oilseed crop, is adversely affected by abiotic stresses. The present study was carried out to study the genetic variability and diversity among the sunflower genotypes at seedling stage based on different morpho-physiological parameters under Polyethylene Glycol(PEG) induced stress. A total of twenty seven genotypes including two hybrids, eight advanced lines and seventeen accessions of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) were tested at germination and seedling stages in Polyethylene Glycol. Correlation and principle component analysis confirmed that germination percentage, root length, proline content, shoot length, chlorophyll content, stomatal frequency and survival percentage are positively correlated with each other hence, these traits were responsible for most of variation among genotypes. The cluster analysis results showed that genotypes Ausun, line-2, line-8, 17559, 17578, Hysun-33, 17555, and 17587 as more diverse among all the genotypes. These most divergent genotypes could be utilized in the development of inbreeds which could be subsequently used in the heterosis breeding.

Genetic analysis in sunflower germplasm across the four states falling under the semi-arid environments of India

The present research focuses on the identification of stable trait specific genetic resources across the five semiarid environments located in the four states of India. The study illustrated the existence of a wide range of variations for most of the characters among the sunflower genotypes, which provides opportunities for genetic gain through selection or hybridization. Genotype x Environment (G x E) interaction was significant for all traits except for days to 50 % flowering, maturity days and 100-seed weight which means different genotypes responded differently to environments for the rest of the traits. Based on per se performance across the locations GMU 296 and HOHAL 30 can be considered as high yielding and high oil content accessions. Based on biplot, stability and per se performance genotypes GMU 806, GMU 635, GMU 296, GMU 802 and check DRSF113, can be considered as a medium to high yielding with medium oil content and medium maturity genotypes across the environments and can be considered as an ideal genotype across semi-arid environments. Character association indicated that among the seven traits, seed yield per plant had a significant negative association with oil content. The traits 50 % flowering and maturity days fall under one group and showed the more or less similar type of pattern in the expression of the traits by heat map approach. Based on diversity analysis identified genotypes from the second cluster can be utilized for the development of high yielding, medium oil content and medium duration diverse gene pool in sunflower for semi-arid environments.

Genetic variability, association and diversity study among the sunflower genotypes at seedling stage

Journal of Genetics, Genomics & Plant Breeding 4(1) 20-28 (January, 2020) ISSN (Online): 2581-3293 20, 2020

Abstract Drought stress directly affects growth along with productivity of plants by altering plant water status. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) an oilseed crop, is adversely affected by abiotic stresses. The present study was carried out to study the genetic variability and diversity among the sunflower genotypes at seedling stage based on different morpho-physiological parameters under Polyethylene Glycol(PEG) induced stress. A total of twenty seven genotypes including two hybrids, eight advanced lines and seventeen accessions of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) were tested at germination and seedling stages in Polyethylene Glycol. Correlation and principle component analysis confirmed that germination percentage, root length, proline content, shoot length, chlorophyll content, stomatal frequency and survival percentage are positively correlated with each other hence, these traits were responsible for most of variation among genotypes. The cluster analysis results showed that genotypes Ausun, line-2, line-8, 17559, 17578, Hysun-33, 17555, and 17587 as more diverse among all the genotypes. These most divergent genotypes could be utilized in the development of inbreeds which could be subsequently used in the heterosis breeding.

Assessment of genetic diversity for quantitative traits in sunflower germplasm

Pure and Applied Biology, 2017

Evaluating genetic diversity in germplasm resources is a prerequisite for any effective breeding program. In this context, an investigation was carried out for analyzing genetic diversity in a set of 18 sunflower lines, which were grown at Oilseeds Section, Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam, Sindh, Pakistan. Results demonstrated that mean squares were highly significantly different (P< 0.01) for days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, head diameter, seeds head-1 , seed index and grain yield plant-1. It represents that studied sunflower germplasm tend to have useful genetic resources for further breeding programs. In respect to genetic distance, a number of pairs were identified, which possess wide as well as narrow genetic distance; hence these pairs may be utilized for heterosis and backcross breeding purpose, respectively. Principal component analysis depicted that first three components showed a very high percentage of genetic variance (91.60%), indicating a great amount of genetic diversity in studied germplasm. Considering cluster analysis, diverse parents have also been identified through different clusters, signifying their importance for upcoming hybridization programs in sunflower.



In the present investigation, thirty three sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) genotypes including three checks were evaluated to study genetic divergence. The experiment was laid out at Research Farm, School of Agriculture, ITM University, Gwalior during rabi 2020-2022. Data were recorded on ten quantitative characters. The thirty three genotypes of sunflower were grouped into seven cluster using Tocher method of the seven clusters formed, cluster I and III were the largest groups comprising of eleven and eight genotypes, respectively, followed by cluster V with six genotypes, cluster II with five genotypes. The 3 monogenic clusters i.e. IV, VI and VII showed zero intra-cluster. Based on cluster mean values for a given character, we can select highly divergent genotypes from the respective clusters to be used in crossing work.

Genetic diversity study in interspecific inbreds of Sunflower

Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 2016

A field experiment was conducted by using fifty eight interspecific inbreds and two checks (PKVSF-9 and TAS-82) of sunflower in randomized block design in kharif 2013 at the field of Oilseeds Research Unit, Dr. PDKV, Akola to estimate the genetic diversity among genotypes. Mahalanobis D 2 statistics revealed presence of substantial genetic diversity among the genotypes. Among the ten characters studied, plant height (26.33%) followed by seed yield per plant (25.14%) and head diameter (18.87%) contributed maximum towards total genetic divergence while the characters seed filling percentage (0.34%) followed by harvest index (0.62%), 100 seed weight (2.32%) and oil content (2.99%) contributed least to the total genetic divergence. The genotypes were grouped in six clusters. Maximum inter cluster distance was observed between cluster II and VI (708.23) followed by cluster II and V (423.28) and cluster II and IV (363.57). Inter cluster distance was minimum between cluster III and IV (84.37). Cluster IV recorded highest intra cluster distance (91.71) followed by cluster I (77.47).

Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Germplasm

International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Technology, 2014

The, present, investigation,was,carried,out,at,the, research, fields,of, the, oilseeds,Sections,Department,of,Plant,Breeding,and,Geneticss,Punjab, Agricultural, Universitys, Ludhianas, India:, The, material, for, present, study,consisted,of,Dj,germplasm,lines:,The,material,was,raised,in,two, rows,with,three,replications,each,row,of,B:Gm, length,with,Uw,cm,and, Dw, cm, inter, and, intra, row, spacing, respectivelys, in, the, randomized, block,design:,All,the,agronomic,practices,recommended,for,the,region, were,followed,to,raise,a,good,crop:,The,data,for,agronomic,and,yield, traits,i:e:,plant,heights,head,diameters,volume,weights,jww,seed,weights, seed, yield, per, plant, was, recorded:, Dv analysis, assigned, the, test, genotypes, into, six, clusters, indicating, presence, of, enough, genetic, diversity,in,the,material