Reorientation of clean water supply services in Indonesia : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University, New Zealand (original) (raw)

Profile of Pam Jaya and Private Partners in Clean Water Supply Jakartan (Case Study Year 1998-2012)

KnE Social Sciences, 2018

Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia has the densest population in Indonesia which is experiencing problems in the field of public service provision of clean water. Providing clean water is carried out through a local company, namely the Regional Water Company Region (PDAM) abbreviated PAM Jaya and its aim is to be able to distribute clean water to all the people of Jakarta, in quantity provide water services running for 24 hours, in quality should be in accordance with the Ministry of Health Minister Regulation no.46 of 1990. To improve performance, Pam Jaya had a policy of cooperation with the private sector in the form Public Private Partnership (Agreement of Cooperation / MCC) since February 1 , 1998 with Lyonnasise des Eaux France abbreviated PT. Lyonnase Pam Jaya (PT. Palyja) and PT. Thames Pam Jaya (TPJ). From 2003 cooperation with PT TPJ was transferred to PT. Aetra, in the form of concessions in the form of exclusive rights management for 25 years. From this cooperation is expected the private sector can bring a new fund to manage efficiently and can improve performance by better service, but with the water tariff is still affordable by the people of Jakarta. The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of PAM Jaya 's profile in the provision and management of clean water for all communities in Jakarta, and analyze of cooperation with private partners. This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach that aims to accurately depict or describe something happening and going on, and could clearly and accurately describe the subject matter of this research, the problem of whether the implementation of the Public Private Partnership Pam Jaya with private partners in the provision of clean water with a case study in 1998-2012. This research was conducted from 2010 to 2012. The collection of data in this research is done by observation, documentation and interview with some informants consist of: 5 Senior Managers PAM Jaya, 10 Managers PAM Jaya and 20 represent customers PAM Jaya (Dormitory, Apartment, Households, Small industries, Flats, Buildings, and Social Institutions). The results showed 1). In 2011, the public private partnership has been running 12 years, the coverage of water supply only reached 62,75% (5,614,632 people in DKI). 2). Provision of water supply often does not flow 24 hours as promised PAM Jaya and even not flow at all. 3). Most customers doubt the quality of water from PAM Jaya so mostly only is used for the purposes of washing and bathing only, for the drinking most switch to bottled water. 4).

Thirsty downstream : the provision of clean water in Jakarta, Indonesia


In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the head of my department or by his or her representatives. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission.

Accelerating the Provision of Safe Water Supply in Urban and Rural Areas of Indonesia

Kesmas: National Public Health Journal

Over the past 100 years, the provision of a safe water supply to drink in Indonesia has been slowly progressed with low coverage. The majority of the population does not have access to safe water. Morbidity and mortality of water-related diseases, including diarrhea, are very high. The provision of safe water is not a technological issue but good water management that comprises content, institutional, and communication layer. This paper provided information for strategic and operational decisions to accelerate the provision of safe water services in urban and rural areas. Benchmarking good water management with the characteristics of the water supply location is required to improve the health status of the population, mainly the poor urban and rural areas with limited resources, including time and cost.

Managing Water for Public in Indonesia: A Case in Semarang


Abstrak Air sangat penting bagi kehidupan. Beberapa orang menganggap air sebagai barang ekonomis lebih dari sekedar sumber daya alam yang bias didapat secara bebas. Perlakuan air sebagai sumber daya ekonomis telah menciptakan banyak masalah antara pemerintah/Negara, rakyat serta perusahaan yang menjadi mitra pemerintah. Di Indonesia, Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) telah gagal dalam mengelola air untuk rakyat, Terkebak di antara manajemen public dan privat, PDAM telah kehilangan perannya sebagai alat Negara untuk mengelola dan utamanya mendistribusikan air bagi rakyat. Kesalahan tata kelola, kurangnya transparansi dan akuntabilitas serta budaya kuno dalam pengelolaan pemerintah adalah masalah-masalah yang ada pada keseharian opearsional PDAM. Kasus di PDAM Kota Semarang akan menggambarkan kegagalan Negara/pemerintah dalam mengelola air bagi warganya. Keywords: managing water, constitution, the state and the people. A. PENDAHULUAN

Theoretical Framework of Urban Water Security In Indonesia

Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, 2018

For years cities in Indonesia have experienced massive urban and economic developments which involvedconversion of land to economic areas and human settlements. These cause some cities in Indonesia to face critical condition isproviding clean waters and services of urban sanitation. As a consequence of clean water demand, industries and householdexplore ground water as a source of clean water. Over abstraction of ground water has impacted declining of groundwater tableand land subsidence. Due to the problems that have been created by aspects above, it is necessary to acquire a frameworkdealing with the complexity of urban water problems in Indonesian cities that could explain the urban water security, and tobe used to monitor and evaluate the progress of the cities in improving their urban water services. This paper is describing thedimensions that give affects to urban water security with their phenomena and problems in Indonesian cities and build thetheoretical framework of urban ...

Study of Government’s Strategy on Clean Water Availability in Indonesia

Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia, 2022

Latar belakang: Tujuan tulisan ini adalah mengkaji dan menganalisis strategi pemerintah dalam menjaga dan mengelola sumber daya air dalam mencapai ketersediaan air bersih di Indonesia, mengingat peristiwa perubahan iklim juga dapat meningkatkan krisis air. Pemanfaatan air secara terus menerus dan terbatasnya jumlah air yang dapat dieksplorasi dan dikonsumsi dipengaruhi oleh jumlah penduduk yang menyebabkan meningkatnya kebutuhan air. Tulisan ini meninjau secara filosofis dan konseptual yang akan menggabungkan perspektif dari langkah-langkah praktis di tingkat dasar seperti strategi perlindungan berupa kebijakan yang telah dibuat seperti Regulasi, Pengelolaan (dalam pengelolaan akan dikaji sejauh mana campur tangan manusia/pemerintah dalam menjaga kesehatan Ekosistem Lingkungan, termasuk sumber air dan sejauh mana pemanfaatannya, kemudian metode apa yang dipakai dan disepakati oleh pemangku kepentingan dalam memastikan kebutuhan air sehingga dapat terpenuhi), evaluasi dan usaha menja...

Holistic Water Management at the Community Level, Case Study Jabung District, Malang Regency, Indonesia

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020

Access to safe water as a basic infrastructure is still a major problem throughout the world, and it is the main concentration to be solved as stated in SDGs pillars 6 and 9. Availability access to basic needs such as infrastructure of water is also one important homework to deal with for the Indonesian government along with the Universal Access 100-0-100. The research aim is to measure the Water Poverty Index (WPI) through the 5-component to propose a poverty eradication strategy of the water infrastructure at the community level. Jabung District in Malang Regency is chosen as the case study, wherein at about 33, 19% and 16% of households are the receiver of Raskin (Poor Rice) program and Program Keluarga Harapan (Family Hopes Program) – the poverty alleviations programs in Indonesia. Both field observation and depth interviews are conducted towards 548 heads of households at the compiling data. The WPI measurement indicates that 1 of the 15 villages have the low safe value of WPI....

Report in Progress in Water Resoorces Management (Wet Region - Indonesia)


The journey of the water resources development in Indonesia during the last decade is generally inspired by the multi -dimensional crisis which knocked the country since 1998. From then on, water-related sectors began to reform their organization structures, two major features become the important issues for further water resources development, i.e.; the autonomy era and economics paradigm. The Government Law No. 25 Year 1999 about Local Government (being amended by Government Law No. 25 Year 2002) and the Government Law No.7 Year 2004 about Water Resources are two main legal aspects that should be taken into account in the water resources development in the country. This paper reviews the progress of the water resources development in Indonesia during the last decade and promotes the idea on the future water resources management as part of the sustainable development of the country. The review includes the history of the water-related infrastructure development in the country, thei...