Young HS Diffuse esophageal glycogenic acanthosis: an endoscopic marker of Cowden's disease (original) (raw)

The American Journal of Gastroenterology


Cowden's disease is a rare autosomal dominant condition characterized by multiple hamartomas of ectodermal, endodermal, and mesodermal origin affecting many organ systems. Gastrointestinal manifestation includes the formation of multiple polyps of various benign histopathological types throughout the alimentary tract. Recent literature suggests that the frequency of gastrointestinal involvement is approximately 70-85%. The diagnosis of Cowden's disease, however, relies mainly on subtle dermatologic findings, which may not be obvious to the gastroenterologist. We describe a patient with Cowden's disease and review the English literature on the topic of gastrointestinal polyposis and Cowden's disease. These studies suggest that gastrointestinal polyposis is commonly found in this disease, and that diffuse esophageal glycogenic acanthosis is a characteristic feature of Cowden's disease. We propose that the finding of extensive glycogenic acanthosis in the presence o...

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