The Effectiveness of Question Writer in Assessing Grammar (original) (raw)
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A Contrastive Analysis of Interrogative Sentences in English and Indonesian Mashlihatul Umami
The aim of this paper is to investigate the forms of questions in English and Indonesian in order to identify the similarities and differences between them. CA may look at linguistic structures in a twofold way: predictability power and wash back effect (Cheng, Watanabe & Curtis, 2004). The former deals with foreseeing the areas of problems the English learners may commit and the latter refers to the effect of diagnostic value of CA on improvement of teaching processes. In this case, the researcher emphasizes her study in analyzing CA based on the first perspective; this study focuses on interrogative sentences which are in the form of questions which play an important role in learning English among junior English students. This study has found the differences and similarities between Indonesian and English. Recognizing this will contribute to the accuracy of English questions made by the students. Abstrak Tujuan dari artikel ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi tentang bentuk bentuk kalimat tanya yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia untuk mengidentifikasi kesamaan dan perbedaan diantara dua bahasa tersebut. Kajian tentang Analisis kontrastive melihat struktur kebahasaan melalui dua cara yaitu: ‗predictability power dan waschback effect' (Cheng, Watanabe & Curtis, 2004). Cara yang pertama dengan jalan memperkirakan permasalahan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pembelajar bahasa dan yang kedua berhubungan dengan pengaruh atau efek 152 penilaian pada peningkatan proses belajar mengajar. Dalam hal ini, peneliti menekankan studinya dalam menganalisis perbedaan berdasarkan perspective yang pertama, kajian studi ini fokus pada kalimat Tanya yang berperan penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris pada sekolah menengah pertama .Studi ini menemukan perbedaan dan persamaan kalimat tanya pada bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Kedepan hasil dari kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi spesifik bahwa pemahaman tentang hal tersebut akan meningkatkan ketepatan kalimat Tanya yang disusun oleh para siswa.
Error Analysis of the Use of Question Words in English Sentences
Scope : Journal of English Language Teaching
The research aims to analyze the error in using questions word on second grade students of MTs. Hidayatussalafiyah. Question is one of important aspect that students need to master not only in writing but also speaking. There are several types of questions that students need to learn. The types of questions that discuss in this research are "Yes/No-Questions" and "Wh-Questions". The data are collected through observation, discussion, books and also documentation. By the data, the research finds the most error the students made in each category. The research findings also prove the students need more explanation in forming questions especially in writing. Based on the result, the student faced more difficult in forming "Yes/No-Questions" than in "Wh-Questions" category. They made mistake for 298 or 65.07% in "Yes/No-Questions and 160 or 34.93% in "Wh-Questions" from the total mistakes. The most difficult question for them in "Yes/No-Questions" is to form "are you studying your grammar book?" or using "be (is/am/are) in present progressive tense". The total number of mistakes for this questions are 26 or 8.4%. And, for the "Wh-Questions", they made more mistake to form "what time did you eat lunch?" or using "what time" to ask about the time.
A study of question formation in the English writing of Omani EFL learners
Standard Journal of Educational Research and Essay (SJERE), 2013
"This study analyzed the question formation errors generated by 46 English major students registered in the first semester of the academic year 2009/2010 in Sohar University in the Sultanate of Oman. The aim of the current study was to find out the kinds of errors the student teachers make while forming questions in English. Data were derived from an Advanced Writing class. The students were asked to write 10 questions on the topic: Wedding in the Sultanate of Oman. The analysis of the data suggests that the difficulties that Omani student teachers face while forming questions in English are: auxiliary omission, auxiliary replacement, auxiliary subject agreement, verbal form concord, auxiliary subject inversion, auxiliary redundant, wrong question word and verb inverted. The differences in the structures of question formation in L1 and L2 cause most of the errors. Keywords: Question formation, English writing, EFL learners, Oman"
The purpose of this study is to find out whether the use of Online Quizzes can help students learn grammar. This research was conducted on the grade ten students at SMA Islam As-syafi'iyah 02, Pondok Gede, Bekasi, in Academic Year 2020/2021. The method of this study is quantitative and the design of this study is true-experimental design. The population of this research was all of the students in grade ten consisted of four classes. Moreover, the sample of this study was 43 students. 21 students were from class X IPA I as experimental class and 22 students were from X IPA II as control class. In data analysis, the researcher used paired t-test in SPSS program, preceded by normality and homogeneity test as prerequisite requirements. The analysis uses SPSS-based Product Moment Formula produced there is significance (Sig.) value of 0.04. Since the significance value was higher than (<) Alpha 0.05, Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Additionally, It proves that there is significant difference in the use of Online Quizzes on grade ten students' grammar ability at SMA Islam As-syafiiyah 02, Pondok Gede, Bekasi in the Academic Year 2020/2021.
Self-Assessment in English Writing Classroom
RETAIN, 2018
Penilaian diri adalah sebuah kemampuan untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang perkembangan belajar individu. Semakin sering siswa melakukan penilaian diri terhadap perkembangan belajarnya, maka siswa akan semakin mengetahui perkembangan belajarnya untuk meningkatkan perkembangan belajarnya. Akan tetapi, di Indonesia, guru cenderung fokus ke hasil akhir siswa daripada kemajuan belajar siswa dalam belajar. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana guru mengaplikasikan penilaian diri siswa dalam belajar menulis Bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah atas dan mendeskripsikan respon siswa terhadap penilaian diri. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Data penelitian di kumpulkan dengan menggunakan checklis observasi dan wawancara. Lalu, penelitian ini di laksanakan di sekolah menegah atas di Bojonegoro, salah satu sekolah menengah atas di Indonesia. Untuk observasi, peserta di tunjuk oleh guru Bahasa Inggris di sekolah tersebut, yang mana melibatkan satu kelas, terdiri dari 26 siswa. Untuk wawancara, 12 dari 26 siswa dipilih guru Bahasa Inggris untuk mewakili diwawancara. Data penelitian di analisis dengan langkah-langkah cara; mengorganisasikan dan mempersiapkan data, mengkoding dan mengurangi data, menerjemahkan dan memaparkan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa guru mengaplikasikan penilaian diri siswa dalam tiga langkah, menulis garis besar tulisan yang akan ditulis, melakukan penilaian diri, merevisi hasil tulisan. Selain itu, setelah melakukan penilian diri, siswa mempunyai respon positif terhadap penilain diri. Oleh karena itu, penemuan kedua menidentifikasikan bahwa siswa dibantu untuk meningkatkan efikasi (Kepercayaan diri untuk menulis) dan regulasi diri (kesadaran, mengatur waktu belajar), dan keikutsertaaan, dengan melakukan penilaian diri.
Errors are almost inseparable from learning process, including learning new languages. Though, it is not always considered as negative, instead, it is a part of learning process. This study is conducted to assess students' mastery of grammar in writing, to find what grammatical errors they make, to be an evaluation to overcome the problem in the future. In this study, 24 EFL students from English Education Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto were tested as samples. The grammatical errors were identified under the theory of Politzer-Ramirez which classify errors into two types: morphological and syntactic error. In the end of the study, ten types of grammatical errors were identified as the most common grammatical errors made by the students. Three of them belong to morphological error, while the remaining fall into syntactic error. Those ten errors are: The use of prepositions (75 %), redundancy (75 %), simple past tense incorrect (62.5 %), determiners (58.3 %), number confusion (45.8 %), omission of verb (45.8 %), verb construction (41.67 %), derivatives/ wrong part of speech (41.67 %), nominalization (33.3 %), and errors in the use of pronoun (29.2 %).
Investigating Error in Written English Sentences: A case study Indonesia EFL Students
Introduction: This research was conducted to find out the students’ grammatical errors in writing and focused on the types of errors found in 20 written sheets of students’ descriptive text given as a part of the assignment of the second semester of Polytechnic Indonusa Surakarta majoring in Medical Records Program Study.Method: This research used qualitative research to collect empirical data from the students’ written works. Results: In this research, it was found that 1) in investigating types of grammatical errors in students’ written works, it can be inferred that there are 417 errors that occurred in students’ written works. It was found 40 types of grammatical errors in this study. 2) In figuring out how mother tongue interference effects on students’ written works. It was found 66 or 15.83% was caused by mother tongue interference or interlingual errors. Errors due to mother tongue interference were categorized into three: (i) word-by-word translation, it was found 14 or 21%...
Deviasi Gramatika Dalam Tulisan Mahahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Inggris DI Stkip Muhammadiyah Bulukumba
The reason for conducting this research was based on consideration that university students majoring in English should be at the level where their English is good. Unfortunately, students still made grammatical deviations in both spoken and written form. In this study, 30 students of STKIP Muhammadiyah Bulukumba University enrolled which were taken by random sampling method. This research is aimed to provide useful information particularly as reference for English teachers, lecturers and curriculum developers about grammatical deviations that affects the quality of students’ writing composition to minimize it. This research applied the qualitative research to analyze the data. The conclusion of the result shows that the students still have problems in making English sentences. They still make grammatical deviations in their composition. They were also not being able to construct words into sentences and arranged sentences into neat arrangements and coherent paragraphs.Further, synta...