Foreign language learning in-tandem Part I: A critical review of its theoretical and practical principles (original) (raw)
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Aprendizagem de Línguas Estrangeiras In-Tandem: Princípios Teóricos e Perspectivas de Pesquisa
A aprendizage m de línguas estrangeiras in-tande m , ainda pouco conhecida no Brasil, envolve pares de falantes (nativos ou competentes) com o objetivo de aprendere m, cada um, a língua do outro por meio de sessões bilíngües de conversação. Neste contexto autôno m o, recíproco e colaborativo de aprendiz age m, cada um dos parceiros torna -se aprendiz de língua estrangeira e tutor da sua língua materna ou de proficiência. Neste artigo, apresenta m os os princípios da aprendiz age m de línguas estrangeiras in-tande m, propo mos um aprofunda m e n t o dos mes mos e, por fim, delinea mos uma proposta alternativa: o Teletande m, um Tande m virtual que utiliza as ferra me nt as de escrita, leitura, áudio e vídeo do aplicativo Windows Live Messenger. O Teletande m, atual me nte estudado no contexto de um projeto de pesquisa brasileiro -Teletande m Brasil: Línguas estrangeiras para todos , junto à UNESP-Assis e UNESP-Rio Preto, será descrito em futuras publicações. Palavras -chave: aprendizage m de línguas estrangeiras, Tande m, in-tandem, Teletandem, CALL
Foreign language learning In-Tandem: Teletandem as an alternative proposal in CALLT1
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2011
In a previous paper on this journal (Vassallo & Telles, 2006), we presented the theoretical bases and practical procedures of two modes of foreign language learning in-tandem approach-face-to-face tandem and e-tandem. Now, in this article, we introduce our proposal of a third mode of Tandem-the Teletandem, as an alternative in CALLT. Teletandem is a virtual Tandem that uses the online writing, reading, audio and video resources of the Windows Live Messenger. Next, we wish to outline and to argue for the applicability of the theoretical and practical principles of this third mode of Tandem within the context of a research project-Teletandem Brasil: Foreign languages for all. One of the central aims of this project is to promote, by means of the virtual space of the Teletandem, the contact of Brazilian university students with the peoples of the international community and the exchange of their respective languages and cultures.
Teletandem is a virtual, collaborative, and autonomous context in which two speakers of different languages use the text, voice, and webcam image resources of VOIP technology (Skype) to help each other learn their native language (or language of profi ciency). This paper focuses on learners’ studying processes and their responses to teletandem. We collected quantitative and qualitative data from 134 university students through an online questionnaire. Results show the content of students’ learning processes, resources, activities, and strategies. We conclude with a critical discussion of the results and raise pedagogical implications for the use o-f teletandem as a mode of online intercultural contact to learn foreign languages.
DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada, 2015
This paper presents data from a computer-mediated communication study conducted between a group of Brazilian university students - from Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Goiás, Campus Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil - who wanted to learn English, and a group of German university students - from the University of Worms, in Germany - who wanted to learn Portuguese. The cross-cultural bilingual communication was conducted in the second semester of 2010 and involved discussions on environmental issues. Adopting a qualitative perspective in the analysis, the data were derived from conversation sessions through a webconferencing software known as Openmeetings and through e-mails and some written activities developed by the students. All these were analyzed by means of sociocultural theory. Among the conclusions we reached, we observed that the participants used the software features to help them in their language learning process, discussed issues related to environm...
Princípios do teletandem em discussão
Revista (Con)textos Linguísticos, 2023
Teletandem is a virtual exchange project that promotes intercultural contact between geographically distant language learners. Participants work in pairs and should observe the principles of separation of languages, reciprocity, and autonomy. Few studies have concentrated on reviewing these principles in the Teletandem literature and discussing how learners observe the three principles during the oral sessions when participating in the program. This study aims to fill this gap. We conducted a literature review of the three Teletandem principles and a qualitative analysis of seven transcripts from seven oral sessions of one dyad, whose data are available at the Multimodal Teletandem Corpus (MulTeC). Findings indicate that learners (i) make an effort to divide the oral sessions into two parts observing the principle of separation of languages, (ii) act in a reciprocal manner in at least five dimensions (alternating roles, making decisions together, meeting each other's needs, showing affection and emotion, searching for mutual interests, and sharing intercultural information), (iii) exercise autonomy when deciding on learning activities and strategies, and evaluating themselves and the experience.
In this article we explore the use of Teletandem, a virtual language exchange project using Skype technology to support and maximize second language learning between native speakers in different countries established by linguist João Antonio Telles at Universidade Estadual Paulista [UNESP] Assis, Brazil. We analyze and share our recent spring 2014 Teletandem language exchange program experience between Fairfield University students learning Portuguese in Fairfield, Connecticut, and Brazilian students learning English studying at UNESP in Brazil. We discuss the history and theoretical background of Teletandem, why we decided to embark on a virtual language exchange partnership in this specific spring 2014 context, how we established the partnership, the activities that we created to prepare our students for the cultural and linguistic exchanges, the logistics of the sessions, possible ways to strengthen these cultural and linguistic exchanges for the future, and anonymous feedback from the students. In addition we include a testimony from one of the students, Eric Salgado, who was a Fairfield student learning Portuguese taking part in this pilot program. Salgado shares his first hand perspective. He also presented in Portuguese with us at the Terceiro Encontro Mundial sobre o Ensino de Português.
Teletandem: integrating e-learning into the foreign language classroom
This paper aims at describing the characteristics of a blended foreign language learning context in which a series of teletandem sessions has been integrated into the syllabus of an EFL course at UNESP (in São José do Rio Preto). It focuses on the changes that have been made in the implementation of teletandem practice so that it became a pedagogic activity that is embedded in an EFL course with a number of tasks to be performed and subject to the professor's assessment. It is argued that such modifications have made it possible to characterize a new modality of teletandem in Brazil: institutional-integrated teletandem (Aranha & Cavalari, 2014). This new modality, as implemented at UNESP-Rio Preto, entails the presence of some constituent elements, such as preparation of participants, integration of tasks and of assessment. Teletandem: integrando a aprendizagem online à sala de aula de língua estrangeira RESUMO. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever as características de um contexto híbrido de aprendizagem de língua estrangeira no qual uma série de sessões de teletandem foi integrada ao programa de uma disciplina de inglês como língua estrangeira (ILE) da UNESP – São José do Rio Preto. Enfocam-se as mudanças feitas na implementação do teletandem a fim de que este se tornasse uma atividade pedagógica incorporada ao curso de ILE por meio de tarefas a serem desenvolvidas pelos alunos e sujeitas à avaliação do professor. Constatou-se que tais mudanças possibilitaram a caracterização de uma nova modalidade de teletandem no Brasil: o teletandem institucional integrado (Aranha & Cavalari, 2014). Essa nova modalidade, conforme é implementada na UNESP – São José do Rio Preto, envolve a presença de elementos fundamentais, tais como preparação dos participantes, integração das tarefas e da avaliação. Palavras-chave: teletandem, aprendizagem híbrida, língua estrangeira. Teletandem: integrando el aprendizaje en línea a las clases de lengua extranjera RESUMEN. Esta investigación presenta como objetivo describir las características de un contexto híbrido de aprendizaje de lengua extranjera en el cual una serie de sesiones de teletandem ha sido integrada al syllabus de una asignatura de inglés como lengua extranjera (ILE) de la UNESP – Rio Preto. Se enfocan los cambios realizados en el implemento del teletandam a fin de que se convirtiese en una actividad pedagógica incorporada a la asignatura de ILE, por medio de tareas realizadas por los alumnos y sometidas a la evaluación del profesor. Se proponen que esos cambios han posibilitado la caracterización de una nueva modalidad de teletandem en Brasil: el teletandem institucional integrado (Aranha & Cavalari, 2014). Esa nueva modalidad, conforme se implementa en la UNESP-Rio Preto, involucra la presencia de algunos elementos fundamentales, tales como: preparación de los participantes, integración de las tareas y de la evaluación. Palavras clave: teletandem, aprendizaje híbrido, lengua extranjera.
Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada, 2019
RESUMO: Teletandem é um modelo de telecolaboração em que pares de falantes de duas línguas diferentes se encontram virtual e regularmente para aprenderem a língua um do outro. O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir as implicações pedagógicas de se integrar a prática de teletandem ao syllabus de uma disciplina de língua estrangeira, enfocando o duplo papel do professor: ensinar língua inglesa nas aulas presencias regulares e mediar a aprendizagem virtual autônoma e colaborativa em teletandem. Diários de aprendizagem, produzidos por estudantes de inglês como língua estrangeira de um curso de Letras, foram coletados durante oito semanas no projeto de teletandem institucional integrado entre uma universidade britânica e uma universidade brasileira. A análise tem como foco o papel do professor na mediação da aprendizagem de língua estrangeira tanto em sala de aula como nos diários. Apresentamos evidências de como a ação do professor influencia na prática de teletandem ao mesmo tempo em que as aulas de inglês auxiliam na aprendizagem telecolaborativa autônoma. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: aprendizagem telecolaborativa; teletandem institucional integrado; papel do professor. ABSTRACT: Teletandeem is a model of telecollaboration in which pairs of speakers of different languages meet virtually and regularly in order to learn each other's language. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the pedagogical Rev. Bras. Linguíst. Apl., v. 19, n. 3, p. 555-578, 2019 556 implications of integrating teletandem into the foreign language syllabus, focusing on the professor's dual role: teaching English in regular face-to-face lessons and mediating virtual autonomous and collaborative learning in teletandem. Learning diaries, produced by EFL students from a Language Teacher Education course, were collected during eight weeks of an institutional integrated teletandem project between a Brazilian and a British university. Our analysis focused on the teacher's role in mediating foreign language learning both in the classroom and through the learning diaries. We present evidence on what the professor does so that teletandem practice can contribute to language learning in the classroom and, by the same token, how EFL lessons can aid in autonomous telecollaborative learning.
Collaborative Language Learning in Teletandem
This article presents some of the results of a qualitative research project about the influences of the pedagogic strategies used by a mediator (graduate student in applied linguistics) in the supervision process of a Teletandem partner (undergraduate student in languages) on her pedagogical practice. It was done within the project "Teletandem Brazil: foreign language for all". Based on the reflective teaching paradigm and collaborative language learning, with special emphasis on tandem learning, we analyzed the contributions of the collaborative relationship established between the graduate student and the student-teacher in her first teaching experience. The results bring about implications for the field of language teacher education in a perspective of education within practice, evidencing the experience of collaborative learning in teletandem as an opportunity for reflective teacher education of pre-service teachers.