Anadolu Derviş Sofrasında Ahmed Yesevî’nin İzleri: Derviş Lokmasının Menkıbevi Referansları (original) (raw)
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Anadolu Derviş Sofrasında Hoca Ahmed Yesevî’nin İzleri Derviş Lokmasının Menkıbevî Referansları.pdf
Farklı bölgelerden Anadolu’ya yapılan göçlere sûfîler de iştirak etmiş ve bu coğrafyada meskûn olmayan mahaller dâhil olmak üzere tekkelerini kurmuşlardır. Bu tekkeler Anadolu’yu yurt edinmek üzere bu topraklarda seyahat eden ayende ve revendenin iaşe ve ibatesini temin etmiştir. Bu kapsamda tekke mutfağı, hayatın devamını sağlayan önemli bir maddi kültür unsurudur. Aynı zamanda tekke mutfağının, dervişlerin maneviyatının oluşmasında önemli bir yeri bulunmaktadır. Pek çok konuda Yesevî kültürünün izlerini taşıyan Anadolu tekke mutfağı, özellikle Mevlevîlik ve Bektaşîlik gibi tarikatlarda dervişlerin terbiyesi hususunda bir eğitim ocağı olarak kabul edilmiştir. Buna bağlı olarak tekke mutfağında bulunan bazı eşyanın ve yiyeceklerin sûfîlerin zihnindeki değerler sisteminin oluşmasına katkı sağladığı anlaşılmaktadır. Bu çerçevede Anadolu tekke mutfağında mukaddes kabul edilen birçok yiyeceğin ve eşyanın gerek Yesevî geleneğin düşünce sistemini, gerek bazı tekke uygulamalarını izah eden bir yönünün olduğu görülmektedir. Sofra ve sofra ile bağlantılı birçok unsur ve derviş çeyizi arasında önemli bir yeri olan Ahmed Yesevî ile ilgili halifelik nişanları, bu yapıyı destekleyen önemli hususlardandır.
Abstract: Sufis have participated in migrations to Anatolia from different regions. They have established their lodges including places that are not suitable for residence. These buildings have provided food and safe beds for those traveling to this area. For this reason, the lodge cuisine is an important material culture that provides life for the people. At the same time, the lodge cuisine has an important place in the formation spirituality of the dervishes. In many subjects, Anatolian lodge cuisine carries the traces of Yasawī culture. Especially in the sects like Mawlawiyya and Bektāshiyya, the kitchen is like an education quarry about the dressage of the dervishes. Accordingly, it is seen that some of the dishes and foods in the lodge cuisine have created a system of values in the minds of the dervishes. In this framework, it is seen that these foods and goods have a connection to explain the structure of the Yasawī tradition. An important aspect that supports this idea is the fact that some dervish dowries which found in some legends have some items associated with the tableware. Summary: The lodge cuisine is an important material culture that provides a continuation of life in the Anatolian lodges. At the same time, the lodge cuisine has an important position in the development spirituality of sūfīs. The Anatolian lodge cuisine carries traces of Yasawī cultures in many respects. It is accepted as an education centre for the development of the dervishes especially in some orders such as Mawlawīs and Bektāshiyya. Special attention has been paid to the kitchens in these lodges. So every part of meal is decorated with various ceremonies in these lodges. Table culture and consume halal food is also seen as important in the socialization of the person. In the lodges sheik helps dervishes to control their eating habits. Rituals related to the food and their consumption in lodges are explaining the infrastructure of the order. In this context, it is also important that certain items related to tableware in some orders be regarded as signs of caliphate. For instance, a cap, a cardigan and a banner which deserves the caliphate position are presented in Bektāshiyya. It is also important to present a sūfī, which is associated with direct food such as tableware and candlesticks. In Aḥmad al-Yasawī’s education system, customs and practices related to kitchen, tableware and food are important. Aḥmad al-Yasawī’s book Dīwān al-Ḥikma functions as a founding text of the mystic manners. In some Anatolian lodges, which are a continuation of Yasawī tradition, table meals and catering are considered as one of the most important parts of dervish rhetoric. According to this, a meal that is cooked as halal and clean is a very precious blessing sent by God. In this direction, sūfī is careful not to miss this measure at every step of his life, in his dwelling interior, retreats and ceremonies. According to Yasawī tradition, overeating is not right. It is important not to be excessive in this regard. When the dervish is in khalwat, he should be careful to feed. There is a ritual of khalwat in Yasawī tradition. They prepare their souls with fasting and dhikr for this challenging journey. The dervish who is still in Bektāshiyya has to pay attention to his feeding. He should only eat enough to perform his worship and dhikr. There is only one bowl of soup per day and barley bread in the first days in the Qādiriyya. Many of the practices and rituals associated with feeding in the lodges of Anatolia are similar to the practices of Aḥmad al-Yasawī. The dervish is fed as a soul and as a wisdom in the lodge table. So that his heart is a little closer to spiritual food. Similarly, in akhī tradition to prepare meals and to eat meals has been considered as a part of hospitality in Anatolia. In this context, books related to futuwwa which is the guide of the akhī, contains many of the menus related to the food. Not only in the lodges or the akhī zawiyas but also in the Janissary corps, the table is regarded as remembrance of Salmān al-Fārisī in Anatolia. In the Anatolian tekke structure, tableware is seen as a love affair and brotherhood parade bringing people together. Collective memory becomes evident in the kitchen centre. Thus a common space and a symbolic world of meaning are formed. In this way dervishes continue to live with their cultural accumulation ritually. Cauldron is a sign of charity and generosity in the Islamic tradition in the context of the symbolism of Khalīl Ibrāhīm’s sofa and the value of hospitality. In the same way, the boiler is a legendary figure of deep and complex expressions with different symbolic meanings extending to the ancient Turkish culture. The date is a symbolic and precious fruit in Anatolian lodges. From the other side date is an important food for human body. Date is mostly symbolizing of divine knowledge in epics and narrations. The divine knowledge is carried from one sūfī to another by date. The spiritual knowledge of the Prophet Muḥammad is symbolized by the date. It is accepted that bread and wheat are also given to people with a divine grace from heaven. Salt and bread are seen as an important food by the Anatolian people. On the other hand, salt and bread are perceived as holy foods that humanity are endowed with as a divine grace. It is understood that these foods find themselves in complete coherence with complement each other in lodge literature and on the other hand it is the indispensable element of tables.
Anadolu ve Balkanlar'da Yesevî'nin İzini Sürmek
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Ahmed Yesevî'nin Dîvân-ı Hikmet'i Ekseninde Tasavvufi Düşüncede İlahi Aşk
One of the 12th century sufis, Khoja Ahmad Yasawi earned reputation as the Peer of Turkestan and effected enormously the Turk to become Muslim and to shape their religious ideas. His ideas have reached to the present by means of his religious, sufistic and moral advices. These advices called “hikma”, were collected in his book Divan-e Hikma. In Divan-e Hikma, Ahmad Yasawi featured the subject of “divine love” about which a big literature was consisted in sufi tradition. According to him, the love is the sole way of being reunited with Allah. However, being a lover of Allah requires to struggle with the self/nafs and to give up every profane thing. It is possibile with a spirituel training called sayr u suluq practiced under the guidance of sheikh/murshid. In the article, Ahmad Yasawi’s understanding of divine love will be introduced in the combination of the ideas of sufis, thinkers and poets, members of sufi tradition.
Ahmed Yesevî Menakıpnamelerinde Metaforik Anlatım
Baskı: Kastamonu Üniversitesi Matbaası Eserde yayımlanan bildiri metinlerinde ileri sürülen görüşlerin ilmî ve hukukî sorumluluğu bildiri sahiplerine aittir. Kaynak gösterilmeden alıntı yapılamaz.
Türk Ocakları Derneği İzmir Şubesi Yayınevi, 2020
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Esrâr Dede Di̇vani’Nda Mevlânâ Ve Mevlevi̇li̇ğe Dai̇r Unsurlar
Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2021
Esrâr Dede, Mevlevîlik kültürünün Türk edebiyatına kazandırdığı önemli şairlerden biridir. XVIII. yüzyılda yaşamış olan Esrâr Dede, Mevlevî tarikatına kırklı yaşlarında intisap eder. Geç denilebilecek bir yaşta hayatının yönünü değiştiren şair, ömrünün son dokuz yılını Mevlevîlikle kendini bulma yolculuğuna adar. Şeyh Galîb gibi büyük bir şairin gözetiminde yetişen Esrâr Dede, hocasından aldığı terbiyeyi kültürel birikimi ile sentezler ve kısa zamanda birçok eser vücuda getirir. Tarikat içerisinde yetişmiş Mevlevî şairden de etkilenerek bu etkileşimi kendi şiir potasında eritir ve oldukça özgün manzumeler kaleme alır. Mevlevîlikte dedelik makamına kadar yükselen şair, ömrünün son demlerini Galata Mevlevîhanesi'nde uzlette geçirir. Esrâr Dede'nin manevi kimliğini şekillendiren Mevlânâ ve Mevlevîliğe dair unsurlar onun bir anlamda edebî hüviyetini de oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışmada şairin divânından yola çıkılarak Esrâr Dede'nin Mevlânâ'ya bakışı ile Mevlevîlik kavramlarının onun zihninde ve manevi dünyasında nasıl karşılık bulduğu saptanmaya çalışılmıştır.
Kültür Coğrafyamizda Ve Ahmet Yesevî'De on Sayisi Üzeri̇ne Değerlendi̇rmeler
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2018
Numbers, carry various meaning and secrets in the living cultural values of the world. Numbers, one of the original building blocks of Turkish culture, and sacred meanings attributed to tthem, had significant contributions to our literature. It is observed that, belief, in our oral and written sources, comprised of civilizations and cultures; three, four, seven, nine, twelve and forty amongst all others had mysterious meanings ascribed to them the most. As the nation of Turks, throughout the lands that we live, ten is one of the numbers that is being shaped in accordance with belief systems cosisting different themes and archetypes. The mystery of the number ten, which is founded on the traditions and cultural values, lays on the old beliefs and Islam, has been the precursor of many motives and concepts in the Turkish geography. Ten commandments, ten sephiroths, Hinduism's ten teachings, ten day fasting are some of these archetypes in old beliefs. Ten Uygur Clans, Ten Arrow Sons, Ten Pavillions, the arrangements of the military structure in order of tens, Genghis Khans Ten Laws, are some of the concepts of the use of ten. The knowledge of Aşere-i mübeşşere, feeding ten needy, ten nights, ten unseen saints, ten days of fasting, the promise of ten times the reward for kindness, are some of the references to the number ten in Islam. One of the building blocks of the belief methodology of Ahmet Yesevî is the number ten. In this study, in order to understand the concepts such as ten roads, ten lights, ten maqams, and specially systematized by the name of four doors and fourty maqams found in Ahmet Yesevî's works, and the belief structure the areas of use for the number ten in Turkish Culture will be examined, and the existence, past, and mystery of the number ten in Ahmet Yesevî's methodology will be evaluated.