Attenuative Adjectives in Bulgarian and Ukrainian (original) (raw)
Related papers
Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language, 2020
The article deals with diminutive adjectives, numerals, pronouns and adverbs in a parallel bilingual corpus of Bulgarian and Ukrainian texts. We address some theoretical questions regarding the category of diminutivity in both languages. We compare the source stems, the derivational models and the frequency of use of diminitives, including the impact of the original language on translated texts. The corpus data open up a space for discussion about the problems of author language and the specifics of translation strategies.
The Apprehensive in Russian and Bulgarian // Studi Slavistici xi (2014): 143-168
The apprehensive meaning (“anxiety about a possible undesirable situation”) is expressed in various ways in the world’s many languages. This paper compares how this meaning Is expressed in two Slavic languages, namely: Russian and Bulgarian. In Russian the apprehensive is considered to be primarily marked by the kak by ne construction (Dobrušina 2006). Some non-specific forms and locutions are also employed to convey this meaning. This paper mainly focuses on how the apprehensive meaning is expressed in the Bulgarian language. It is argued that Bulgarian has a special marker of the apprehensive: the compound particle da ne bi. The paper points out that in dependent clauses the da ne bi structure is always the marker of the apprehensive, while in independent utterances it is also vested with other modal functions. The parallel Russian-Bulgarian corpus has been used as the source for an adjusted list of the Russian correspondences for the Bulgarian marker da ne bi. The corpus-based approach yielded an extensive range of means of expression of the apprehensive in Russian. On the other hand, the syntactic constraints on the use of the Bulgarian da ne bi drastically limit the usage of this Bulgarian apprehensive marker as the means of rendering the Russian kak by ne construction in translation
Bulgarian Desiderative Verbs and Their Ukrainian Counterparts in a Parallel Corpus
Journal of Bulgarian Language, 2022
All uses of Bulgarian desiderative verbs of the type «glagoli» ‹ми› се ‘feel like ‹verb›ing’ (e. g., спи ми се ‘be sleepy’, работи ми се ‘feel like working, be in a mood for work’) and their prefixed phase derivatives were excerpted from a parallel corpus of Bulgarian and Ukrainian fictional texts. In the corresponding Ukrainian sentences, the specific semantics of the construction is most often expressed either by an independent lexical item – the verb хотітися ‘want, feel like’ or хотіти ‘want’ – or by a combination of a reflexive verb and an optional dative experiencer, as in (мені) працюється ‘I want to work, feel like working; I work eagerly; my work is going well’. The latter counterpart is of particular interest due to its structural similarity to the Bulgarian desiderative verbs. The comparison shows that the constructions in the two closely related languages are considerably different in meaning (which is the reason why this correspondence is only the third most frequent) and that although they have a lot in common (as attested by their lexical diversity), translators tend to overestimate the degree of similarity between them.
Proceedings of the Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof Lyubomir Andreychin”
Tarnovo Резюме. Студията разглежда проблема за разграничаване на сказуемното име от сказуемното определение в българския език. С помощта на валентната теория се анализират йерархическите зависимости между елементите в изречението. На тази база се определят общите характеристики и различията между двете явления. Предлагат се единни критерии за диференциране на сказуемното име и сказуемното определение. Коментира се и проблемът за терминологичните разногласия за назоваване на граматическите явления.
Accentuation of Inflectional Suffixes in Nouns in the Bulgarian Language
Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2021)
В работата се анализира акцентуването на окончанията при съществителните имена в българския език. То се разглежда в рамките на теорията на водещата роля на главата (Revithiadou 1999). Отчитат се и проявления, запазени от отминали исторически етапи на развитието на езика. Приема се, че в езици с лексикално акцентуване като българския морфемите имат акцентни характеристики. Основното деление е на немаркирани и маркирани. Анализът показва, че в повечето случаи окончанията са немаркирани, но могат да поемат ударението по силата на спецификациите на морфемите в позиция на глава. В ограничени случаи са маркирани, при което се променя ранжирането на ограниченията.
Супстантивираните придавки и прилошки определби во рускиот и во македонскиот јазик
Супстантивацијата претставува посебен процес на премин на зборовите од една морфолошка категорија во категоријата именки. Како резултат на ваквиот премин се добиваат зборови со граматички и семантички карактеристики на именки. Теоретски збор од која било морфолошка класа може да премине во именка, но најчесто оваа појава се забележува кај придавките и кај прилошките определби. Целта на овој труд е да ги групира супстантивираните придавки и прилошки определби во македонскиот и во рускиот јазик според нивното семантичко поле, да ги категоризира според нивната стилска маркација и според употребата во соодветниот јазик, а исто така да изврши и споредба на оваа категорија зборови во двата јазика
Bulgarian language and literature , 2020
Abstract. The paper offers an analysis of the accentuation of complex nouns in the Bulgarian language, based on the theory of optimality and the interaction between morphology and phonology. The aim is to outline the tendency for the realization of the accent characteristic of the dominant component in the structure, which acts in parallel with metric regularities. Constraints are formulated, expressing basic regularities in the accentuation, such as the orientation of the main stress to the right base and the morphological head. Their ranking in different types of structures is considered. A metric constraint is also introduced, describing the initial position of the secondary stress under certain conditions. The conclusion is substantiated that the additional accent in many cases is lexical and serves for semantic differentiation, and at the same time, it also has a metrical manifestation. Keywords: lexical accentuation; metric accentuation; complex nouns; optimality theory Резюме. Работата предлага анализ на акцентуването при сложни съществителни имена в българския език в рамките на теорията на оптималността и на взаимодействието между морфология и фонология. Целта е да се очертае тенденцията за реализиране на акцентната характеристика на доминиращия компонент в структурата, която действа паралелно с метрични закономерности. Формулират се ограничения, изразяващи основни наблюдения в акцентуването като ориентацията на главното ударение към дясната основа и морфологичната глава. Разглежда се ранжирането им при различни типове структури. Въвежда се и метричен констрейнт, описващ начална позиция на второстепенното ударение при определени условия. Обосновава се изводът, че допълнителното ударение в много случаи е лексикално и служи за смислова членимост, като паралелно с това има и метрично проявление. Ключови думи: лексикално акцентуване; метрично акцентуване; сложни съществителни имена; теория на оптималността
Труды Института русского языка им. В.В. Виноградова. N1., 2020
This article is devoted to the study of the functions of the forms of the negated impera-tive in Old Russian. In modern Russian, the negated imperative is mainly imperfective. Moreover, negated imperatives of different aspects have different meanings: the imper-fective imperative has a prohibitive meaning, whereas the perfective imperative has a preventive meaning. In Old Russian, the negated imperfective imperative also dominates, although the negated perfective imperative is used more widely than in modern Rus-sian. Research reveals that the functional opposition of preventive (Pfv.) vs prohibitive (Impfv.), which is a clear general trend in modern Russian, was not yet fully formed in Old Russian. Old Russian texts, in comparison with modern Russian ones, demonstrate more free aspectual competition in negative contexts: the functional differences between forms of negated Pfv. and Impfv. imperatives were largely based on the differences in their aspectual semantics. Pragmatic functions were an additional component. Subse-quently, in the process of its historical development, the perfective aspect has narrowed its functionality and become less commonly used with negated imperatives.
The present article is dedicated to semantic analysis of a group of three verbs in Bulgarian that code in their meanings a special type of persuasive interaction. The verbs in question were borrowed from Ottoman Turkish and continue to be in use in contemporary colloquial Bulgarian. They include кандърдисвам, назлъндисвам се, and кандисвам, conventionally translated as “bring around; persuade”, “be reluctant, be sticky” and “consent, agree; accede (to)”. After discussing their semantic structure in order to make clear what is special in their meanings, a comparison is carried out between the way they envisage the patterns in which the mutually recognized intentionality becomes implemented during verbal interaction compared to the theory of conversation of H. Paul Grice. As a result of this juxtaposition it becomes clear that the interpersonal intentionality of Gricean type may be supplemented by one based on emotive-attitudinal grounds. The latter can be motivated not only by sympathy or antipathy, but also by such as if self-contradictory attitude like ambivalence.