Çağdaş sanatta mekan ve aura: Papa Francesco'nun desteklediği etkinliklerde kutsallık ve dünyevilik (original) (raw)

Mekanın Ögesi Olarak Çağdaş Sanat

Sobider Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / The Journal of Social Sciences, 2019

Özet: Sanat, tasarım ve mimari birbirinden ayrı düşünülemeyen bir bütün halindedir. Bu bütünün her parçası birbiriyle ilişkili olduğu gibi birbiri içinde yer almakta ve etkileşmektedir. Mekan kavramına disiplinler arası yaklaşım çerçevesinde farklı anlamlar yüklenmiş ve sanatsal üretimin merkezi haline gelmiştir. Mekanın sanat ile olan ilişkisi onu içinde barındırmasının yanı sıra onunla bütünleşmesidir. Artık mekan sanatın sadece ögesi değil, bir parçası olmakta, hatta kendisi bir sanat eserine dönüşmektedir. Bu bağlamda mekan tasarımının bir eser olma özelliği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada amaç, mekan-yapıt ilişkisini değil, mekanın bir yapıta dönüştürülmesini aktarmak, mekanın ögesi olarak çağdaş sanata değinmektir. İzleyici-yapıt deneyimini mekan ile bütünleştiren ve mekanın bir ögesi haline gelen örneklere yer verilerek literatüre katkı sağlamak hedeflenmektedir. Abstract: Art, design, and architecture are a whole that is not considered separate. Each part of this whole is interrelated, interconnected and interacting with each other. Within this scope, the interdisciplinary approach to the concept of space, different meanings have been assigned and space becomes the center of artistic production. The relationship of the space and the art become integrated with it besides holding it inside. Now, space is not only the element of art, but a part of it, and it is transformed into a work of art. In this context, becoming an artwork feature of the space design comes to exist. The purpose of this study is to convey the transformation of the space to artwork, not a space-work relationship, but to refer to contemporary art as the element of the space. It is aimed to give examples about audience-art work experience that integrated with space and became an element of the space and to contribute to the literature. Bu çalışma, 18-20.04.2019 tarihleri arasında Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat Üniversitesi'nde gerçekleşen, 6. Uluslararası Güzel Sanatlar Sempozyumunda bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.

İstanbul Çağdaş Sanat Fuarlarına Eklektisizm’in Yansımaları


Postmodern donemle birlikte bircok uygulama sanat olarak gorulerek sanatin sinirlari genislemis, sanatcilar farkli donemlerden farkli kultur yapilarindan ve eserlerinden etkilenmistir. Bu bakis acisiyla arastirmada 2011-2019 yillari arasinda ‘Istanbul Cagdas Sanat Fuarlari’na katilan sanatcilarin dusunce ve uretim bicimlerinin resim, heykel, seramigin yani sira, guncel sanat uygulamalarina (video art, dijital sanat, enstalasyon, performans vb.) eklektisizmin nasil aktarildigi, eserlerin; gelenek, kultur, tarih ve gunumuz sanatiyla iliskisi analiz edilmistir. Arastirmanin temel amaci, postmodern sanata etki eden eklektik tavrin gunumuz sanat eseri uretiminde ne derecede Contemporary Istanbul Fuarlarinda rol oynadigini sanatcilarin eserleri uzerinden analiz ederek, icinde yasanilan donemin sanata yansimalarini ortaya koymak, eklektik eserlerin anlasilmasini saglamaktir. Bu calisma, farkli kultur ozellikleri tasiyan eklektik sanatsal formlarin Contemporary Istanbul Fuarlarindaki calism...

Çağdaş Dünyada Kutsalın ve Mitlerin Dönüşümü: Post Modern Kutsallık ve Yansımaları

Eskiyeni, 2023

Towards the end of the 20th century, the modern positivist paradigm lost its influence, and with the hermeneutics paradigm coming to the forefront, the position of religion and the sacred in social life began to be questioned again within the scope of the secularization thesis, which is one of the building blocks of modernism. The focus of these inquiries has been on how the function of religion in the public sphere has changed in the modern period and how the secularization thesis has become functional. However, in the 20th century, the postmodern critiques of the hermeneutics paradigm have reversed the hypothesis that religion and the sacred will disappear in modern society, which is the main argument of the secularization thesis. The idea of modernism defined life as a public sphere that distinguishes between the sacred and the secular sphere, ansd that the moral values and forms of worship shape the sacred, while the secular is a public space that includes politics, economy, science, education, etc. The distinction between the sacred-secular and the religious-irreligious, which emerged because of this radical and structural separation of modernism, was questioned again with its post-modernism approach that emphasizes pluralism and differentiation. The continuation of the existence of sacredness that is defined as post-modern sacred or secular sacred today, which emerge in different forms and structures because of the consumer culture created by globalization as “popular culture spirituality”, has been crucial in making sense of the transformation of the sacred from modernism to post-modernism In parallel, myths, which were accepted as religious and sacred narratives in the early ages, have reappeared in the emergence of secular holiness in the postmodern world, although they have been characterized as surreal narratives in the modern period. In this context, in this study, the transformation of mythical thought and the sacred in the processes of modernization, secularization and postmodernization around the basic arguments of modernism and post-modernism ideas is discussed and the effect of mythological view and mythological elements in the emergence of post-modern and secular sacredness in contemporary societies is examined.

Postmodern Kentte Kutsalın Fisyonu ve Türk Toplumu

Dini Araştırmalar, 2021

Institutional religious structures are the most damaged in an industrialized society, and in postmodern times, instead of rectifying these harms in religious structures, the individual’s quest for meaning is becoming more and more unstable by various religious groups, new religious movements, or the blows of an aggressively and persistently secularist world. Even instability or the possibility of reduction in their field of power has given institutional religions sufficient reason to intensify their efforts to preserve their normative measurements and to protect their existing allies with an attempt to return to their old glorious days, driven by utopian optimism. However, among these movements which are institutional religions with their normative structures, settled organizations, experiences dating back to ancient times and followers reaching up to billions, pure and non-political religious and energetic groups that claim to meet the expectations of millennium or the phenomenon o...

Çağdaş Sanatın Felsefi Söylemi

Siyah Sanat, 2014

Süreyya Su: Sanat bugün felsefe ve düşünceyle ilişkili olmaktan daha fazla bilim ve teknolojiyle ilişki içinde.