Analysis of the Construction Management of the Development Project Boarding House in Tegal Parang, South Jakarta (original) (raw)

Analysis of Construction Management Construction Projects Development of Flats of Tegal Alur Dki Jakarta

Journal of Green Science and Technology

Project management is an attempt to use limited resources efficiently, effectively and on time in completing a predetermined / planned project. There are 3 activities of the basic functions of project management namely planning, implementation and control. Of the three activities are controlled resources on a project that includes manpower, equipment, materials, money and methods.

ANALYSIS SCHEDULING PROJECT USING CPM METHOD (Case study : Project of the Surabaya Caspian Tower Apartment)

IJEEIT : International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

The success and failure of project implementation is often caused by poor planning and ineffective controls, so that project activities experience various obstacles such as the late completion of the project, the decline in the quality of work and the swelling of implementation costs. Project management is carried out to manage the project from the beginning of the project until the completion of the project properly. The case study in this study is PT. PP (Persero) Tbk. as the executing element of the construction work, it is in charge of organizing the construction of the Surabaya Caspian Tower Apartment in East Java. The CPM (Critical Path Method) method is used to find out how long a project has been completed and look for possible acceleration of project time. From the research using the CPM method, it can be seen that the normal duration of project completion is 453 days which can be optimized to 350 days. This can be done by giving special attention to activities included in ...

Construction Management Techniques to Complete the Project within Time Period and Estimated Cost, Study on Residential and Commercial Building: A Review

Construction Management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a construction project using modern construction management strategies to achieve predetermined goals of scope, cost, time, and quality and participation satisfaction. This study created the need for Construction Management Techniques in the Indian construction industry which takes Pune in Maharashtra province as a residential and commercial building research. In this project what building management methods are used or used for the project. What works or not works to achieve time, cost and quality. In this residential building construction review Construction Management Strategies discussed in this study include the Gantt Chart, Microsoft Project planning (MSP) software, Work breakdown structure , Cost Profit Analysis and much more and features such as project size, project location, Client Type of Client Source, Complexity project, Strength of building materials, improper planning, material storage, Travel costs and maintenance etc. include factors that affect construction management strategies in a residential building project.

Analysis of Project Management Transmart Carrefour in Tegal City - Central Java

Journal of Green Science and Technology

Project implementation is said to be optimal if good project management planning so that it can be done efficiently, qualified, safe, and economical. To produce an optimal project management is required with certain methods adjusted by the project. The purpose of this study is to determine the scheduling of project time to be done by using CPM network method (Critical Path Method) which will result in the length of time of completion of the project and determine the start and end time in each work. The first step is to conduct a field survey, collecting project data such as time schedule, and basic theory. After the data collection is considered enough, then the data is determined again with the method of CPM (Critical Path Method), followed by determining how much the cost to be incurred, and then made barchart and curve S.

Analysis the Construction Management Analysis of the Karawang Government Office

Journal of Green Science and Technology, 2018

The purpose of this thesis is to know volume of work on construction of Karawang Government Office Project, analyze method of implementation of work, to know the cost of implementation on construction of Karawang Government Office Project, and the comparison of time duration between scheduling prediction of owner with scheduling prediction of author. This type of the research is quantitative. That describes the condition of a particular project with existing data related to the construction of local government buildings. That existing data is processed in such a way as to produce the final conclusion. The result of the research is Based on Budget Cost calculations to complete Karawang government office construction until the final stage, more or less costly Rp.41.906.713.365,-. From the calculation of weight of work is estimated completion of Karawang government office construction work takes 75 weeks.

Analysis of The Acceleration of Time and Cost of Implementing Building Construction Projects Using The Critical Path Method (CPM) Method

Devotion Journal of Community Service

This study aims to obtain the form of project work network in the Probolinggo City Hospital Development Project, to determine the effect of accelerating the duration of Probolinggo City Hospital Development work on network planning and to find out the amount of costs incurred before and after the acceleration of the duration of project work. The method used is the acceleration method with modification of the scheduling of the CPM model. CPM method planning is a recommendation in choosing from many existing methods, because there is a calculation of the earliest time the project starts, the last time the project starts as well as the earliest time to finish and the last time to finish so that it can be known the time lag of all activities. Data Used are primary and secondary data related to the sequence and relationship of activities, implementation time and cost budget plan (RAB). In this thesis, the author takes scheduling data from the Probolinggo City Hospital Development Project...

The Evaluation of Resi Gudang (Warehouse Receipt) Building Implementation Project by Employing Time Cost Trade Off Analysis in Tumpang Subdistrict of Malang Regency -Indonesia

IJSES, 2021

Planning is the main important factor in attaining a successful construction project. The influence of planning activity to construction project will be affected on the project income. This impact is strengthened by report of many events inside the construction project that said a good/better planning construction is able to save the project cost in approximate number of 40 percents, whereas unsuccessful planning construction make a deficit (budget stretch) up to 40 percents. Aside from time variable and resources variable within a planning activity in a project, the cost variable in the management aspect also has a crucial role for a project, where its occurence must be controlled as minimum as it can. Hence, in creating a cost control for a project, a great concern should be given to the time factor because there is a close correlation between project completion time with the cost factor of the related project. Sometimes a construction project often must be finished ahead of the time than its normal time. When this accelerated activity must happen, Head of the project or Project Leader is put to the problem about how to accelerate the project completion time with a minimum cost. Therefore, it is necessary to study the relationship between the time variable and the cost variable first before running an analysis about the time variable to cost variable with a method known as Time Cost Trade Off Analysis (TCTO). From the application of Time Cost Trade Off (TCTO) into a project, it is found that the analysis able to give an optimum reduction in time duration by adding the manpower (human resources) and increasing the project's cost. The time duration in this project which originally set up to 114 days is able to be shortened into 93 days and give a time diffence of 21 days ahead of the project normal time. Therefore, with a project normal cost amounted to Rp. 2.618.449.000,00. then after the application of TCTO into the project, an extra direct cost emerges amounted to Rp. 28.953.213,00. and make the project total cost becomes Rp. 2.647.402.213,00.

Analysis of Project Acceleration with CPM Methodand PDM on Housing Development Project in Maluku 3 West Seramalysis

In the development process of a construction project frequent unwanted things such as delays in the work on the project. Many factors cause the delay, one way to anticipate the acceleration. In doing acceleration, cost and quality factors must be considered, in order to obtain the optimum cost and quality within the required standards. Housing Development Projects have been selected for research studies because of delays in implementation. Critical Path Method and PDM can be used to perform scheduling of project implementation with the consideration that this method is more effective and efficient. Optimization of time and costs obtained from the Crash Program with Network Planning methods PDM system by adding hours of work on each job accelerated. The acceleration is done on the job dilintasan slope critical with the lowest cost. Results of the analysis showed the total budget of the project cost under normal conditions of Rp15,229,000,000.00 with implementation duration of 120 days, in the alternative condition after crashing with the addition of maximum working hours for four hours obtained for Rp15,218,910,720.73 or less 0,07% of the total budget cost of the project on the condition normal and duration of project implementation gained 115 working days or sooner 4.17% of the normal duration.

Management Analysis Of The Project Of Muhammadiyah Bandung University

Journal of Green Science and Technology

Project management is all planning, implementation, controlling and coordination a project from early the (idea) the end project to en sure of the project appropriately time, money and quality. Selection method scheduling project is also one the very policy note in order to obtain result in according with the original plans. This thesis specifically discuss how project management planning the construction of Muhammadiyah Bandung University. The research was conducted by means of a survey into the field and study of literature. This thesis analysis includes volume calculation, Needs of labor, materials and equipment, Bar chart, Cash flow, S Curve, method of CPM (Critical Path Method) is a method of identifying critical work paths or items. Forwards calculation, backwards calculation, free float and total float.