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Constitution, and also there will be non-Union matters which are all others that are not matters of the Union. (4) Each instrument mentioned in this paragraph will be established and will carry its responsibilities in accordance with other conditions contained in this Constitution. In this Section of this Chapter, except when indicated otherwise, the word "Government" shall mean the Government of the Union Republic and the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, local authorities and also anyone exercising any authority on behalf of the Government. 7. Application of conditions in Section Two (1) Without regard to the contents in subparagraph (2), the Government all its instruments and all the people or any Authority holding governing responsibilities, responsibilities in law-making or responsibilities in administering justice, will have an obligation to comply, pursue and implement all the conditions in this Section of this Chapter. (2) The conditions in this Section of this Chapter will not receive the legal backing of any court of law. No court of law in the country will have the powers to offer judgement on a course of action or lack of action on an issue against a person or any Authority, if the law or any judgement is in compliance with the conditions in this Section of this Chapter. 8. The Government of the people (1) The United Republic of Tanzania is a nation which adheres to the values of democracy and social justice, and therefore:-(a) The people are the foundation of all Authority, and the Government will receive its authority and all its powers from the people in accordance with this Constitution; (b) The main objective of the Government will be the well-being of the people; (c) The Government will be answerable to the people; (d) The people will participate in the affairs of their Government in accordance with the stipulations of this Constitution. (2) The foundation of the Government of the United Republic and the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, or of any of any of its instruments and the administration of its affairs, will be sustained through the forging of national unity in the Union Republic and the commitment to fostering national unity and maintaining national integrity. 9. Building socialism and self-reliance (1) The aim of this Constitution is to enable the Union Republic to develop as a nation of equal and independent people, who enjoy freedom, justice, brotherhood and peace by following the policies of socialism and self-reliance, which require the implementation of the philosophy of socialism by taking into account the existing conditions in Tanzania.
The views expressed in this document are those of the Government concerned. The document is reproduced in the form and language in which it has been received. The designations employed and the presentation of the material do not imply expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Local government finances and financial management in Tanzania
This report provides baseline data on local government finance and financial management in six councils in Tanzania: Bagamoyo District Council, Ilala Municipal Council, Iringa DC, Kilosa DC, Moshi DC, and Mwanza City Council. The data cover the period 2000-2003 and represent a reference point for the situation in the six councils with respect to various dimensions of local government finance and financial management in this period. The following themes are covered by the study: (a) the degree of fiscal autonomy; (b) methods of revenue collection; (c) financial management, including budgeting, accounting and auditing; (d) transparency in fiscal and financial affairs; and (e) tax compliance and fiscal corruption. In essence, a small, common database has been developed for all the case councils.
Tanzania Finance Act 2020 -The New Era of Business Transparency in Tanzania
Eric Frank Ringo, 2020
The Finance Act, 2020 (Act No. 8 of 2020) has amended 18 laws in Tanzania with a view to imposing and altering certain taxes, duties, levies and fees in order to safeguard the collection and management of public revenues. Among others, the amendments focused on the imposing and enhancing business transparency and compliance. Specifically, the Anti-Money Laundering Act, Cap. 423, the Companies Act, Cap 212, the Income Tax Act, Cap. 332, the Trustees Incorporation Act, Cap. 318 have been amended to impose and deal with the new concept of beneficial ownership