Analyzing the Islamic and Legal Awareness of the Muslim Male Students in Malaysia of the Prohibition on Cross Dressing (original) (raw)

Hijabistas : An Analysis of the Mediation of Malay-Muslims and Modesty

" Hijab " , or the act of veiling among Muslim women, has been noted as an increasingly common practice in recent years in Muslim-majority countries such as Turkey, Indonesia or Malaysia. Scholars argue that its more modern, hybriditized identity is emergent in progressive, multicultural societies, particularly in these Muslim-majority countries (Saleh, 2010). In Malaysian media, the hijab and its association with a modest lifestyle is usually portrayed by Muslim women who are predominantly Malay. Years of socio-political developments in the nation state made Islamic cosmopolitanism an inevitable experience for Malay-Muslim women who are predisposed to the globalization of Islam and the ongoing negotiations by the Malay elite that seek to escape conservative Malay female stereotypes amidst Malaysia's developing and multi-ethnic landscape. The current representations of the hijab offer a favourable status quo for Malay-Muslim women through marketing strategies that emphasize fashion trends and class mobility, thus disregarding the purpose of modesty in Islam altogether. This study administered a preliminary survey to explore attitudes and behaviours of female Malay-Muslim respondents towards the modern hijab in Malaysian media. In addition, interviews with media practitioners examined the construct of the modern hijab and its role in creating desire among the Malay-Muslim audience. The study found that the present phenomena is integrated with transnational flows of global media that commodified modesty to benefit marketers. The hijab is seen to have proliferated in today's media enhancing the desire for Malay-Muslim media audiences to participate in the modern hijab movement and increase wider acceptance of the hijab.

The Discource of Dress Code in Islamic Law


The discussion concerning dress code or clothing will always be closely related to the debate of aurat or ‘awrah, as the clothing mainly serves to cover aurat. The ‘awrah (in Arabic) or aurat (in Bahasa) is the parts of the body which must be covered with clothing. The boundary of the aurat in the Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) study is associated with the prayer (salah), which is then ascribed to the boundary of the aurat beyond prayer, based on qiyas. The thinking framework of fuqaha’ (the expert in Islamic law) in their attempt to cover the aurat of Muslim men and women refers to common terms, such as hijab, jilbab, khimar, dir sabigh and milhaf. Even though these terms do not represent the standard form and model of dressing, they are adequate to reveal the restriction of dressing based on Islamic teaching (shariah). The absence of a standard formulation for the form and model of Islamic dressing indicates that Islamic teachings are flexible for the discovery of ideal forms and m...


Global Scientific Journals, 2024

Islamic apparel has been used to signify purity, denote status or formal functions differentiate Muslims from non-believers, and define gender. Historically, dress in the Islamic world communicated the wearer's rank and status, occupation, and religious affiliation. Restatement of the Problem and Methodology, This study aimed to determine the factors affecting Muslim dress code among young Muslim females in Cotabato City and Maguindanao Del Norte, during the school year 2022-2023. Specially, it sought answers to the following questions: 1. What are the factors that influence Muslim female's dress code in terms of: Social Media; Beliefs; Practices; Culture; and Narrations? 2. to what extent of the students' attitude towards Muslim Dress Code? 3. Is there any significant influence between and among the factors and the student's attitude towards Muslim Dress Code? Descriptive was used to describe the factors that influence the Muslim female dress code and attitude of the students towards its Dress code. Summary of Findings, The result revealed that the factors that influence Muslim female's dress code in terms of Social Media has the overall mean of 2.64 interpreted as Evident; Belief has the overall mean of 2.70 interpreted as Evident; Practices got the overall mean of 2.73 interpreted as Evident; Culture obtained the overall mean of 2.84 interpreted as Evident; and Narrators garnered the overall mean of 2.86 interpreted as Evident. The respondents' responses on the attitudes towards Muslim dress code that the overall mean of 2.98 interpreted as Evident. The significant between the factors and the student's attitude towards Muslim dress code the overall mean of 3.04 interpreted as Evident.

Indecent Dressing among Muslim Girls in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria: The Islamic Solution


There has been public outcry among Muslim leaders, parents and scholars on the mode of dressing of young Muslim girls in Nigeria Muslim societies especially in the tertiary institutions. These are mothers of tomorrow and the ones to whom the legacy of training and nurturing leaders of this country is to be bequeathed. Does it suggest the dearth of Islamic culture and morality that is the symbol of Muslim identity, continuity, security and unity? This paper, discusses the menace of indecent dressing in Nigeria tertiary institutions particularly as it affects young Muslim girls. It goes further to discuss decent and indecent dressing in the Islamic perspective and the Islamic solution to indecent dressing among both Muslim men and women.

Reviewing The Literature on Multiple Themes of Islamic Attire Practice Among Muslim Women

Journal of Fatwa Management and Research

Islam calls upon its men and women believer to preserve their chastity, in which one of the ways to achieve it is through proper clothing that covers their aurah. Various Quranic verses and prophetic traditions provide guidelines about how one should cover their aurah. Nevertheless, Islam does not specify the type of clothing to be worn, affirming that that any clothes are permissible, as long as it follows the guidelines of aurah covering. Even though it is undisputable that it is a religious commandment in Islam for its believer to dress in a manner that their aurah is not revealed, the fact is that nowadays, many other themes other than religion are layering Islamic attire practice among Muslim women whether it is hijab, jibab, abaya, or any other Islamic apparel. This article aims to review literatures related to the practice of Islamic attire among Muslim women within the last 10 years, focusing on the themes accompanying it among Muslim women around the world. Official-based a...

The Practice of Wearing Hijab among Female Students of Al-Aziziyah Samalanga Islamic Institute, Bireuen: Study of Islamic Law and Legal Politics

Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam

This study discusses the practice of wearing hijab among students of the Islamic Institute of Al-Aziziyah Bireuen. This research is an empirical legal study that employs an Islamic legal approach, specifically the maṣlaḥah theory and legal politics. Utilized data collection methods include literature reviews, interviews, and observations. The findings of this study indicate that there are divergent opinions among fiqh scholars concerning the issue of niqāb. Guarantees of protection and comfort in interacting with the general public encourage the use of niqāb. The practice of wearing niqāb by Al-Aziziyah students is carried out on an essential awareness and upholds the values of adherence to the recommendations of Shari'a and regulations set by the educational institution where they study. Al-Aziziyah Islamic institute students use the niqāb, without judging it as a compulsion, let alone rebelling against the requirements for wearing the niqāb. They even feel the benefits of usin...

The Concept of Nudity and Modesty in Arab-Islamic Culture


The paper focuses on the Arab-Islamic perception of body, and the concept of nudity and modesty, based on the Quranic verses and their interpretations. These texts and their interpretations show that there is no match in what is considered nudity in the Muslim world. It contains confronting perspectives of Islamic scholars and lawyers with perspectives of secular and Muslim feminists on the topic of veiling a woman ́s body. Personal empirical knowledge, based on living in the Muslim world, and academic research play a significant contributing role. The Quranic verses are analysed from the original Arabic text (Qur’an 1996) and its English translation. The terms ‘West’ and ‘East’ are used for guidance, where ‘West’ stands for the Euro-Atlantic area and ‘East’ stands for

Veil (Niqâb) Problematics in Islamic Law Perspective; Religion or Culture? (Islamic Legal Approach)

Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya, 2021

The phenomenon of wearing veil (niqâb) by Muslim women in Indonesia leads to negative perspectives frequently by the majority. Recently, mass media has also highlighted polemics related to the prohibition of wearing the veil in certain institutions and events repeatedly. This study aims to reveal the position of wearing niqab in the perspective of Islamic law, whether it is a part of religious dogma that must be maintained, or is it just a certain community’s culture that is not an obligation for every Muslim. A legal approach in Islamic studies related to the veil phenomenon is needed to reveal the status of wearing a veil. This kind of research is library research using descriptive qualitative research methods. From this study, it was found that the majority of Islamic jurists and sharia experts decided that a woman's face was not included in the genitals. Their decisions rely on Quran and sunnah as the main sources of Islamic law. The scholars are not really questioning the h...

Correlation Between Religious Motives and the Personal Wish or Family Pressure as Reason of Veiling Among Malaysian Muslim University Students

Chemistry-an Asian Journal, 2021

This paper is part of the broader research to investigate Malaysian university student’s veiling pattern and their motives to adopt and using veiling. This paper particularly focuses on relationship between religious motives and the personal wish or family pressure as the reason of using veiling articles among Malaysian Muslim University students. The data were collected through survey method with the help of a closed ended questionnaire from 335 female (Muslim and non-Muslim) university students of University Malaysia Perlis. After processing of Data 255 cases of veiling Muslim university students were included in this research paper. The research tool for this research study comprises of three broader main scales to assess the practice of veiling due to religious motives, personal wish, and family pressure among these students. The data were analyzed to identify the relationship between religious motives behind veiling and the choice made by the student’s personal wish for veiling...

The Importance of Modesty Virtue in Islamic Communication; Ethics and Islamic management International Convention on Islamic Management (ICIM) 2013

Today, along with globalization phenomenon, despite of pluralistic cultures, some cultural elements are being extended. The dominant culture in multimedia constantly bombards all communities with impurity and immodesty. Also, day to day under these conditions, Voyeurism phenomenon which is the most commonly associated with sexual perversion has become a mainstream pastime. So, it is needed to take a stand against especially in the area of modesty and fashions of clothing and behavior in Islamic communities. Although, there are some attempts even in academic level to explain modesty as a failed virtue, Islamic culture is still very rich in this context to answer every question and the Islamic scholars in the field of educational and social management should deal with this sensitive issue. Basically, modesty does not belong to any specific culture; but it has been used as an explanation for some behaviors in several qualitative studies and numerous cultural monographs. Although, modesty is difficult to define, there is a real distinction between modesty and false modesty. A fundamental characteristic of modesty is the fact that it is not simply a self-regarding attitude, but is instead a profoundly other-regarding stance. The Quran has recommended observing chastity and modesty at looking, walking and speaking and even observing appropriate coverage for women. These commands are considered useful for growth of human perfection, spiritual enhancement and protection of family and social life sustainability. So, we are living in a time of moral confusion, and our generation's indifference to moral concerns is reflected in many of today's styles. These immodest behaviors and nudity often encourage sexual lust which is considered sins in Islam attitude. Always feminist researchers have considered this practice by women as a different form of religious patriarchies. However, in fact, wearing a modest dress is manifestation of modesty in the appearance of every person, especially in a woman. It is also considered as a badge of honor, of sexual reserve and a sign of their high degree of devoutness that each woman undertakes voluntarily. Therefore the development of modesty observance helps women in 3 forms: to claim their traditional-religious identity, to treat and dress in a way that allows them to work and study outside their homes equally, to protect themselves from sexual harassment in society. This study attempts to state the importance and impact of observing modesty in our Islamic communication.