Constructing an internship in group therapy: a constructionist perspective (original) (raw)

Group Supervision of Internship in Clinical Psychology: Literature Review

Psicologia: Ensino & Formação, 2017

The supervision of internship in Clinical Psychology is presented as a primary activity in the training of the psychologist, since the student has the opportunity to articulate the theoretical knowledge acquired during his academic trajectory with the practical experience of the consultations. Therefore, the objective of this research was to review the national literature regarding supervision during psychologist's training, focusing on the discussion about the group modality of clinical supervision. The research showed that there are few articles that deal with the subject of supervision, and more specifically of group supervision, throughout the graduation in Psychology. In general, there is a positive view of the group supervision modality, since it promotes learning through the experiences of others. Negative points are related to group supervision because there is less time for the intern to speak, and due to therapist's fears about the exposure that occurs in this context. Emphasis is given to aspects related to the supervisor's own abilities in this scenario. It is recommended that other studies should follow, focusing on empirical researches.

Concerning preparation and composition in group therapy: social constructionist descriptions / Sobre a preparação e a composição em terapia de grupo: descrições construcionistas sociais

Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 2006

The constructionist definition of group therapy as a discursive practice emphasizes the character of negotiation in the process of group preparation and composition. Considering this perspective, the objective of this study is to comprehend how certain ways of talking contribute to the process of preparing and composing a support group for people living with HIV. The group that was studied had 10 sessions with 4 participants. The sessions were tape recorded and transcribed. By using discursive analysis on the transcripts of the group sessions, it was possible to describe the preparation for the group as involving three conversational processes: initial construction of demand and the participant's co-responsibility; renegotiation of the contract and the therapist's co-responsibility; and the 'discursive approach' of participant's descriptions. In relation to group composition, the inclusion of the participant in the group a priori was not based on the individual&#...


The purpose of this paper is to share and discuss some paths for the training of therapists – and their challenges – that were traveled by the authors since 1987, when with other partners created an institution focused on the training of family therapists. From this path we selected some features that we considered relevant to reflect about the issue: the interrelation between students and teachers and between them and the broader context where the training program is included. To do this, we use a social constructionist and dialogic perspective.

Are the constructivist therapists idealistic?

Revista Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas, 2013

This article addresses the issue of the conceptual framework of Constructivist Therapy, and more specifically, of its epistemological affiliations. Initially, we start from a brief history of constructivism as a philosophical position, followed by its definition that defends the subject as active in the construction of its representations of reality. The article then describes the characteristics and conceptual foundations of constructivist psychotherapy. This approach constituted a milestone in psychotherapy and conceives psychological processes as primarily affective, having its name begotten by the conception of the human being as active, not passive, in the construction of knowledge and meaning in livelihood experience. Then the epistemological assumptions as stated by some of the constructivist therapists (Mahoney, Greenberg, Gonçalves, Neimeyer and Guidano) are presented. We conclude that constructivist psychotherapy presents important differences in its epistemological basis, especially regarding the relationship between subject and object of knowledge. However, we can establish that despite the lack of ontological clarity of its major proponents, the majority of this approach rejects the idealism of which it is commonly accused.

Teaching internship and teaching pedagogical strategies: an experience report

Journal of Nursing Ufpe on Line Jnuol Doi 10 5205 01012007, 2012

Objective: to report, considering teaching pedagogical approaches, Master's students' experiences and lessons learned during Teaching Internship. Method: a report on three Master's students' experiences during the Teaching Internship of the Southwest Bahia State University's Nursing and Health Postgraduate Program, in the second half of 2011. Results: in teaching practice, four types of pedagogical trends were used as methodological strategies: traditional pedagogy; renewed pedagogy; technicist pedagogy and also critical pedagogy. Among these, it was found that the renewed and the critical trends were more appropriate for achieving effective learning. This process of learning how to be a teacher encouraged the improvement of practice, and enabled the interaction of teaching to the student context to construct knowledge. Conclusion: it was found that Teaching Internship is an important educational act that enables graduate students the education for teaching and a concomitant understanding of what is to act in mediating the teaching-learning process, allowing the use of pedagogical strategies that provide subsidies for a transformative education. Descriptors: higher education; learning; internships.

Psychology and CRAS: reflections from an internship experience

Gerais Revista Interinstitucional De Psicologia, 2014

A partir de uma experiência de estágio em psicologia supervisionado em uma unidade do Centro de Referência em Assistência Social (CRAS) em Florianópolis, Santa Catariana (SC) o objetivo do presente artigo é contribuir com o debate sobre a atuação do(a)s psicólogo(a)s na Política Nacional de Assistência Social. Durante o estágio foi realizado, entre outras atividades, o acompanhamento das visitas domiciliares realizadas pela psicóloga e a experiência com essas visitas é o foco das discussões neste artigo. Fica dessa experiência a proposta de uma atuação comprometida com a transformação da realidade e de si como sujeito e profissional, balizadas por uma perspectiva crítica, ética e estética.

[Conceptions of a mental health team about interdisciplinary work]

Revista gaúcha de enfermagem / EENFUFRGS, 2009

The objective of this study was to understand the conceptions of a mental health team from a Psychosocial Care Center about interdisciplinary work. This is a qualitative study, of a descriptive type, developed in a mental health service in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The subjects of the study were eight professionals (psychiatrist, nurse, nutritionist, psychologist social worker occupational therapist, physical education teacher and nursing auxiliary). It was included professionals from the health service available to participate of the research. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview and the information had been analyzed by the content analysis technique. The interdisciplinary work revealed itself as a group of professionals with different formations, grouping specific knowledge, in a conflict area where there are negotiation and support between the professionals. The formation of the team by workers of different professions enriches the care practice,...