Journalism and Islam (Reflection on the Role of Journalists in the issue of Religious Moderation) (original) (raw)

The Representation of Ideology in News "Religious Issues" at and

Proceedings of the Second Conference on Language, Literature, Education, and Culture (ICOLLITE 2018), 2019

This research was motivated by the reporting of religious issues involving Viktor Laiskodat. The news of the pros and cons of the speech delivered by Viktor about the caliphate state, was feared to trigger a bigger conflict because it was related to the very principle, namely religious issues. The method used in this study is qualitative using Fairclough's critical discourse analysis approach. The purpose of this study is to describe the dimensions of the text, the relationship between ideology and linguistic aspects produced, and describe the social, political and cultural situation behind the reporting of religious issues involving Viktor Laiskodat. The results showed that based on the analysis of textual dimensions, the media used vocabulary, grammar, modalities, direct and indirect quotations as a strategy to represent the main actors and events in reporting "religious issues" involving Viktor Laiskodat. Moreover, the analysis of media ideology and linguistic strategies used indicates that tends to be partial towards Viktor as the main actor reporting on "religious issues", while does not favor Viktor as the main actor reporting on "religious issues". While based on social, political, and cultural analysis underlying the reporting of religious issues involving Viktor Laiskodat, shows that Indonesia's current political situation, the relationship between the owners of, the Nasdem and Viktor parties, and the relationship between Islam and also influences the news published in both online media.

Religious Dynamics in Mass Media: A Study on Popular Articles in Kompas and Republika Newspapers

Jurnal Theologia

This paper examines the religious dynamics image in contemporary Indonesia was presented by the printed mass media. Using van Dijk's critical discourse analysis method, and the hierarchy of influence media content of Pamela Shoemaker and Stephen Reese, this paper examines the content of popular articles in the Kompas and Republika for the period 2013-2017. These two print media were chosen because they are two different ideological poles. Kompas was born from Catholic activists and supported by several military officers. Meanwhile, Republika was founded by Islamic activists with government support. The themes of popular articles in both media revolve around issues of the state and democracy, political dynamics and Islamic parties, and spirituality. The religious discourse contest at Kompas and Republika was filled with Muslim scholars and leaders of Islamic mass organizations. Kompas does not provide enough space for new writers so that its popular articles are filled by monoton...

Media Content Analysis - On Freedom of Religion and Interfaith Tolerance in Indonesia 2017-2018

Report for Search for Common Ground, 2018

The media content analysis covers the period from January 2017 to January 2018. Freedom of religion and interfaith tolerance in Indonesia remained a cause for concern during the period covered by this analysis. Freedom of religion improved in 2017, in comparison to previous years. However, Indonesia saw a weakening sense of pluralistic values following Jakarta’s gubernatorial election that pit a Muslim candidate against a non-Muslim candidate, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), who is of Chinese descent and a Protestant. The sectarian tension on the ground was reflected in media reports. This study analyzes whether the messages transmitted by the media support the dissemination of pluralist values. This study limits the subjects of research to 60 articles that appear on 5 major online news portals and 5 major print media outlets:,,,,, Jawa Pos newspaper, Kompas, Republika, Koran Tempo and The Jakarta Post. These media were chosen, based on: a) The influence of these media in society, which is measured by the number of their readership; b) The media’s consistency in reporting on freedom of religion and interfaith tolerance. Interpreting stories that appear on online news portals and print media outlets is not enough to understand the motive or the background on why the stories are written with positive or negative tones. Therefore, the author also interviews three journalists to complement that method, namely M. Taufiqurahman, Managing Editor, The Jakarta Post; Marguerita Afra Sapii, Senior Palace Reporter, The Jakarta Post; and Anton Aprianto, National Desk Managing Editor of Tempo Magazine, who (in the interview) represents all outlets of Tempo, including Koran Tempo newspaper. This study finds that in most cases, the mainstream media in Indonesia support freedom of religion and interfaith tolerance through their stories. However, some media still run provocative and sarcastic stories that raise sectarian tension in communities. These media resort to such negative stories due to their deliberate attempt to generate more readers, and due to their journalists’ insensitivity. In 4 most cases, the mainstream media agree that tolerance is important for a diverse country like Indonesia. These media believe that the failure to enhance tolerance may result in sectarian tension. In regard to reporting on minority faiths such as Ahmadiyah, Shi’a and other small sects, the mainstream media are more divided. Some support the cause of these minority faiths, while others, especially online media that claim to promote the cause of Islam, often resort to provocative reporting that portray these small religious sects as heretical and a threat to the majority faith, such as the teaching of Sunni Islam. To address the first problem, journalists need to be made more aware of the danger of writing provocative news that could result in raising tension among people of different faiths. This analysis explains how media reports and social media posts that disseminate “partisan descriptions” and defend sectarian interests fuel bloody conflicts, such as in Maluku, or result in in the vandalism of places of worship, like the case in Tanjung Balai, North Sumatra province. To address the second problem, capacity building for journalists is needed to enhance their conflict sensitivity in writing stories that are related to religion, women and minorities. In light of problems highlighted above, it is recommended that: ● Journalists need to be educated on the danger of writing provocative news that could result in raising tension among people of different faiths. ● Enhance sensitivity in writing stories that are related to vulnerable groups, women, and minorities to address the problem of stereotyping and writing insensitive news through workshops and trainings. ● Journalists need to be exposed

Construction of Religious Moderation at Nahdlatul Ulama Online Media in East Java

MUHARRIK: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial

This research focuses on how journalists at Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Online Media in East Java construct news presented to the public about religious moderation. It showcases news framing on religious moderation from the perspective of Nahdlatul Ulama through online media in East Java. This research aims to understand how NU's religious moderation is disseminated in society through media produced by journalists. The research method employed is qualitative, utilizing media text analysis with framing by Zhondang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki, analyzing four syntactic structures: script, thematic, and rhetorical. The research also involves validation of the truth and news construction with the editorial board of NU Online East Java. The results of this research explain that journalists at NU Online East Java construct news on religious moderation by presenting the teachings of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah Nahdliyah through the practice of Hubbul Watan Minal Iman (Love of the Homeland is Part of...

A modest proposal for conducting future research on media portrayals of Islam and Muslims in Indonesia

Academia Letters, 2021

Recent issues on politics have been dominant in Indonesia that people are divided and become more intolerant of each other. Indonesia has the biggest Muslim population in the world and the role of Islam in Indonesian politics is significant. The current Indonesian government claim that moderate Muslims are loyal to the present political system while the opposing rivals who are often labelled 'intolerant and radical Muslims' by Indonesian mass media often disagree with the central interpretation of democracy in Indonesia. Studies on contributing factors and discourse strategies used in news and articles in secular and Islamic mass media which play a vital role in the construction of Muslim and Islamic identities in Indonesia are, therefore, recommended.

Media Treatment on Religion Issues


The contestation of the 2017 regional head election of DKI Jakarta is over, but its impact on social life and religious primordial issue is still felt across Indonesia. This situation could not be separated from the way that television (media) treats primordial issues such as religion as their media streaming themes. This study aims to describe the treatment of television as the media for Islamic issues and its relation to the theory of hidden agenda setting and its adherence to journalistic ethics (independency, accuracy, and balance). The qualitative approach by extensive library research was used to do this study. Data were analyzed qualitatively to find connection media streaming, Islamic issues and the ethics. Television as media was not working properly. It was found that the television streamed important session which was not considered important by the public. Public opinion tends to put television as media for pseudo framing and propaganda of some certain groups. The study ...

Islamic News Coverage By The International News Agencies In The Star And Sunday Star 2010

The study examined how the news of Islam and Muslims were portrayed in The Star and Sunday Star newspapers in year 2010. The study used quantitative content analysis method and a total of 249 news associated to Islam and Muslims in year 2010 were analysed. The result showed that criminality or violence had dominated the news theme which constituted 91 (36.5%). In terms of tone of the news, 175 (70.3%) were negative and only 47 (18.9%) were perceived as positive and the remaining were perceived as neutral. In summary, the issue on religion and faith (Islam) in the media still continuous in negative way and it needs a tremendous transformation to change the image of Islam and Muslims in the eyes of people over the world.

Media Strategy in Covering Religious Conflicts: A Case Study of Ahmadiyah Conflict in West Java, Indonesia

Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 2021

The Ahmadiyah conflict in Indonesia is often publicised by the Indonesian mass media at local and national level. The media plays an important role in covering conflict and there is a great interest among media and communication researchers to investigate media portrayals of these events. Most studies focused on the role of the media and journalists in the conflict. Very limited study however focused on media approach or analysing media strategies in covering the conflict. This research aims to explore strategies by two newspapers i.e: the Pikiran Rakyat (the biggest newspapers in West Java) and Republika (one the biggest newspapers in Indonesia) in reporting the Ahmadiyah religious conflict in Indonesia. Applying a qualitative approach, using a case study method, this research revealed that both media outlets applied four strategies in covering the Ahmadiyah conflict. These strategies are: (1) Building and maintaining good relations with news sources, which includes people involved...



This study aims to explore how the framing of Islamic radicalism through the reporting of the group "ISIS" in two online media, namely in and with an impartiality perspective. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by using a discourse strategy that sees the text and its context as information that contributes to communicating the contents of the message. Primary and secondary data are obtained from news curators, online portals, and library studies. While the unit of analysis is ISIS radicalism news in and in the period of August to December 2014 that falls within the three criteria of radicalism news, namely acts of violence, beliefs championed, old-fashioned views or rigid thoughts that underlie acts of violence using techniques framing analysis of Gamson and Modigliani models. The results showed that news about radical "ISIS" included in the category of news construction that was emotional, sadistic...

Agenda Setting of the Religious Issues News in National Print Media (Content Analysis of News of the Islamic Defense Action III December 2, 2016)

Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2018)

The statement of the former Governor of Jakarta Capital City, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) about QS Al-Maidah verse 51 in his speech on Pramuka Island on September 27, 2016 caused controversy and became a national issue in Indonesia since his recording video spread in social media during October 2016. The issue then developed into an issue of religious blasphemy that caused unrest among a group of Indonesian muslims and the Aksi Bela Islam III 212 (Islamic Defense Action III 212), an action with the largest number of mass and crowded reported in various Indonesian mass media. This action was interesting because involved muslims from various regions of Indonesia to demand a fair and transparent legal process against Ahok, the first non-Muslim governor of Jakarta Capital City. Using the content analysis method with descriptive approach, this research analyzes how the agenda setting of Indonesian national newspaper to salience the issues about Islamic Defense Action III 212. Results of the study showed that, the issue salience in text news and photo news were dominated by positive-tone news, on the contrary infographics were dominated by negative-tone news.