Reference waste package environment report (original) (raw)

This report was prepared as an account of wort sponsored by an aassjcy of ike Ueited Suics Government Neither the Uaited Sulci GoveraaMM nor aay afeacy thereof, aor nay of their emr/iyees, makes any wamaty, express or implied, or an-« aay lafal liaMBty or rcspoasibility for the accuracy, completeaeet, or ascfaiacss of aay iaTonaatioa. apparatus, product, ur process disclosed, or repreaeati that Hi aw would aot iafriage ptirMaTy owned rights. Refer ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade aaase, tradcaurk, manufacturer, or otherwise does aot necessarily constitute or iatpry its eadorsawal, reconmendation, or favoring by the Uaited States GovcraaKat or aay agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed hereia do act necessarily stale or reflect those of the United States Government or any afcocy thereof.