La produzione del vino di Rodi ed il suo commercio nell'Italia tirrenica tra III e prima metà del I sec. a.C. (original) (raw)

La produzione del vino in Sardegna tra Sardi e Fenici: lo stato della ricerca, in G.M. Di Nocera – A. Guidi – A. Zifferero (edd.), Archeotipico: L'archeologia come strumento per la ricostruzione del paesaggio e dell'alimentazione antica, Firenze 2016, pp. 79-95.

The aim of this paper is to clarify the socio-economic and historical conditions whereby Sardinian communities, during the transition from the Middle Bronze to the Final Bronze Age, started producing wine. The second half of the second millennium BC represents a crucial moment in the history of the island, due to the rapid growth of local communities and the inclusion of Sardinia in international trading circuits. As for wine, sensational discoveries have been made at Sa Osa (Cabras), near Oristano, where excavations have found grape pips attributable to the subspecies Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera in Late Bronze Age contexts. Equally important in this regard are the biochemical analyzes conducted by Nicolas Garnier on vessels dated to the Late and Final Bronze Age from Nuraghe Arrubiu at Orroli and the nearby Giant’s Tomb, called "Tomb of the Sword", which reveal a consumption of local wine obtained through a "white vinification". Thanks to this analysis it is possible to say that there was an increase in practices related to social consumption of wine among the Nuragic populations of the end of the second millennium BC. This situation would explain the rapid development of wine producing activities within the Sardinian communities during the early stages of the early Iron Age, when Sardinia was involved in the Phoenician diaspora. In fact, the Phoenician request for large quantities of wine to export to the major international markets must have triggered positive interactions that within a short time led to an increase in wine growing on the island and to an improvement in its quality.

Bolli rodii a Siracusa, Taranto e nell'area adriatica. Sul commercio del vino e del grano in età ellenistica

Various explanations have been proposed for the diffusion of Rhodian amphora stamps in the Adriatic area, none of them wholly convincing. A new interpretative framework is proposed here. It relies on a corpus of 157 stamps which have been compared with the material found at two key sites in Magna Graecia. At Taranto, the first massive attestation of Rhodian stamps belongs to the years 220-211 and is probably related to the provisioning of the Carthaginians who took the city and besieged the acropolis in 212-209 BC. The true take-off of Rhodian imports is somewhat later and is especially marked at Syracuse in the first two decades of the II century BC. It seems fairly certain that merchants based on Rhodes sold wine to buy grain, the latter being either consumed in the city or sold on to provide new income, especially needed at a time of war. By contrast, Rhodian amphora stamps, although widely spread in the Adriatic area, do not occur there in such huge quantities as at Syracuse and Taranto: linguistic difficulties may have inhibited Greek-speaking merchants from developing a commercial network in this part of the Mediterranean. The increasing quantity of finds from after ca. 180 are evidence for the new popularity of Greek wines in Italy, which were redistributed from Magna Graecia or market places like Delos. The consumers were either local elites or Roman soldiers. For the former, Greek wine was a marker of social identity associated with funerary practices and lost its value when consumed by the latter; hence Rhodian amphoras are not likely to be found in burials near military settlements. -------On p. 125, §3, l. 4, read "tracico" instead of "taurico"-------

Le strade del vino. Note sul commercio vinicolo nel tardo Medioevo (con particolare riferimento all'Italia settentrionale)

La civiltà del vino: fonti, temi e produzioni vitivinicole dal Medioevo al Novecento: atti del convegno (Monticelli Brusati, Antica Fratta, 5-6 ottobre 2001), 2003

Le strade del vino Note sul commercio vinicolo nel tardo Medioevo (con particolare riferimento all'Italia settentrionale) Ho in parte modificato, nonché ampliato, la struttura della comunicazione letta al convegno. Ringrazio Gabriele Archetti di numerose importanti indicazioni bibliografiche. * Università degli Studi di Verona. Dedico queste pagine alla memoria di Anna Maria Nada-Patrone 12 L. CLEMENS, M. MATHEUS, Weinkeltern im Mittelalter, in Europäische Technik im Mittelalter 800-1400. Tradition und Innovation, hrsg. von U. Lindgren, Berlin 1996, pp. 133-136. 13 J. BARTHEL, Omniprésence de la réglementation municipale: le cas du vignoble messin XIV e -XVIII e siècles, in Weinbau zwischen Maas und Rhein, pp. 185-197; G. RÖSCH, Wein und Weinhändel in städtischen Rechtstexten des Spätmittelalters, in Stadt und Wein, pp. 193-206. 14 J.J. HOEBANX, Routes du vin. Quelques itinéraires suivis par des vins domaniaux entre le Rhin et le Brabant wallon au XV e siècle, in Villes et campagnes au Moyen Age. Mélanges Georges Despy, a cura di J.M. Duvosquel, A. Dierkens, Lüttich 1991, pp. 383-404; J.M. YANTE, Grains et vins des territoirs mosellans de Remich et Grevenmacher, XV e -XVIII e siècles, «Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire», 63 (1985), pp. 273-309. 15 K. MILITZER, Handel und Vertrieb rheinischer und elässischer Wein über Köln im Spätmittelalter, in Weinbau, Weinhandel und Weinkultur, pp. 165-185; M. ROTHMANN, Die Frankfurter Messe als Weinhandelsplatz im Mittelalter, pp. 365-419; K. ANDERMANN, Wein-und Fruchtpreise in Steinbach bei Baden-Baden 1484-1803, in Weinbau zwischen Maas, pp. 481-502. 16 M. MATHEUS, Hafenkrane. Zur Geschichte einer mittelalterlichen Maschine am Rhein und Seinen Nebenflüssen von Strassburg bis Düsseldorf, Trier 1985.

Il Mediterraneo antico. Alcuni aspetti del commercio e della diffusione del vino: i relitti con carico di dolia tra I a.C. e I d.C.

Il vino ha sempre rappresentato per le civiltà del passato, un bene di prima necessità. Prodotto in gran parte del mondo conosciuto, il vino fu considerato merce preziosa di scambio, merce tanto preziosa da incentivare la pirateria nel Mediterraneo ed infine un ottimo accompagnamento durante importanti riunioni dell'alta nobiltà antica e non solo. Il libro ripercorre le tappe della produzione e del commercio del vino, seguendo la filiera produttiva che dalla coltivazione giungeva al consumo, seguendo la concezione moderna "dal produttore al consumatore". Ruolo fondamentale occupato nella filiera, era quello del trasporto di questo bene all'interno dei grandi contenitori, i dolia. Numerosi relitti furono e sono continuamente individuati sui fondali del nostro mare, nel testo vengono trattati quelli che ci hanno restituito maggiori informazioni sul traffico commerciale tra I secolo a.C. e I secolo d.C.