2021,  Juni Khyat Journal

The study is done to put some light on what is the real essence of Hospitality and the role that it is playing while the pandemic. In general, Hospitality is just about the accommodating services and food that is provided to the bona fide. It is not ever taken as a solution to a global issue and thinking of it being a solution to hardships in Covid is not how hospitality is perceived or stereotyped by the people, but on broader means and in the past too, it is evident that in a way or other, Hospitality has proven itself to be the savior. Therefore, it was necessary to find out if hospitality has done anything during the time of Epidemic. Being a Hospitality personnel and staying at home was initially tough. The feeling of 'always help others' never diminished and after few days of Pandemic, I served as a volunteer and helped people finding resources around the country. A though arose, If I am able to lend little help to the society, then there must be many people and organizations in India that could be doing this as it is a country where Hospitality is at another level. And the Humanity is still alive so the efforts could be marked worldwide. In order to know if people are really helping others out and portraying hospitality, it was necessary to do a study. It is found that Hospitality has served as rescuer even in the ancient times and many Holy books have mentioned the same. In modern era too, people have found unique and innovative ideas to turn out as aid to the needy. Many Industries like Hotel Industry, Automobile Industry and many more have come to the rescue and provided their services for free to the patients, doctors, healthcare professionals, migrants, animals, poor, senior citizens,etc.. Some of the suggestions being: Government should stAart being prepared for the worst when it is not the peak and come up with innovation cells who could react when the cases are rising, and the statistics touch the peak. Also, local bodies can be formed by people who are voluntarily willing to help out during these times so that it is not required by them to think when it is actually the time to react. Also outsourcing can be done beforehand in order to make the required cure and healthcare equipments.