Degenerate solutions to the Dirac equation for massive particles and their applications in quantum tunneling (original) (raw)

Degenerate wave-like solutions to the Dirac equation for massive particles

Cornell University - arXiv, 2022

In this work we provide a novel class of degenerate solutions to the Dirac equation for massive particles, where the rotation of the spin of the particles is synchronized with the rotation of the magnetic field of the wave-like electromagnetic fields corresponding to these solutions. We show that the state of the particles does not depend on the intensity of the electromagnetic fields but only on their frequency, which is proportional to the mass of the particles and lies in the region of Gamma/Xrays for typical elementary charged particles, such as electrons and protons. These novel theoretical results could play an important role in plasma physics, astrophysics, and other fields of physics, involving the interaction of charged particles with high energy photons.

Classical Tunneling from the Lorentz-Dirac Equation


The classical equation of motion of a charged point particle, including its radiation reaction, implies tunneling. For nonrelativistic electrons and a square barrier, the solution is elementary and explicit. We show the persistance of the solution for smoother potentials. For a large range of initial velocities, initial conditions may leave a (discrete) ambiguity on the resulting motion.

The Dirac impenetrable barrier in the limit point of the Klein energy zone

arXiv (Cornell University), 2022

We reanalyze the problem of a 1D Dirac single particle colliding with the electrostatic potential step of height V 0 with a positive incoming energy that tends to the limit point of the so-called Klein energy zone, i.e., E → V 0 − mc 2 , for a given V 0. In such a case, the particle is actually colliding with an impenetrable barrier. In fact, V 0 → E + mc 2 , for a given relativistic energy E (< V 0), is the maximum value that the height of the step can reach and that ensures the perfect impenetrability of the barrier. Nevertheless, we note that, unlike the nonrelativistic case, the entire eigensolution does not completely vanish, either at the barrier or in the region under the step, but its upper component does satisfy the Dirichlet boundary condition at the barrier. More importantly, by calculating the mean value of the force exerted by the impenetrable wall on the particle in this eigenstate and taking its nonrelativistic limit, we recover the required result. We use two different approaches to obtain the latter two results. In one of these approaches, the corresponding force on the particle is a type of boundary quantum force. Throughout the article, various issues related to the Klein energy zone, the transmitted solutions to this problem, and impenetrable barriers related to boundary conditions are also discussed. In particular, if the negative-energy transmitted solution is used, the lower component of the scattering solution satisfies the Dirichlet boundary condition at the barrier, but the mean value of the external force when V 0 → E + mc 2 does not seem to be compatible with the existence of the impenetrable barrier.

Degenerate solutions to the massless Dirac and Weyl equations and a proposed method for controlling the quantum state of Weyl particles


In a recent work we have shown that all solutions to the Weyl equation and a special class of solutions to the Dirac equation are degenerate, in the sense that they remain unaltered under the influence of a wide variety of different electromagnetic fields. In the present article our previous work is significantly extended, providing a wide class of degenerate solutions to the Dirac equation for massless particles. The electromagnetic fields corresponding to these solutions are calculated, giving also some examples regarding both spatially constant electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic waves. Further, some general forms of solutions to the Weyl equation are presented and the corresponding electromagnetic fields are calculated. Based on these results, a method for fully controlling the quantum state of Weyl particles through appropriate electromagnetic fields is proposed. Finally, the transition from degenerate to non-degenerate solutions as the particles acquire mass is discussed.

A general method for obtaining degenerate solutions to the Dirac and Weyl equations and a discussion on the experimental detection of degenerate states

arXiv (Cornell University), 2022

In this work we describe a general method for obtaining degenerate solutions to the Dirac equation, corresponding to an infinite number of electromagnetic 4-potentials and fields, which are explicitly calculated. In more detail, using four arbitrary real functions, one can automatically construct a spinor which is solution to the Dirac equation for an infinite number of electromagnetic 4-potentials, defined by those functions. An interesting characteristic of these solutions is that, in the case of Dirac particles with non-zero mass, the degenerate spinors should be localized, both in space and time. Our method is also extended to the cases of massless Dirac and Weyl particles, where the localization of the spinors is no longer required. Finally, we propose two experimental methods for detecting the presence of degenerate states.

Some electromagnetic solutions of Dirac equation

2013 13th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS), 2013

Dirac equation is one of the fundamental equations of quantum mechanics, but the interpretation of its solutions in terms of spinors is very abstract. It is proposed in this paper to show that some electromagnetic solutions exist in terms of standing waves. We shall exhibit explicit solutions as standing modes of a rectangular electromagnetic cavity. We conclude by proposing a physical interpretation of the new terms which appear in the Dirac solution.

The Dirac Equation Revisited

The Dirac equation is a cornerstone of quantum mechanics that fully describes the behaviour of spin ½ particles. Recently, the energy momentum relationship has been reconsidered such that |E|^2 = |(m0c^ 2)| 2 + |(pc)| 2 has been modified to: |E| 2 = |(m0c^2)|^2-|(pc)|^2 where E is the kinetic energy, moc^2 is the rest mass energy and pc is the wave energy for the spin ½ particle. This has been termed the 'Hamiltonian approach' and with a new starting point, the original Dirac equation has been derived: and the modified covariant form found is where h/2π = c = 1. The behaviour of spin ½ particles is found to be the same as for the original Dirac equation. The Dirac equation will also be expanded by setting the rest energy as a complex number, |(m0c 2)| e^jωt

Confining Stationary Light: Dirac Dynamics and Klein Tunneling

Physical Review Letters, 2009

We discuss the properties of 1D stationary pulses of light in atomic ensemble with electromagnetically induced transparency in the limit of tight spatial confinement. When the size of the wavepacket becomes comparable or smaller than the absorption length of the medium, it must be described by a two-component vector which obeys the one-dimensional two-component Dirac equation with an effective mass m * and effective speed of light c * . Then a fundamental lower limit to the spatial width in an external potential arises from Klein tunneling and is given by the effective Compton length λC = /(m * c * ). Since c * and m * can be externally controlled and can be made small it is possible to observe effects of the relativistic dispersion for rather low energies or correspondingly on macroscopic length scales.

On the boundary conditions for the Dirac equation

A relativistic 'free' particle in a one-dimensional box is studied. The impossibility of the wavefunction vanishing completely at the walls of the box is proven. Various physically acceptable boundary conditions that allow non-trivial solutions for this problem are proposed. The non-relativistic limits of these results are obtained. The problem of a particle in a spherical box, which presents the same type of difficulties as the one-dimensional problem, is also considered.

Quantum Wave Mechanics as the Magnetic Interaction of Dirac Particles

It is shown that a wave mechanical quantum theory can be derived from relativistic classical electrodynamics, as a feature of the magnetic interaction of Dirac particles modeled as relativistically circulating point charges. The magnetic force between two classical point charges, each undergoing relativistic circulatory motion of small radius compared to the separation between their centers of circulation, and assuming a time-symmetric electromagnetic interaction, is modulated by a factor that behaves similarly to the Schr\"odinger wavefunction. The magnetic force between relativistically-circulating charges has been shown previously to have a radially-directed inverse-square part of similar strength to the Coulomb force, and sinusoidally modulated by the phase difference of the charges' circulatory motions. The magnetic force modulation in the case of relatively moving centers of charge circulation solves an equation formally identical to the time-dependent free-particle Schr\"odinger equation, apart from a factor of two on the partial time derivative term. Considering motion in a time-independent potential obtains that the modulation also satisfies an equation formally similar to the time-independent Schro\"dinger equation. Using a formula for relativistic rest energy advanced by Osiak, the time-independent Schr\"odinger equation is solved exactly by the resulting modulation function. The significance of the quantum mechanical wavefunction follows straightforwardly from these observations. After considering the modification of Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory required by the adoption of Minkowski-Osiak relativity, the model is extended to obtain the full complex Schr\"odinger wavefunction.