La labor intelectual en los monasterios: los monjes escritores e investigadores del monasterio de San Juan de la Peña (siglos XVI - XIX) (original) (raw)

Vida y costumbres barrocas alejadas de la sencillez monacal. La comunidad del monasterio de San Juan de la Peña durante la Edad Moderna


This paper studies how changes in life and religious Benedictine observance during the Modern Age affected the shape and architecture of their monasteries and to prove it we analyze the specific case of the San Juan de la Pena community of monks. Since its inception and throughout the Middle Ages religious communities lived in common dormitories, which at the slow but inexorable passing of time and the almos timperceptible change of habits led to a new concept of interior cabin for the monks, from which the individual space is reclaimed within the monastic group. These spaces, with the passing of time, were filled with luxurious furniture and objects far away from the religious monastic poverty and simplicity that were supposed to be observed as a requisite to join the Benedictine Order. The analysis of the examined documents allow us to determine that the Benedictines kept up with the fashion of their time hoarding a rich and sumptuous furniture as well as art pieces in the interio...

PRIETO SAYAGUÉS, Juan A., "La nobleza y la reforma de los monasterios y conventos en Castilla durante la Baja Edad Media (c. 1369-1474)", en AIA, 83/296, 2023, pp. 197-241

Resumen: Se aborda el papel de la nobleza en los procesos reformistas de los monasterios y conventos de las diferentes órdenes en Castilla durante la Baja Edad Media (c. 1369-1474) y sus vínculos con dichos cenobios y religiosos reformadores. Numerosos nobles de diferentes linajes protagonizaron fundaciones reformadas desde sus orígenes y promovieron la reforma de otros monasterios, tanto desde el punto de vista espiritual como material. En muchas ocasiones, las comunidades expresaron su rechazo ante la reforma, lo que hizo que no estuviera exenta de episodios violentos. Esta también influyó en las costumbres funerarias como se aprecia en las honras fúnebres, la elección de sepultura y en la dotación de oficios en diferentes monasterios, si bien, con ciertos particularismos dependiendo de la orden religiosa. Abstract: This article addresses the role of the nobility in the reform processes of monasteries and convents of the different orders in Castile during the Late Middle Ages (c. 1369-1474) and their links with these monasteries and religious reformers. Numerous noblemen from different lineages were the protagonists for reformed foundations from their origins and promoted the reform of other monasteries, both from a spiritual and material point of view. On many occasions, the communities expressed their rejection of the reform, which meant that they were not exempt from violent episodes. This also influenced funerary customs as can be seen in funeral honors, the choice of burial, and the endowment of offices in the different monasteries, albeit with certain particularities depending on the religious order.