Icnofósiles de vertebrados terrestres del Ceno- zoico Tardío en el área de "Pie de Vaca", Tepexi de Rodríguex, Estado de Puebla (original) (raw)

Descripción de las huellas de camélidos y félidos de la localidad Pie de Vaca, Cenozoico Tardío de Puebla, centro de México y algunas consideraciones paleobiológicas

The Pie de Vaca locality in the State of Puebla stands out for its important abundance of fossil mammal footprints, among them, the most representatives have been referred to camelids and felids. The purpose of the present study was the formal characterization of this set of footprints and comment on some paleobiological aspects related to their size, speed, and mode of progression of the track-makers. The sample consists of 233 footprints including 154 referable to nine trackways produced by camelids and 79 referable to three trackways produced by felids. The characterization of the tracks was made by comparing their size and morphology with others produced by fossil and recent taxa. The impressions of camelids, based on their shape and size, were designated to the icnospecies Lamaichnum guanicoe because they show the typical morphological pattern of this group of artiodactyls. It is suggested that they were produced by some member of the genus Hemiauchenia, which corresponds to the most common camelid of the Late Cenozoic of Mexico. On the other hand, the tracks of felids were only referred to the mor-phofamily Felipedidae due to the bad preservation of its ichnotaxonomic characters; however, being larger than traces of the ichnogenera Felipeda, Pycnodactylopus, Pumaeichnum and Mitsupes, it is suggested that they were produced by some form of medium to large size, a machairodontid or a pantherine, for instance. The mode of progression of both producers corresponds to that of relatively fast walking organisms that move at a speed lower than 4 m/s. The direction and number of individuals of camelids trackways, are indicative of gregarious behavior, probably associated with a certain social organization. In the case of felids, solitary or couple behavior is proposed.



Abstract. MICROVERTEBRATE TAPHONOMY OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE CUEVA TIXI (LATE PLEISTOCENE–LATE HOLOCENE) EASTERN TANDILIA (BUENOS AIRES PROVINCE, ARGENTINA). The taphonomic attributes of a sample of microvertebrates composed by 67805 remains, from the archaeological site Cueva Tixi (Eastern Tandilia, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina), were analyzed. Mammals, birds, frogs, snakes and fish were recorded with natural or anthropogenic modifications in a sequence of 11000 years (Late Pleistocene–late Holocene). The largest proportion of the sample including rodents, didelphid marsupials, birds, frogs and some fish has traces of gastric digestion and skeletal proportions that suggests that it was deposited by nocturnal prey birds. These accumulations of bones have very homogeneous alterations throughout the stratigraphic sequence. The accumulation of snakes would have occurred by circumstantial death on the cave. The skeletal remains of cavid rodents, from the latest Holocene, have cut marks of artifacts and a skeletal preservation which demonstrate its anthropogenic manipulation. The most frequent alterations were post-depositional breakage. Roots marks and mineral deposits presented increasing or decreasing trends in its frequencies in the sequence. KEY WORDS. Bone modifications. Owl pellets. Skeletal preservation.

Artrópodos terrestres de los estados de Tamaulipas y Nuevo León


El interés en el estudio científico de los insectos de México, especialmente del noreste, ha sido manifestado por los autores desde hace más de una década, efectuando colectas de insectos en varios estados. La idea de conocer los nombres de los artrópodos que habitan el noreste del país provino de la gran diversidad observada en los diversos ecosistemas de la región y a que muchas avispas colectadas son parasitoides y/o depredadores de otros insectos y de algunos otros artrópodos. ¿Cuántos artrópodos terrestres existen en Tamaulipas y Nuevo León?. Es seguro que son varios miles de especies, a juzgar por lo observado, lo colectado y lo estudiado en museos de la región, de otras entidades de la República Mexicana y de algunos museos de Texas, EU que cuentan con material mexicano.

Lista taxonómica y estructura del ensamblaje de los mamíferos terrestres del municipio de Tlanchinol, Hidalgo, México.

Mastozoología Neotropical, 2013

The Tlanchinol municipality is an important region of conservation since it harbors a great diversity of vegetation and one of the most extensive cloud forest areas in the state of Hidalgo. This state ranks the third place in terms of national coverage of this vegetation type. However, there are few studies that focus on the mammals that inhabit these forests. The aim of this paper is to present an updated taxonomic list of the land mammals of the municipality, and an analysis of the assemblage structure in relation to trophic organiza- tion, body size, geographical distribution and the conservation status of the species. The previous was done in order to update all knowledge about terrestrial mammal assemblage in the region. Fieldwork was conducted between November 2006 and July 2008, and it was complemented by a review of published information. We used direct methods (trapping and observations) and indirect methods (tracks, droppings, animals provided by the residents and interviews) to obtain the information. We recorded 42 species: 4 are didelphimorpha species, 1 cingulata, 2 soricomorpha species, 9 carnivores, 2 artiodactyla and 24 rodents. Seven species are considered under some risk category (16.6%) and eight (19%) are endemic to Mexico. Most species are herbivores (40.5%) and omnivores (33.3%) and are small in size (<100 g). In this work we recorded 16 new species for Tlanchinol municipality thus contributing significantly with broad and updated information about richness and assemblage structure of mammals within the municipality.

Invertebrados Fósiles Del Paleozoico De Sonora, México


A través de los fósiles es posible conocer la vida en el pasado geológico. La vida se originó en el mar hace 3700 Ma, siendo formas muy sencillas atribuibles a algas e invertebrados como las medusas; las primeras formas complejas se originaron a inicios del Paleozoico hace 541 Ma. El Paleozoico se divide en seis periodos: Cámbrico, Ordovícico, Silúrico, Devónico, Carbonífero y Pérmico; los cuales se caracterizan por una gran biodiversidad y abundancia de invertebrados. En Sonora se conocen diversas localidades con fósiles marinos del Paleozoico, destacando la presencia de poríferos, celenterados, braquiópodos, briozoarios, moluscos, artrópodos y equinodermos. El Paleozoico termina hace 252 Ma con la mayor extinción conocida en la historia de la biosfera, culminando con el 95% de las especies marinas.