Candida bracarensis sp. nov., a novel anamorphic yeast species phenotypically similar to Candida glabrata (original) (raw)
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2011
Three yeast stains were isolated from two unknown fruits (strains DD2-22-1 T and SK44) and moss (strain in Thailand. Analysis of the D1/ D2 domain of the large subunit (LSU) rRNA gene sequences of the three strains revealed that they belonged to the same species. In terms of pairwise sequence similarity, Candida cf. glabrata UWO(PS) 98-110.4 and Candida nivariensis were the closest undescribed and recognized taxa, but the levels of nucleotide substitutions were 1.7-1.9% and 2.0-2.2%, respectively. The levels of nucleotide substitutions were sufficient to justify the description of a separate species of Candida. In the phylogenetic tree based on the D1/D2 domain of the LSU rRNA gene the three strains were placed in a separate branch in the Nakaseomyces clade with C. cf. glabrata UWO(PS)98-110.4, C. nivariensis, Candida glabrata, Candida bracarensis, Candida kungkrabaensis and Nakaseomyces delphensis. Phenotypic characteristics of the three strains were similar which included proliferation by multilateral budding, absence of ascospores, arthrospores or ballistospores; negative for Diazonium blue B and urease tests. The major ubiquinone was Q-6. On the basis of the above findings, the three strains were assigned to a single novel species of Candida, for which the name Candida uthaithanina sp. nov is proposed. The type strain is DD2-22-1 T (= BCC 29899 T = NBRC 104876 T = CBS 10932 T ).
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 2000
Invasive candidiasis has become a major cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised hosts. Here we describe a fast and reliable DNA extraction and PCR amplification method in combination with a slot blot hybridization assay. A genus-specific probe was designed that allowed to detect DNA from a broad range of Candida species and 3 other yeasts. In addition, species-specific oligonucleotides for emerging Candida and other yeast species allowed to identify DNA extracted from Candida lusitaniae, Candida humicola, Candida kefyr, Candida inconspicua, Candida solani, Malassezia furfur and Trichosporon cutaneum. A sensitivity of at least 10 1 CFU, corresponding to 100 fg of fungal DNA, was documented for all species-specific probes and the common Candida probe. In addition, the 18S rRNA genes of 7 yeast species (C. humicola, C. kefyr, C. solani, C. inconspicua, C. norvegensis, C. utilis and M. furfur) were completely sequenced. The sequencing primers described bind to highly conserved primer binding sites. Therefore, these primers would allow rapid cycle sequence of additional ribosomal genes throughout the whole kingdom of fungi.
Rapid identification of Candida species by DNA fingerprinting with PCR
Journal of clinical microbiology, 1996
DNA polymorphisms in different species and strains of the genus Candida were assessed by amplifying genomic DNA with single nonspecific primers. This PCR method employed an arbitrary primer (the 10-mer AP3), a primer derived from the intergenic spacer regions (T3B), and the microsatellite primers (GTG)5 and (AC)10. Distinctive and reproducible sets of amplification products were observed for 26 different Candida and 8 other fungal species. The numbers and sizes of the amplification products were characteristic for each species. All yeast species tested could be clearly distinguished by their amplification patterns. With all primers, PCR fingerprints also displayed intraspecies variability. However, PCR profiles obtained from different strains of the same species were far more similar than those derived from different Candida species. By comparing species-specific PCR fingerprints of clinical isolates with those of reference strains, clinical isolates could be identified to the speci...
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2007
The incidence of yeast infections has increased in the recent decades, with Candida albicans still being the most common cause of infections. However, infections caused by less common yeasts have been widely reported in recent years. Based on the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS 1) and ITS 2 sequences of the rRNA genes, an oligonucleotide array was developed to identify 77 species of clinically relevant yeasts belonging to 16 genera. The ITS regions were amplified by PCR with a pair of fungus-specific primers, followed by hybridization of the digoxigenin-labeled PCR product to a panel of oligonucleotide probes immobilized on a nylon membrane for species identification. A collection of 452 yeast strains (419 target and 33 nontarget strains) was tested, and a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 97% were obtained by the array. The detection limit of the array was 10 pg of yeast genomic DNA per assay. In conclusion, yeast identification by the present method is highly reliable an...
The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 2011
Recent changes in the epidemiology of candidiasis highlighted an increase in non-Candida albicans species emphasizing the need for reliable identification methods. Molecular diagnostics in fungal infections may improve species characterization, particularly in cases of the closely related species in the Candida complexes. We developed two PCR/restriction fragment length polymorphism assays, targeting either a part of the intergenic spacer 2 or the entire intergenic spacer (IGS) of ribosomal DNA using a panel of 270 isolates. A part of the intergenic spacer was used for discrimination between C. albicans and C. dubliniensis and between species of the C. glabrata complex (C. glabrata/C. bracarensis/C. nivariensis). The whole IGS was applied to C. parapsilosis, C. metapsilosis, and C. orthopsilosis, and to separate C. famata (Debaryomyces hansenii) from C. guilliermondii (Pichia guilliermondii) and from the other species within this complex (ie, C. carpophila, C. fermentati and C. xestobii). Sharing similar biochemical patterns, Pichia norvegensis and C. inconspicua exhibited specific IGS profiles. Our study confirmed that isolates of C. guilliermondii were frequently misidentified as C. famata. As much as 67% of the clinical isolates phenotypically determined as C. famata were recognized mostly as true P. guilliermondii. Conversely, 44% of the isolates initially identified as C. guilliermondii were corrected by the IGS fingerprints as C. parapsilosis, C. fermentati, or C. zeylanoides. These two PCR/restriction fragment length polymorphism methods may be used as reference tools [either alternatively or adjunctively to the existing ribosomal DNA (26S or ITS) sequence comparisons] for unambiguous determination of the Candida species for which phenotypic characterization remains problematic. A S I P 2 0 1 1 J M D C M E P r o g r a m
Journal of clinical microbiology, 1997
A PCR method was developed to identify and fingerprint Candida krusei isolates simply and rapidly. The primer pair Arno1 and Arno2 was designed to amplify the polymorphic species-specific repetitive sequence CKRS-1 (C. krusei repeated sequence 1) that we identified in the nontranscribed intergenic regions (IGRs) of rRNA genes in C. krusei LMCK31. The specificity, sensitivity, reproducibility, and fingerprinting ability of the PCR assay were evaluated. Amplification products were obtained from all 131 C. krusei isolates studied. No other yeast species of medical importance (n = 26), including species similar to C. krusei, species of pathogenic filamentous fungi, or a variety of pathogenic bacteria, yielded a PCR product with these primers. This PCR assay allowed for the identification of C. krusei in less than 6 h. The PCR assay was sensitive enough to detect as little as 10 to 100 fg of C. krusei-purified DNA and proved to be reproducible. Since amplification products varied both in...
Journal of general microbiology, 1991
The classification of species belonging to the genus Candida Berkhout is problematic. Therefore, we have determined the small ribosomal subunit RNA (srRNA) sequences of the type strains of three human pathogenic Candida species; Candida krusei, C. lusitaniae and C. tropicalis. The srRNA sequences were aligned with published eukaryotic srRNA sequences and evolutionary trees were inferred using a matrix optimization method. An evolutionary tree comprising all available eukaryotic srRNA sequences, including two other pathogenic Candida species, C. albicans and C. glabrata, showed that the yeasts diverge rather late in the course of eukaryote evolution, namely at the same depth as green plants, ciliates and some smaller taxa. The cluster of the higher fungi consists of 10 ascomycetes and ascomycete-like species with the first branches leading to Neurospora crassa, Pneumocystis carinii, Candida lusitaniae and C. krusei, in that order. Next there is a dichotomous divergence leading to a g...