Migration of labour and human rights issues: Reflections on global context (original) (raw)
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The Immigration Issue in the Field of Sociological Research
European Journal of Education and Pedagogy
Concerns about continuous migration flows in recent decades have been politically adequately communicated globally by European politics. However, no European country has developed a social policy with appropriate precautionary measures to address logistical and political-cultural problems arising from the movement of large numbers of displaced people, problems that concern not only the host countries but also the countries of origin of immigrants. And although discussions at the level of studies on the immigration problem and its effects on the dominant culture have started too early, there is still a lack of research on the cultural side of migration and its implications for the political cultures of the host countries. Only isolated cases of reactions and discussions about the immigration policy of countries that welcome immigrants can be found in the literature. The present study first describes the situation that has been developed in Greece and Europe in the last five years by ...
The Sociology of International Migration: Where We Have Been; Where Do We Go from Here?1
Sociological Forum, 2012
Controversies about international migration expose the changing structure of and underlying assumptions about societal membership in many nations. The sociology of international migration has emerged as an increasingly important subfield over the past decade in large part because it has tended to move beyond more narrow economic and demographic problems and has begun to address this fundamentally sociological issue. In the future it will be particularly important that sociologists pay attention to how demographically changing societies define who is and is not a member. As such, legal status and the role of the state has become critically important.
RETOS, 2019
Migrations have intensified in contemporary society, due to the process of globalization which deepens the interdependence of economies and strengthens transnational networks, facilitating the labor insertion of qualified people. The popularization of ICT also reinforces the processes of cultural hybridization and shortens distances. However, the speeches of influential politicians and the mass media frame the presence of foreigners as a threat, while these speeches hide the positive effects of migrations, both to the host country and to the origin country. The purpose of this document is to review the relationship between international migration and human development from two points of view: co-development, which involves migrants as promoters of development, and dependency theory, which affirms that migrations reinforce poverty in their territories of origin. In some host countries, there are policies to select migrants with higher education and financial resources, while the entry of low-skilled migrants is not allowed; this entry is attracted by higher wages, as well as by people seeking asylum. En la sociedad contemporánea las migraciones se han intensificado debido al proceso de globalización por el cual las economías se vuelven interdependientes y se tejen redes de trabajo transnacionales, que facilitan la inserción laboral de personas cualificadas, aunado a la popularización de las TIC, las cuales se han vuelto omnipresentes, refuerzan procesos de hibridación cultural y permiten «acercar distancias». Sin embargo, la presencia del extranjero se sigue encuadrando como una amenaza en los discursos de políticos influyentes y en los medios masivos de comunicación, quienes desconocen los efectos positivos que las migraciones pueden aportar, desde el punto de vista económico, cultural, educativo y en la promoción del desarrollo humano. En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión crítica de la literatura sobre la correlación entre migraciones internacionales y desarrollo humano, la cual se puede enfocar desde dos puntos de vista: el codesarrollo, que involucra a los migrantes como promotores del desarrollo, o desde la teoría de la dependencia, que afirma que las migraciones refuerzan el círculo vicioso de la pobreza de sus territorios de origen. Se destaca que los países receptores tienen políticas para seleccionar migrantes con estudios superiores y con recursos financieros, mientras que son reacios a recibir migrantes laborales poco cualificados, atraídos por mejores salarios, así como también se obstruye la entrada a personas que solicitan refugio, ante la necesidad de protección de sus Derechos Humanos.
Migration, A Current Issue: The Crisis Of Today, The Challenge Of Tomorrow
The present paper aims to portray a clear perspective of the problem of immigrants, who are arriving in Europe from the Middle East conflict zones (particularly Syria and Iraq) and from North Africa (mainly Libya). The causes that conducted to the development of such a phenomenon represent the motivation for choosing this theme, as well as its effects on the functionality of the EU at an institutional level and finally yet importantly the “trenchant” visions of the European public opinion, amplified by the mass media: the pros and cons of accepting the wave of refugees. The author's approach aims to put in balance both the positive effects of the phenomenon on the European continent, as well as the negative ones. Positive effects might consist in obtaining additional work force, as Europe is currently facing a demographic aging phenomenon. Furthermore, from the perspective of EU citizens, who believe in the cohesion of the European institutions, the acceptance of refugees repres...