Histoanatomy of Androgenic Gland of a Brachyuran Crab , Parasesarma Plicatum ( Latrielle , 1803 ) (original) (raw)
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Acta Zoologica, 2007
Castilho, G. G., Ostrensky, A., Pie, M. R. and Boeger, W. A. 2008. Morphology of the male reproductive system of the mangrove land crab Ucides cordatus (L.) (Crustacea, Brachyura, Ocypodidae) -Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 89 : 157-161
Spermathecae of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus: a histological and histochemical view
Journal of The Marine Biological Association of The United Kingdom, 2007
Ucides cordatus is the most commercially important mangrove crab in Brazil. In spite of its economic importance, there are few studies of its reproduction, in particular the female reproductive system. The present study describes the histology and histochemistry of the spermathecae of U. cordatus. Adult females were caught monthly from July 2004 through June 2005, at Iguape, State of São Paulo. The crabs were anaesthetized, and their spermathecae removed and fixed in Davidson's fluid, following the histological routine for paraffin. The slides were stained with HE, xylidine Ponceau, PAS, alcian blue (pH 1.0 and 2.5), Sudan black B and picrosirius-haematoxylin. Histologically, the spermathecae possesses a capsule of conjunctive tissue, rich in collagen fibres, which surrounds the secretory columnar epithelium. In the lumen, individual sperm packets are not observed; the spermatophores are intermixed with the seminal fluid and secretions of the spermathecae itself. A large proportion of the free spermatozoids and spermatophores are arranged in homogeneous masses in the proximal part of the spermathecae. The secretion produced by the columnar epithelium appears to promote the movement of the gametes to the fertilization chamber, in a ventral position, allowing fertilization of the oocytes. Histochemically, the secretion produced by the columnar epithelium was strongly positive for neutral polysaccharides, positive for acid polysaccharides, and weakly positive for proteins and lipids. This secretion forms a glycoprotein matrix which is associated with maintenance of the spermatophores, which can remain stored for long periods.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
The blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896, is considered to be a luxury meal, especially in touristic cities. It contains more than 20 types of amino acids and provides all the needed amounts for human growth. This study describes the morphology and complex differentiation in the gonadosomatic index, morphological and ultrastructure features of the reproductive system, spermatogenesis, and spermatophores structure; this is due to the need to maintain natural and fishing stocks. Mature adult male crabs (carapace length 59 ± 7.12; width 126 ± 18.8 mm) were obtained from Abu-Qir Bay from November 2018 to October 2019 and transported alive in seawater to the laboratory. The reproductive system was dissected and weighed to the nearest 0.001g using the electronic balance, and the gonadosomatic index was subsequently calculated. The morphological analysis showed the developing testes with highly compacted seminiferous tubules. Using Periodic acid–Schiff stain, the spermatophore appe...
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Isolation and characterization of androgenic hormone in decapod crustaceans depend on an effective bioassay of its action. In the present study, the effect of androgenic gland on ovarian development in the mud crab Scylla paramamosain was investigated with a view to develop a bioassay for androgenic hormone. Ovarian regression with degeneration of oocytes occurred in some female crabs implanted with androgenic gland in vivo. In vitro incubation of ovarian tissues at secondary vitellogenesis in extract of androgenic gland resulted in a significant decrease in amino acid uptake by the tissues. We propose that this inhibitory effect could be established as an effective bioassay for the isolation of androgenic hormone in the mud crab. D
Tissue and Cell, 2009
The morphology and function of the male reproductive system in the spider crab Maja brachydactyla, an important commercial species, is described using light and electron microscopy. The reproductive system follows the pattern found among brachyuran with several peculiarities. The testis, known as tubular testis, consists of a single, highly coiled seminiferous tubule divided all along by an inner epithelium into germinal, transformation, and evacuation zones, each playing a different role during spermatogenesis. The vas deferens (VD) presents diverticula increasing in number and size towards the median VD, where spermatophores are stored. The inner monostratified epithelium exocytoses the materials involved in the spermatophore wall formation (named substance I and II) and spermatophore storage in the anterior and median VD, respectively. A large accessory gland is attached to the posterior VD, and its secretions are released as granules in apocrine secretion, and stored in the lumen of the diverticula as seminal fluids. A striated musculature may contribute to the formation and movement of spermatophores and seminal fluids along the VD. The ejaculatory duct (ED) shows a multilayered musculature and a nonsecretory pseudostratified epithelium, and extrudes the reproductive products towards the gonopores. A tissue attached to the ED is identified as the androgenic gland.
International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture, 2019
This study elucidated the light and electron microscopic observations on mandibular organ in relation to the female reproductive cycle of the edible freshwater crab Travancoriana schirnerae. Results indicated that the gland underwent correlative changes in accordance with the phases of reproduction, with highest activity during the reproductive phase and least during the pre and post-reproductive phases. During the reproductive phase, the gland cells and their nuclei exhibited hypertrophy and the cytoplasm displayed numerous extraordinarily hypertrophied, unusually dense, polymorphic mitochondria with increased number of transverse tubular cristae, prominence of Golgi with swollen cisternae, vesicles and dense granules, swollen tubular cisternae and vesicles of rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, rich free ribosomes and electron dense secretory granules, characteristic of high cellular activity in connection with the synthesis of methyl farnesoate, the secretory product of the mandibular organ. The abundance of hemocytes, in particular, granular hemocytes enclosing electron dense granules of varying sizes, shapes and density in the wide hemolymph channels and sinuses during the reproductive phase suggested their role in the storage and transport of the secretory product of the gland.
Journal of Crustacean Biology, 2012
Sperm and spermatophore production in Callinectes danae Smith, 1869 were examined by histochemistry and correlated with gonadosomatic (GSI) and hepatosomatic (HSI) indices. The GSI from developing (DE) and mature (MAT) males increased while the HSI decreased from DE to MAT, demonstrating that the maturation of the male reproductive system requires resources from the hepatopancreas. No histological or histochemical differences were observed between DE and MAT except for the larger amount of secretions produced in MAT. Spermatogenesis occurs in the seminiferous lobules surrounded by accessory cells. Each lobule is filled with cells at the same developmental stage. Spermatid maturation is characterized by an increase in the metachromatic acrosome. Sperm are released into seminiferous ducts, which moves them to the vas deferens divided into anterior (AVD), median (MVD), and posterior (PVD) regions. Spermatophore formation begins at the anterior part of AVD; sperm masses are separated and compacted in small packets by a basophilic and alcianophilic secretion. Small amounts of eosinophilic secretion, positive for proteins and neutral polysaccharides, are added around the sperm initiating the formation of the spermatophore wall. Mature round spermatophores are found in the posterior part of AVD and present a thick glycoproteinaceous wall, surrounded by acidic polysaccharides. The spermatophores are stored in MVD without size difference from DE to MAT. The MVD is filled with a granular secretion composed of glycoproteins. The secretion in PVD is fluid and homogeneous, facilitating the transference of the spermatophores. In conclusion, the hepatopancreas is related to the maturation of the male reproductive system in C. danae. DE males presented all histological conditions to fertilize females as MAT males, but the decrease in HSI and increase in GSI indices correlated with the vas deferens indicate that reserves are necessary to produce large amounts of seminal fluid in MAT males.
The Biological bulletin, 2014
To understand sperm plug dissolution and spermatophore dehiscence in Portunidae, histological and ultrastructural changes in the seminal receptacle (SR) of Arenaeus cribrarius were investigated during ovarian development. In juvenile females the SR was filled with acid polysaccharides and the dorsal epithelium was stratified. Mated females with rudimentary ovaries showed a large SR filled by a glycoprotein sperm plug. This plug was present until the developing-ovary stage, when spermatophore dehiscence and intense holocrine secretions in the dorsal dense layer occurred. The plug was absent after the intermediate stage, and the SR became flaccid. The secretion produced moved the spermatophores into the ventral region. The modified dorsal epithelium in the transition between the dorsal and ventral regions released acid polysaccharides, which were found among the sperm, by exocytosis. The morphological changes of the SR in A. cribrarius, including the presence of the sperm plug, follow...