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This paper outlines the process of developing success indicators for local community participation in ecotourism ventures by using qualitative approach. Success indicators are also known as performance indicators, traditionally developed through the process of translating the mission, vision and goals all the way through the strategies, process, actions and targets. Mission, vision and goals that are philosophical such as ecotourism need to be translated into success indicators by using qualitative approach, as there are several stakeholders involved in this sector with different views of success for local community participation. The stakeholders that also made up as respondents to provide the holistic view of success where their perceptions of what constitute success were explored and the results were analysed using thematic clustering and triangulated with reviews to the same respondents to ensure the validity and reliability of the result. The paper also reviews the challenges in developing qualitative-based indicators where this research innovates a method of ranking the indicator based on selected variables i.e. stakeholders and site.
This paper outlines the process of developing success indicators for local community participation in ecotourism ventures by using qualitative approach. Success indicators are also known as performance indicators, traditionally developed through the process of translating the mission, vision and goals all the way through the strategies, process, actions and targets. Mission, vision and goals that are philosophical such as ecotourism need to be translated into success indicators by using qualitative approach, as there are several stakeholders involved in this sector with different views of success for local community participation. The stakeholders that also made up as respondents to provide the holistic view of success where their perceptions of what constitute success were explored and the results were analysed using thematic clustering and triangulated with reviews to the same respondents to ensure the validity and reliability of the result. The paper also reviews the challenges in developing qualitative-based indicators where this research innovates a method of ranking the indicator based on selected variables i.e. stakeholders and site.
Using Indicators for Sustainable Tourism Development
The aim of this paper is to introduce the possibility of improvements through the development and use of indicators. The tourism industry in Fanø Island, a small community located in South Juntland, Denmark is analyzed. The current outcome of the Tourism Industry in the island is not satisfactory and the need for changes is clear. The paper presents ideas and suggestions of concepts that the island should work with in order to become a more sustainable destination. The suggestions are based on the experience of two case studies highly related with the present object studied. Following, the research question is answered: How can Fanø Island become a more sustainable destination by using indicators.
Sustainability, 2010
In Mexico, the National Trust for Tourism Promotion (FONATUR) needs to lead development of Integrally Planned Tourist Centers (IPC) towards sustainability. As the development of these IPCs leads to changes in local communities and their environment, it is necessary to define how to establish a path towards sustainability and how to measure progress towards that goal. The objective of this study is to contribute toward identifying the main stakeholder's values, defining sustainability indicators at a local level, and to discuss their adequacy in the context of tourism development. The study was performed in a Mexican community facing its probable inclusion in tourism development and special attention was given to the values of stakeholders in defining which objectives to monitor. Using Value-Focused Thinking as a framework, a series of interviews were analyzed and the opinions were organized in a tree of values, encompassing environmental, economic, social and political/institutional aspects. A set of indicators associated with these objectives was subsequently proposed. This information may serve as a guide to design and monitor plans that are more appealing from a sustainability perspective and as an aid in the identification of future information needs.
Success Indicator’s for Sabah Ecotourism Sites
BIMP-EAGA Journal for Sustainable Tourism Development
Sabah, one of the thirteen Malaysian states, is located in the northern part of Malaysian Borneo. It is a melting pot of many different cultures and traditions, being home to about 2.9 million people with more than 30 ethnic groups. It is also known as one of the twelve mega-diversity sites in the world with its rich living heritage, ethnic makes it ideal for the ecotourism industry. Sabah enjoys a steady flow of eco tourists from domestic and international markets with a gradual increase in the number of visitor arrival each year. Sabah‟s ecotourism is categorized by its natural attraction, wildlife, and wilderness habitats. This paper sets out to interpret and develop the indicators for success ecotourism sites in Sabah and measures its‟ development stage. The long-term viability of tourism can be assured only when the limitations and favorable opportunities of the overall environment for tourism development are understood and ways to measure changes induced by tourism are identif...
Analytical Frameworks, Impact Categories, Indicators and Performance Evaluation
Springer eBooks, 2023
This chapter introduces the background for indicators to be used to monitor and communicate the environmental performance of different systems and activities. They are anchored in the DPSIR-analytical framework which stands for driving force, pressure, state, impact, and response. This framework is fundamental to our understanding the background for many of the tools and standards for analyzing, measuring, communicating, and reporting on environmental performance. DPSIR has been developed as a global model for understanding and analyzing the status of the Earth due to changes in environmental conditions and how to respond to these changes. The model can also be adapted for smaller systems, for example, for city or regional systems (Level 4 in the CapSEM Model), for organizations (Level 3), for products systems (Level 2) and for productions processes (Level 1). 8.1 Sustainability Indicators At the United Nations conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the society decided to debate the topic 'Indicators of Sustainable Development' as stated in Agenda 21 (UNCED 1992), which was later signed by most nations. This was further described in the action programme for activities into the twenty-first century addressing the combined issues of environmental protection and equitable development for all and laid the foundation for current UN Sustainable Development Goals (Bell and Morse 2018). The term indicator comes from the Latin verb indicare, meaning to disclose or point out, to announce or make publicly known, to estimate or put a price on. Indicators are normally used to communicate information and to draw attention to the performance of current policies. Indicators provide information in more quantitative form than words or pictures alone, and they also provide information in a simpler form than complex statistics or other kinds of social, economic, or scientific
Sustainable performance index for tourism policy development
Tourism Management, 2010
Development of sustainable tourism policies could be a useful way of encouraging new forms of business, increasing employment and promoting the conservation of landscapes; in this regard, the application of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Protected Areas represents a referential methodology for local development and a possibility to involve local stakeholders in the definition of sustainability policy. In many cases, integrated sustainability indicators are developed within a participatory process; the present study represents an innovative attempt to evaluate sustainability holistically, by defining specific targets through the definition of indicators suitable to measure and evaluate the temporal evolution of development policies, mainstreaming sustainability to reduce adverse effects on the environment and promoting conservation of local and traditional values. Application of sustainability indicators to measure welfare and development at local scales is strategic to evaluate the short and long term effects of strategies developed through the European Charter participatory process.
Sustainable tourism continuously preserves and provides various facilities in an area that has tourist attractions, be it environmental or cultural, and modernizing social structure in the area to become an economic activity which contributes to national revenue and improving the quality of life of the local communities. The purpose of this study is to identify the indicator factors of sustainability in the field of tourism. Interviews based on a set of questionnaires were conducted on 125 respondents in Ranau, Sabah. The factor analysis produces five indicator factors of economic sustainability (tourist spending on accommodation, job creation and income, tourist attractions, tourists origin, and related and supporting industries), three factor indicators of social sustainability (infrastructure and infrastructure facilities, traditional and cultural conservation, and management and conservation), and two indicator factors of environmental sustainability (environmental education as well as research and enforcement).
Economic and Tourism Indicators as a Means of Monitoring
This paper analyses indicators to study the sustainability of tourism in inland Istria, which comprises 24 municipalities and towns belonging to Istria County. Taking into account the criteria of availability, reliability, predictability, clarity and feasibility, the following quantitative indicators were used: the Indicator of Tourist Operation (ITO), the Modified Importance Index of major tourism centres (Im), the Specific Overnights Threshold (SOT), tourism-related taxes in the budgets of municipalities and towns, company investments into tourism and hospitality, and the number of employees in tourism and hospitality. According to the ITO indicator, Predominant Tourism Activity was recorded only in Oprtalj Municipality. Being a measure of the spatial distribution of a specific economic activity, the Modified Importance Index established that in all municipalities and towns of inland Istria tourism is either poorly developed or in its incipient stage. The SOT indicator suggests that tourism has no negative effects on local economies and that tourism-related taxes make a minor contribution to the revenue side of municipal and town budgets. Company investment in tourism and hospitality and the number of employees in these industries are indicators that reveal that inland Istria is only beginning to develop into a tourism region. The quantitative indicators were confirmed by the results of qualitative indicators obtained through problem-focused interviews with the representatives of municipalities, towns and local tourist boards. The singular conclusion derived from the interviews was that tourism is a desirable activity, is in its initial stage of development, and is not a threat to local economies. The results of the study confirm the hypothesis that inland Istria is a region of sustainable tourism currently in the involvement stage of the destination lifecycle.