Epidemiological Characteristics of Burn Injuries in a Greek Children’s Hospital (original) (raw)
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The Management of Postoperative Pain in Children. New Evidence
Perioperative Nursing (GORNA), 2018
Introduction:The management of the postoperative pain in children is an important part of nursing practice and a major challenge for hospitalized children, their parents, family and health professionals, especially nurses. Children continue to experience significant post-operative pain despite the efforts made by nurses with severe effects on their post-operative health. Purpose: The review of the latest research evidence for optimal management of postoperative pain in children. Method: This bibliographic review used keywords to find articles related to the subject from digital databases (PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, Iatrotek). The search focused to bibliographic reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analysis of the last five years. Results:The review of the literature has shown that new guidelines have been issued for the management of postoperative pain in children and the obstacles to the treatment of postoperative pain and the implementation of the guidelines have been studied. The guidelines focus on the preoperative patient training and planning of perioperative pain management, pain evaluation, use of multifactorial and pharmacological therapies, physical and cognitive behavioral methods, organizational structures, policies and procedures and the management of pain after leaving the patient from the hospital. There are a number of obstacles from the health system, health professionals, doctors, nurses, children and their parents, which do not allow effective postoperative pain management.Conclusions: Nurses are faced with multiple obstacles in order to effectively manage postoperative pain in children. Despite the significant part of their nursing practice for managing post-operative pain in children and the methods they use to achieve it, they seem to have to better organize their specific pain management practice. The guidelines can meet this need.
Pain Rating Scales in Children with Cancer
Perioperative Nursing (GORNA), 2019
Pain in children with cancer is a subjective feeling as well as a frequent symptom that nurses have to deal with. Pain assessment can be done with special tools (scales). The purpose of the present study was to explore assessment of pain in children with cancer using measuring tools. Methodology: This was a review study. It was conducted a bibliographic review of international databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus), in English, using keywords (pain, cancer, pain scales, pain rating, children), from May to June 2019. Results: The assessment and management of pain in children with cancer is achieved by simple or more complex assessment tools depending on the age of the child. The most common pain rating scales are the face pain rating scale, the Oucher scale, the scale using poker chips as a tool, the numerical scale, the visual analogue, the verbal scale, and the tool-color method. Multidimensional pain rating scales can be used in older children and adolescents with or without chronic illness. Conclusions: Nurses should systematically assess the pain of children with cancer, use pain rating scales, and manage the child with pain effectively.
Thesis / Διδακτορική Διατριβή, 2012
Τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες υπάρχει μια έξαρση λοιμώξεων στα παιδιά ασθενείς λόγω ανθεκτικών στην αντιβίωση παθογόνων οργανισμών, ενώ πολλαπλές στρατηγικές έχουν δοκιμαστεί για τον περιορισμό της μετάδοσης τους.ΣκοπόςΗ διερεύνηση της επίδρασης της εφαρμογής νοσηλευτικών παρεμβάσεων ελέγχου λοιμώξεων στην συχνότητα VRE (Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus) αποικισμού σε ασθενείς με νεοπλασία.ΥλικόΣυλλέχτηκαν συστηματικά 1650 καλλιέργειες κοπράνων από 122 ασθενείς και γονείς που νοσηλεύονταν στο τμήμα Αιματολογίας-Ογκολογίας της Α΄ Παιδιατρικής κλινικής του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών από 2008-2010. Έγινε επιτήρηση περιβάλλοντος για VRE (663 καλλιέργειες) και εκτίμηση της συμμόρφωσης των επαγγελματιών υγείας με την υγιεινή των χεριών (2882 περιπτώσεις).ΜέθοδοςΣυγκριτική μελέτη με ομάδα VRE(+) ασθενών και ομάδα παρεμβάσεων (VRE(-) ασθενείς), προ και μετά μετρήσεις. Έγινε συστηματική επιτήρηση των ασθενών & γονέων που νοσηλεύονταν με καλλιέργειες για VRE, απομονώθηκαν οι ασθενείς, έγινε εκπαίδευση ...
Hellenic Archives of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 2013
Introduction: The author of the famous novel “Pope Joan” Emmanuel Roides was a victim of a road traffic accident in Athens towards the end of the 19th century, resulting in a maxillary fracture. Material and method: The critical study “The tragic notebook of Emmanuel Roides”, written by K. G. Kassinis, was studied in detail, to find out how the road traffic accident was happened, the consequences of Emmanuel Roides’s injury, as well as its management. Results: On July 27, 1885 Emmanuel Roides was hit by two carriages in such a way that passing the wheel of one carriage above his head caused a maxillary fracture. Doctors engaged in the surgical management and his overall care were general surgeons as well as a dentist. Conclusions: Emmanuel Roides’s case enriches our knowledge about management of maxillofacial injuries in Athens towards the end of the 19th century, bringing forward the timeless problem of road traffic accidents and road safety, as basic etiological factors of viscerocranium fractures.
Πανελλήνια και Διεθνή Γεωγραφικά Συνέδρια, Συλλογή Πρακτικών, 2010
Πηελ παξνχζα εξγαζία κειεηάηαη ε θαηάζηαζε stress ηεο Θεθαιιεληαθήο ειάηεο (Abies cephalonica), ζηηο 20 κφληκεο δνθηκαζηηθέο επηθάλεηεο ηνπ Δζληθνχ Γξπκνχ Ξάξλεζαο, ηνπ Λ. Αηηηθήο. Ζ γεληθή εηθφλα ηνπ ειαηνδάζνπο δελ είλαη θαιή, είλαη γεγνλφο φκσο φηη ε Θεθαιιεληαθή ειάηε παξά ηελ έληνλε θαθνκεηαρείξηζή ηεο θαηά ην παξειζφλ, θαηφξζσζε λα δηαηεξεζεί επί αηψλεο ζηελ Ξάξλεζα θαη λα αλαγελλάηε θπζηθά. Ιακβάλνληαο ππφςε φηη ην θιηκαηηθφ θαη εδαθηθφ πεξηβάιινλ ηεο Ξάξλεζαο δελ είλαη πνιχ θαηάιιειν γηα ηελ αλάπηπμή ηεο (ρακειφ πςφκεηξν, κεγάιε μεξαζία θαη πςειέο ζεξκνθξαζίεο ην θαινθαίξη, θησρά θαη αβαζή εδάθε), απνηειεί πιένλ είδνο κνλαδηθφ, αλαγθαίν θαη αλαληηθαηάζηαην γηα ηελ πεξηνρή, πνπ πξέπεη λα δηαηεξεζεί. Πθνπφο ηεο κειέηεο είλαη ε πηινηηθή δηεξεχλεζε ηεο θαηάζηαζεο stress ησλ ειάησλ ηνπ δξπκνχ αλά βαζκίδα πξνζβνιήο βάζεη ηεο νδεγίαο ηεο ΔΝΘ (Δ.Ν.Θ / 1984-Γηάγλσζε θαη θαηάζηαζε δεκηψλ ζηα δάζε‖: έληνλν stress: Η, ιηγφηεξν έληνλν stress: ΗΗ, αζζελέο stress: ΗΗΗ) ρξεζηκνπνηψληαο δχν πεξηβαιινληηθνχο δείθηεο, ηνλ θαλνληθνπνηεκέλν δείθηε βιάζηεζεο (NDVI) κέζσ ηεο αληηθεηκελνζηξαθνχο αλάιπζεο ηεο εηθφλαο, ε νπνία απνηειεί πξνρσξεκέλε κέζνδν ηειεπηζθφπεζεο ζε ζπλδπαζκφ κε ηελ in situ παξαηήξεζε θαη ηελ κέηξεζε ηνπ δείθηε θζνξηζκνχ (fluorescence) κέζσ ηνπ θαζκαηηθνχ νξγάλνπ PEA (Plant Efficiency Analyser). Ν ζπλδπαζκφο ηεο ηειεπηζθφπεζεο θαη ηεο in situ παξαηήξεζεο έδσζαλ αξθεηά ηθαλνπνηεηηθά απνηειέζκαηα ψζηε λα επεθηαζεί πέξαλ ηνπ πηινηηθνχ ζηαδίνπ ησλ ειάησλ πνπ παξνπζηάδνπλ stress (έληνλν stress: Η, ιηγφηεξν έληνλν stress: ΗΗ, αζζελέο stress: ΗΗΗ) ζ' φιε ηελ έθηαζε ηνπ ειαηνδάζνπο ή ζε παξφκνην δαζνπεξηβάιινλ, ρξεζηκνπνηψληαο ακθφηεξνπο ηνπο πεξηβαιινληηθνχο δείθηεο, γηα ηελ θαιχηεξε δηαρείξηζε θαη πξνζηαζία ηνπ Δζληθνχ Γξπκνχ Ξάξλεζαο.
Perceived Social Support in Parents of Hospitalized Children During COVID-19
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2021
Introduction: The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on all aspects of human life and has created a need for social support. The role of the social support of the parents of public children hospitalized in the Covid-19 period is important. The aim of this study was to explore the demographic factors related to social support of parents of hospitalized children. Material and method: in the present study where enrolled 110 parents of hospitalized children (30 males and 80 females) in paediatrics clinic, during the period Feb-April 2021. Data collection was conducted by interview method using a questionnaire, which included parent’s demographic characteristics, and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support questionnaire to assess the social support experienced by parents. Results: Of the 110 participants, 50% of parents score above 22, 22 and 20 (median) on support from significant others, family and friends respectively. In addition 25% of parents had scores above 25,25 and 24 respectively. These values in relation to the possible range of scores (4-28) indicate high levels of social support for parents. Statistically significantly higher support levels of support than significant persons were experienced by parents with higher education (p=0.045), parents who had more than one child in addition to the hospitalized child (p=0.007). Statistically significant higher levels of family support were experienced by parents who had more than one child in addition to the hospitalized child (p=0.003). Statistically significant higher levels of support from friends were experienced by parents with Msc-PhD (p=0.045), parents who had more than one child in addition to the hospitalized child (0.028). Conclusion: Social support can mitigate the effects of social isolation and social distance measures, so the implementation of individualized psychoeducation and intervention programs is needed.
Διαχείριση υγείας και ασφάλειας στις επιχειρήσεις εξόρυξης μαρμάρου στην Ελλάδα και διεθνώς
The Greek marble quarrying industry is characterised by its rich history, its long term sustainability and by the reputation of its products in the international market. The quarrying operations of ornamental and building stones, in case of non-implementation of prevention measures and measures for the protection of the safety and health of workers, have a high degree of risk, which proves the inextricable link between the viability of the industry and the wider field of occupational safety and health. The object of the present diploma thesis is the analysis of this connection through the combination of bibliographic and research approach. The first chapter provides a historical overview, firstly of the broader field of occupational safety and health and then of the field of metallurgy and mining technology, and introduces basic concepts of safety and health in the mining sector. In the second chapter, certain aspects of safety and health are analysed in depth, Greek and international data are presented and the correlation of the health and safety sector with the principles of sustainable development is studied. In the third chapter, the marble industry, as well as the exploitation methods and the performance indicators of the Greek industry are elaborately presented. The fourth chapter categorises and describes the main types of hazards encountered in marble quarries. The fifth chapter attempts to present a series of findings from studies carried out in countries outside the European Union regarding the hazards associated with working in marble quarries. The sixth chapter introduces the data collection methodology regarding the performance indicators of the Greek marble quarries, while the seventh chapter presents and analyses the answers obtained from the above method. The epilogue of the thesis is presented in the eighth chapter, through the conclusions and the proposal for future research involving the safety and health management in marble quarries.